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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 8 of 16

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One more thing that is very hard to admit to...

I have felt many times, especially since menopause, that I have not been successful in turning my health issues around even though I have worked so very hard to do so, because there must be a very old, death wish. Often there is a deep sense that I have failed life, which certainly comes from strong messages in my childhood. Although I know I'm a very good, caring person, I often feel as though even though my dad is no longer alive, I have taken over his job of being critical and judgmental of me. As if he is sitting on my shoulder...

I was about to write something about my very special Grandmother but it brought up too much emotion so it needs to wait until I feel stronger.
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 00:58:48 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Wow - that dream is very powerful. Something in that really stirred me. We might explore it a bit more later when you are stronger.

Just bear with it - it does sound like the aggravation. Even with the dilution I can see now how sensitive you are. Diluting also reduces the length of time the aggravations last.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David. And there were two other specific events in my childhood that sort of followed the theme in the dream... to me anyway.

I'm okay now. Pretty lethargic-not agitated or in the depths of despair. The whole morning it was feeling way too familiar in a lousy way. I was one with the couch and could not manage to do anything I needed to. Finally at noon, with my dog giving me those eyes, I got dressed and we hiked up the short but steep trail I've mentioned previously. I was very low energy and had to stop often but getting to the top and relaxing on the big ledge, looking out at the incredible long range views... that's the best medicine. My mood improved dramatically. It's so interesting how opposite that is from the mollusc picture. Well, it was just my dog and I, but expansive and free... feeling who I am under all of the crap and burden of myself. Being up high on rock ledge with mosses and lichen, with long range views to the west has always been my medicine. Along with my pets, that natural, powerful setting is what helped me to barely survive my teenage years and so often since.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Earlier today I felt a bit lighter as far as mood goes though I've noticed I feel worse physically and emotionally since I ate soup that was prepared and purchased at my food co-op. I'm usually extremely sensitive to smells, substances and many foods anyway but I'm wondering how remedies can impact those sensitivities during the uncertainty of the first week on a new remedy.

Since I've been eating such a 'clean', wholesome diet for about two months now, most digestive unrest and systemic masto types of reactions have not been common. I was in pretty high spirits after a brisk walk with my dog and then drove to the co-op to get a few groceries. When I got out of my car I smelled something very strong like auto-body paint. I forgot about that until this moment. I remenber being concerned it would antidote the remedy. While I was shopping I got some of their split pea soup to take home. As I was pouring it into the container the smell of liquid smoke in it was very strong. I'd already poured it so did not want to put it back, which I would have done in the past. Then I forgot all about it until at home. I ate it anyway, telling myself it was fine. Now I am feeling typical masto symptoms and feeling that my mood has spiraled down. It's nothing major but I thought I should mention it because usually, since menopause, this has been my lighter time of day... dark outside and I'm in my cocoon.

Are there any patterns that you have noticed in regards to extra sensitive patients and their reactions during treatment? I'm having trouble picking words I guess... Where in Hering's Law do reactions to substances fit in? Is it the mental process as the source or the physical?
tahbi last decade
As cure is taking place,external triggers may aggravate and then ameliorate (so you are more and then less affected by them).

Hering's Law just says things move from more important locations to less important, the external triggers aren't necessarily part of the directon except in so much as the symptoms themselves and where they occur are important.

Describe more on Cocoon. That caught my interest.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The specific symptoms.... Heavy head, trouble regulating my temperature as too hot then too cold back and forth, sweating when cold, Visual disturbances such as floaters and sensations of looking through fuzzy, sometimes wavy or creased plastic bag. Brain fog - Staring at something and not being able to stop the trance.

One highly distressing symptom that was especially horrible with every hot flash and caused awful pain every all night during the menopause drama years and now during reactions is a deep bone pain/burning that begins suddenly in my center chest along the sternum, just barely higher than my breasts. It always felt so violent as it attacked and the burning and heat spreads out my arms and down my body through my legs. It's so hard to put words to it. I would try to run away from it. It turned me into a young, vulnerable child. There was nothing I could do. It can still be very intense and scary but when it happens, still several times a day but less intense, I try to breath through it and convince myself it does not mean immediate or long tortured death. I think, physiologically, it has to do with mast cells which degranulate with heat. Usually now, since my hormones are way more settled than they were, when it happens it is usually due to a reaction to something I ate or a general masto flare. These days it's rare that it travels all the way down my legs. It is like a red hot knife searing into the central vertical bone in my chest and twisting the scalding knife which makes the pain move like a wave out into my arms and down.

There is something so very awful and primal about it. Probably the same intensity as the atomic bomb nightmares as a child. 'it is about to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it'. 'It's happening and it feels much more than I can endure'.

Well, now I have lost the rest of the symptom list....

Cocoon... I live alone with my pets and I'm quite hard of hearing. As long as the power is not out which can be extremely scary if I can't see or hear, cocoon is comfort. It is dark other than the laptop or a lamp on a book I'm reading. My 200 year old house is way too big for me and haunts me so I live mostly in one little room on a couch that is a bit too short. Cocoon is comfort. Very much like being in a mollusc shell but cozy, soft, cuddly. It's dark so I don't see everything that needs to be done. I don't see the disrepair of my poor home that I can't fix. There is no other human here so I am liberated from working at hearing, and working at being a light, 'normal' human. To take it farther, I'm like this in the mornings now also. Then around noon I force myself to leave the chrysalis become a very lethargic butterfly, pretending that I have more purpose in this life than I seem to have. Darkness comes again and I am back in the cocoon, usually feeling much safer than as a butterfly.
tahbi last decade
Hi David, It's been a week since taking the first cypraea dose. Should I still wait longer? I'm really not feeling anything at all different to confirm any direction of the remedy at all. I may have felt a little more positive right before the aggravation, if that is what it was but the sense of wellbeing was nowhere as good as on the arnica 30c. I suppose that was palliation? What ever it was, I wouldn't mind feeling more of it.... but no - I don't want the dis-ease to be driven even deeper.

After I wrote the last post last night, I was overwhelmed with sadness because my granddaughter lived with me all summer, and the summer before, as well as several other weeks through the years. She was in my cozy cocoon with me. We were so very close since her birth nine years ago and now there is not any communication at all. She was the most important human in my life and knew me so well. We were true buddies and now I feel so empty, even though I've been working so hard to not think about her at all. It's heartbreaking.
tahbi last decade
Yes repeat the dose. We have at least assessed that using split dosing we can use the remedies without too much fear. Next step is to eliminate this remedy as a curative one.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Should I use two sucussions, two drops, three cups with one teaspoon?

Any more questions about cocoon or anything else?
tahbi last decade
Do you still feel strongly that I need a sea remedy?
tahbi last decade
My ideas don't change that rapidly. We need to ascertain if Cypr-e will work before exploring other options. Abandoning a remedy to fast is a tragedy in homoepathy as you may never come back to it with the number of possible presriptions.

Increase the sucussions to 3, but keep everything else the same.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David.

I was just curious. I know this is just the very beginning of the journey... which is feeling a bit overwhelming right now. I still have the cypr-e 1M also. lol

It was your response about the nightmare history and cocoon that got me wondering. I guess I'm a bit agitated tonight. I ate some foods that I have not had for two months and I'm feeling a bit reactive, palpitations, slight headache, flushing and heavy head. I better wait until tomorrow to take the dose.

Thanks for your patience....
tahbi last decade
You have used a great deal of sea remedy language so until otherwise directed to another group I am happy to stay with that idea.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Today, as I was taking my walk with my dog in very unusual sunny, warmer and dryer weather, I was thinking about the extremes of my preferred, most comfortable environments to be in. On one hand it is the small, quiet, indoor, confined, dark, with easy access to light and more air if I need it. On the other, it is up high on rock ledge sprinkled with mosses, lichen and distorted trees which barely hang on to their lives by a few strong roots weathered and driven deep into the ledge; open and with expansive sky and long-range views of rural earth.

Have you ever had a patient who's partial simillimums were two opposite extremes? If that happens, does it matter which one you begin the process with?
[message edited by tahbi on Thu, 10 Nov 2011 04:50:06 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David, It is after 4:30 AM and I have not been able to sleep at all. I don't know whether or not to take the dose. When I asked you before, I thought I was through the aggravation but now I have no idea.

Would it be best to hold off for another few days?
tahbi last decade
Is what is happening unusual?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I think so. It's been getting pretty normal to finally get to sleep at around midnight or so for the last half year or so. This has been no sleep at all. I do have lots of pressure in the gallbladder/liver area again.
tahbi last decade
ok definitely hold off on redosing for the moment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok. thank you.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I slept only one hour since yesterday but I feel a bit better. I have noticed a few things that hopefully are good news for the remedy. They may not be related though. Although my body was totally exhausted with no sleep, my mind seemed a bit calmer and less agitated. My memory seemed quite a bit worse, as it has been often for decades, especially during masto flares. It had been much better on my clean diet the last two months until today. Noticeable quick jabs of pain in my left jaw, head, ear and side of face today. And several times in recent years I have had a very tiny scab on my left earlobe that would bleed heavily. This morning it appeared and was bleeding and very itchy for hours. My cough came back a bit today also, as well as the dreary, cool wet weather. The pressure/discomfort in my liver area continues to be very much there.

I will wait to take the dose until you tell me it's time.

Oh, When I had posted the following I meant to write 1 drop, rather than two. And you said the only change should be three sucussions.

'Should I use two sucussions, two drops, three cups with one teaspoon?'
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 11 Nov 2011 00:41:26 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 11 Nov 2011 00:47:21 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I would still wait, as it is unclear if the positive changes are starting. No point in aggravating you at this stage.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok, I'll wait. I have been meaning to mention that the word 'quicksand' has come up several times in my life as both real fears driven by my very active imagination in childhood and as a major theme and metaphor that I deeply felt and lived for the first five years of menopause.

Thank you....
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I thankfully slept well and very deeply last night. Today was a quiet day with a good, brisk and steep hike. My mood and physical issues all seemed pretty mellow compared to usual. How do I know when to take the second dose? Do I wait until I feel things are falling apart or flaring again with body and/or mind? How will the remedy go work deeper and deeper?

Well, just writing that got the burning/flushing going.

I should add that when I mention calm, that means no real extra drama or pain agitating me more than what it usual day to day. Joint and body aches and pains are pretty much constant with me everyday but if I post about it, it is either a different issue than common or at a higher level of pain. My hands always are like stiff, sore claws so I have not mentioned them much because it's constant and slowly progressing.
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 11 Nov 2011 22:48:37 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Just keep reporting your progress I will decide when to redose.

So you just feel normal today is that right? No better no worse?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well, better because I finally got sleep and no aggravations today.

'Normal' is a tough word because my normal for me is lots of various health issues and aches and pains all over the place. My normal is not normal for most other humans unless they have something like fibromyalgia, CFIDS, and those sorts of issues. I am literally forcing myself to go for a walk or hike every day because I know my bones don't have a chance otherwise. I can't get moving until around noon, and then only with a hot shower. Then, for the first 15 minutes at least I have pains in my feet, knees, hips and always in my hands and right shoulder. Today the Raynaud's in my hands caused them to freeze but I was hiking in a cold, windy snow storm. So today showed nothing better or worse than normal.

Today was calm in body and mind... better than the last few days but not as good as the arnica 30C euphoric palliation. For most of my life I've tried to just float in the middle because I always seem to pay for the extremely rare, brief moments of feeling really great in my body and mind. So I'm happy with today.

Thanks for your help and making the decisions, David.
[message edited by tahbi on Sat, 12 Nov 2011 00:08:30 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Have you given me all your physical symptoms? Not sure I remember the Raynaud's being mentioned before.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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