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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 12 of 16

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks, David. About the commitment.... I was very close to giving up this morning especially. It was awful. But the reality is that there is no chance for an easier life with any other modality. Right now I'm feeling very hopeless, but I'm trying very hard to keep one tiny piece of my more rational self outside of the drama and keep reminding myself that it feels really awful and hopeless, and way too familiar and endless, but just maybe it's the remedy working.

By a list of symptoms, do you mean what I have noticed since I took the remedy and began posting, or my whole history? I'm not strong enough now to even think of my history, even if I could remember. And I am having some cognitive issues also.

Just for the record I feel very scared. But I've been thinking about that dream I had the other day and it was absolutely right on in so many of my wounded ways.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,
I could use a bit of reassurance right about now. My cough and the right-sided chest pain on inhalation is worse again.

Could you please tell me what the various senarios of tissue healing with homeopathy could look like? Is it usually a steady improvement, waves of improvement, or is it common to see two steps forward one step back or more? How does deep tissue repair happen with homeopathy?
tahbi last decade
Not being able to report specific changes to symptoms is a fairly serious hinderance for me since I cannot see you in person.

Perhaps we need to remove that before being able to proceed.

Tell me exactly what happens when you try to list your symptoms and talk about them.

You don't have to tell me anything about your actual symptoms, just what happens when you try to.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,
I just woke up and the right chest pain and need to cough is about the same as last night.

I have been trying to describe what happens when I try to list symptoms or talk about them since the beginning of the thread with Joe. I know it's frustrating for you but it's very frustrating for me too because I'm trying very hard and often feel that some of my posts are not read and specific questions are not answered. I am trying so hard to help you as best as I can to post my symptoms and state often so I don't get caught up in the major confusion and blocks of trying to remember the symptoms. My symptoms do not follow a linear path. I agree that it would be much easier if they did. A minute, or five, or three hours later the symptom I had earlier reported on can be better, worse or gone... and then change completely again.

If you want, I can paste each already posted description of What Happens when I try to list, rate or describe symptoms. It was in one of those that the 'bits and pieces' phrase came up.

I know you are frustrated with me as every former health practitioner of mine has been, and probably most human beings are. I had mentioned early on that what happens when I try to answer or list or describe my symptoms and history must be a highly important rubric for my case in itself. I'm working very hard to give you what you need. I had just asked if you want the list of all symptoms of my history rated, or just the ones that I reported as acting up since the first dose of cypraea. I know that you need clarity. Well I need clarity also. I'm not giving long rambling posts to get attention and give drama. I'm trying to work with my limitations and those of this forum. I'm totally committed and in it for the long haul but I feel very sad and frustrated right now. The reason I had an easier time describing single words or phrases when you needed me to do so was because you were very specific.

In a previous post I had mentioned the phrase I had used a lot in the last six years... 'overwhelming ambiguity'. That sort of fits right in here.
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:26:05 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I am not frustrated with you, just with the medium. I am sure in person this would be easier. But this is the hand we have been dealt.

Do what you can. I am still wading through all the new information since I made the Cypr-e prescription anyway.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David.

Today I felt a shift, as if I was not under the influence of the remedy anymore. That said, the sharp pain in my right chest is still there and I don't know what it is from. As I had mentioned, I've had lots of tough history in that area. One piece of that was surgery to remove a cyst in the SC joint. The pain is not right there though., but a bit lower and over a bit to my right. It is painful on inhale, awful on coughing and uncomfortable but not as bad on deep exhale. All I can think of is that it may have happened in the fall on the mountain last week, though that does not really make sense because that particular pain did not appear until days after the fall. Earlier today I was in an awful depressed mood which is especially typical around holidays so I made myself go for a long walk with my dog. It was really hard to get enough air because of the pain in that one spot and coughing. I'm assuming that homeopathy is not able to cause a fracture.

The liver area pressure fluctuates constantly. Sometimes it feels as though it will push against those bottom right ribs so hard the will pop off. Other times it is just a weight that is there, that shouldn't be.

It may be just coincidence but It seems that the dupuytren's contracture may be a bit better in the right hand that I hurt in the fall but miraculously improved in hours.
The big, hard, scar tissue looks the same but I think I can straighten that hand out more than in a year. The left hand shows no change at all and is very impaired. It has been affected for a few years longer than the right hand.

I would like to know the answers to preveously asked questions but do understand that you are very busy.


Oh.... the all over fever-like aches and pains settled down yesterday other than the spot in my right chest. I feel no affect at all from the remedy now.
tahbi last decade
No you are right, homoeopathy cannot cause a fracture. It cannot cause any real disease at all when used in single doses like this.

There are lots of sensations now, or you are communicating them more freely to me. I will need to integrate them all into the bigger picture.

In terms of relating symptoms, everything will reflect the same problem. The state should be seen in all of them, with the ones causing the most suffering being the most vital (therefore where the energy is concentrated).

This means that it does not matter which symptoms you give, as long as I get enough to see the general themes that run through your case. Unless Cypr-e is curing you, even the reaction to it may point to the better remedy, since your vital force is just reacting to it like any other stress.

I can continue to prompt you with words and phrases if that is easier. Let me establish those themes from the new information and we will see.

If the remedy has lifted, I am hoping we can now see improvement. So while I work, just continuing observing yourself to see if anything has changed.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

You have mentioned in other posts that 1M works deeper on the mind and if the remedy is not the simillimum, it will not have any effect at that potency. Does it sometimes happen than there is little obvious mind healing until the higher potencies, even if it truly is the right remedy? My intuition, although it certainly could be wrong, keeps feeling that Cypraea is the remedy for me. Everything that bombarded me during the aggravation was an old symptom. They did not follow Hering's law yet it was really amazing what happened. I don't understand the pain in my right chest with inhalation, but as mentioned I have 20 years of history in that quarter of my body. The miraculous hand cure from my injury from the fall was amazing, as is the fact that I am able to put my right hand in a flat position now. The middle and ring finger are barely forward as usual.

What would the danger be of going to a very diluted 1M if things are at a stand-still now or in a week? Since it seems clear that my
pathology is emotionally based,
wouldn't 1M go to the source if Cypraea is the correct simillimum?
tahbi last decade
Depression, hopelessness..... - much worse

Liver/gallbladder pressure and discomfort - worse

Cough and right chest pain on inhalation - bad

Right shoulder discomfort - worse

I would be very happy with palliation right about now.
tahbi last decade

Depression very awful all day.

Liver area pressure worse than it's been in a few weeks.

Sharp pain in right chest a little bit better on inhaling and exhaling but like a sharp knife when I need to cough. I've been trying very hard not to cough but there has been wheezing and need to cough. I try to hold the painful spot on my chest hard for a cough but it's still extremely painful.

Very tough day. I don't belong in this world. I hate holidays and
always have. I will avoid all contact with anyone who knows me as I try to do every holiday. Awful day with cold and snow that I can't shovel so being stuck here without being able to walk or hike makes everything even more unbareable.

I would appreciate change in dose if possible. This is hell.
[message edited by tahbi on Thu, 24 Nov 2011 01:17:18 GMT]
tahbi last decade
This should not be happening on the right remedy.

While physical pathology might aggravate for longer periods, emotional issues should not.

I do not think that Cypr-e is your remedy. This is not right at all.

I am going to represcribe. Hold on.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This emotional stuff is very typical during this time of year throughout my life. The reality of my daughter and granddaughter makes it all worse. This emotional stuff is more my deepest dis-ease than the physical issues. I have taken many different remedies over the last several years and never before have I aggravated with only old stuff. Usually I prove remedies. My right hand is better which is miraculous. My reactions are rarely normal to any substance, David. Are you sure it is not just the dose or potency that's way off?
tahbi last decade
There has never been any remedy or other healing modality to take the edge off of Thanksgiving, Christmas and my birthday right after Christmas. It goes back to early childhood.... always hell. All other holidays and get togethers are always bad and very uncomfortable but nowhere as severe.
tahbi last decade
The pattern of what is happening is wrong. Improvement should be starting now, not worsening. I don't think it is affecting the course of your illness.

It is important not to become attached to a remedy. They are just tools, and most of them are useless to you. The right one must be found and that can only be done when the mind is kept open. No matter how much a remedy might have seemed suitable, it has to be let go of if required.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok. I just mentioned those things in response to your various posts on the forum. Before I first took the cypr-e I had mentioned what a volitol time this time of year is.

The remedies that have worked the best for me in the past at 30c are aconite, lycopodium, aurum, and I think arsenicum..... and arnica until the higher potency. There were others but my memory is poor. The worst ones were anacardium, thiosinaminum, and gels, which I most certainly proved.

For any remedy to lighten me during this time of year...., it would take way more than a miracle.
tahbi last decade
I did have a cup of coffee today because I was desperate for something to give me a moment of focus and energy to do the week 's worth of dishes in my sink.

It did not shift the basic symptoms at all though. It's just a very dark time and I feel like whatever I try to heal with, even if I really believe in it, it works for others but not for me. I'm feeling very hopeless again. There must be something inside me that refuses to heal and be more a part of the human world.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

If you are positive the cypraea is the wrong remedy how can I antidote it? I feel worse and more hopeless than I have since before I found this forum. This has brought up another huge major layer of my dis-ease... that whatever I truly commit myself to fails, no matter how deeply I believed and felt it was right. I guess I am not fixable.

I need to know what to do. If you feel this case is too complex and hopeless for whatever reason I need to know that. I doubt if I am strong enough to open myself up and believe so completely over and over again, only to be faced with more harsh validation of myself and failure. Doesn't that just add to the dis-ease? Maybe superficial, momentary palliation is the most I can hope for.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I need some guidance. I'm getting very scared and this is feeling very out of control. If I had any reassurance at all that this is all due to real healing with the right remedy, then I could maybe get through it. But you wrote the opposite and my state has plummetted way down to the darkest place I've been in years. I feel as if I were stupid kid playing around with drugs thinking they
won't hurt me and then I'm in the middle of it and I can't go back. This has affected me on every level and I'm scared. Need to know how to stop it.

My mental state is not only filled with absolute hopelessness now, the worry is building to real agitation. It feels like a scary movie and I don't trust myself. It has escalated beyond uncomfortable. I can't even imagine getting through today. The painful spot in my right chest, below where I had had surgery 20 years ago feels bigger
than the same area on the left side. The left inguinal hernia has popped out. That strange intensly itchy spot on my left lower thigh by my inner knee has started up again. I'm breathing very shallowly so I hopefully will not cough causing the very sharp dagger pain in my right chest. Emotionally it is hell. I feel like I'm in a very bad nightmare.
tahbi last decade
It isn't the Cypr-e specifically. If it was the remedy that needed to be antidoted, you would have new symptoms, your whole state would be different. Your vital energy has reacted to the remedy like any other external influence - with the same symptoms. A remedy only lasts a few days - what happens after that is all related directly to your own vital energy and its way of dealing with problems and threats.

The only way to deal with this is to prescribe on the current state, taking into account everything that is happening right now. It is important to focus on the worst things, in order to try and bring some balance so that the case can be examined with more patience and care later.

It is only one remedy that I have tried - there is no way to judge how complex your case is on that. Many of my patients require 3-6 prescriptions before the correct medicine is found. It is a process of understanding for me, of unfolding the whole case. It rarely can be done in one sitting.

The other thing to understand is that one remedy may easily bring up the next state to be healed, and this can happen several times. Each state must be prescribed on sucessfully to allow deep healing to occur. This is what I am assuming is happening now.

Describe being in a nightmare, in a scary movie.

Describe hell.

I will react and manage what happens from now on with all the skill I have.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, David. I feel totally worn out, as if all of the worst of my life's most awful emotional experiences all happened again today. I don't know if the old scary tv show 'The Twilight Zone' has ever been aired on Australian TV, but that was the feeling that began yesterday and peaked today. Everything came up that was validating all of my fears:

-My body and heart/mind can't be healed, no matter how committed I am.

-I am emotionally flawed and not good enough so I am unloveable by all humans.....

-Holidays are life-threatening to me still at almost 59 years of age.

-I can't even pretend to be happy and loved anymore. I must avoid all people, even those who are closest to me. My dog and cats love me no matter how tortured I feel.

-I don't know how I will survive the winter without the long walks with my dog to keep my sanity. I hate the snow now and having to wear heavy clothes.

-I am worthless in this life and worn out trying to pretend otherwise.

I can't remember much detail about today, other than what I wrote In earlier posts. It was truly awful both physically and mentally. It has eased a bit since the sun went down. Since then my right hand dupuytren's contracture is worse again. The improvement has reversed and the middle and ring fingers can not flatten all the way. My left hand had no improvement.

The inguinal hernia in my left groin popped out again.

Very sharp pain in right chest on inhaling, exhaling and especially coughing. Eased slightly since sundown and laying down quietly. I have been trying hard not to cough even though I need to because the pain is unbareable. I felt I needed to sob today but stopped due to trying desperately not to cough or breathe deeply. Sometimes today I thought I felt a slight popping sensation in the area of sharp pain. Right shoulder is not in comfortable position.

-pressure in liver/gallbladder area as if there is something I must take out NOW! It pushes out bottom right ribs. Feels heavy. Sometimes pain as well as pressure and sometimes spreading across as well as through to my back.

-no appetite or thirst at all today.

Describe being in a nightmare, in a scary movie. Describe hell.

-body and especially mind out of control. Thoughts attacking. Only one in whole city alone during holiday because I can't fake being happy and in holiday spirit. Endless thoughts and feelings validating my worst fears. Unloveable, unhealable, not good enough, can't fake or play games to be accepted.

[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 04:46:36 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 05:12:58 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 05:23:50 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Today I happened to read about the vernix remedy being used to help patient feel safer with clear boundaries so they can emotionally handle the next step in homeopathic treatment. My thoughts are that for me I need something, not so much to feel safer from other people now, but to feel safer from being terribly haunted by my past experiences, fears, traumas and reactions. I am incredibly fragile now. It's hard to believe how strong and optimistic I was two weeks ago. I feel totally alone and yet I must stay separate.
tahbi last decade
For what it's worth, your post about psor is all too familiar. That sounds very much where I am too often and have been much of my life, as I certainly was yesterday. Thank you for posting that! Most of the rubrics are absolutely right on and very chronic. It develops into a very awful 'place' where I am unable to ever be truly light and happy with people or myself because the next step or the step after that will kill more of me or all, through disease or dis-ease, humiliation, deep fear, almost never being able to make decisions, buyers remorse all the time, can't be around happy people, my physical issues are always Damned if I Do and Damned if I Don't. It is a constant looming state. Even if I am momentarily lighter and 'climbing a mountain', I am always aware that any second I will be killed, or want to be killed. There is never a right answer, a right solution, a clear path.... so all I can do is retreat into my timeless, dark, silent cave, alone with my pets who just live their lives and appreciate the most simple things about me without judgements. What you have described, David, is what my experience of 'overwhelming ambiguity' (my theme) is. There is no way to Not die, or to Not make my situation worse. Even the scientific pathology of my various physical ailments and diseases show this. If I do 'this' to make 'that' better, it will be a life-threatening choice for something else. That is mastocytosis, osteoporosis, my hypothyroid, my diet, my supplements, my connecting with others, my work or lack of, my exercise,..... absolutely everything in my life is the psor state you described. Even the Epipen for the severe mastocytosis vascular collapse that I refuse to use ever again is exactly that state, as are all of my meds, modern medicine, alternative healing modalities, and yes... even homeopathy feels like that for me. And it's been proven over and over from birth to right now. No wonder my adrenals shut down showing symptoms of Addison's disease for many years!

.'' We reached a particular point about half way up where it became almost impossible to climb further.
When we looked back, there was no way, not even traces of our footsteps to go down. That was a near death experience. I was almost hanging, holding on to the branch of a tree, with the support of only one foot. At that particular time in my life, I felt totally hopeless. I had a strong fear that this was the last moment of my life and if that was so, why prolong it! So on one side there was total despair, a feeling that it was better to leave the branch and let go of life - a totally pessimistic approach - and on the other hand, there was a great irresolution, anticipation and foreboding. Although I had a friend with me, I felt totally abandoned. It started raining and my restlessness increased. Finally, I found a way out by trying very hard and moving inch by inch. I think I was in a Psor state at that time. The rubrics are:
Fear of disaster
Fear of misfortune
Ailments from Anticipation
Anxiety, foreboding
Forsaken feeling
Estranged feeling
Restlessness agg. during storm
Anxiety riding downhill.
The idea of Psor is that he has reached a very risky point in life, in health, in business, etc. There is nervous foreboding, despair and the fear of disaster.
The rubric 'Despair of recovery during convalescence' means that there is danger right up to the last step. He has suffered from such a dangerous illness that he cannot afford to have even the slightest hope. So he has despair until he recovers totally.''

[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 14:18:32 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 14:30:50 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I don't believe your miams is Psoric - hope is the key word for this miasm. Their complaints can be overcome with effort. Your expressions are much deeper and desperate - a much more serious end of the miasmatic scale - C-ancer, Leprosy, Tubercular, Syphilitic.

So Hell, and a Scary Movie, just means unloveable, not good enough? Those are strong words for such a common human feeling. I have had those feelings, many of my patients have - I don't understand the reference to Hell or to a Nightmare.

I think that the Syphilitic miasm seems very prominent here. The Hopelessness and Despair in that miasm is in direct contrast to the Hope and ability to overcome their problems in the Psoric miasm. I imagine this is why Aurum has been helpful in the past.

I cannot see the metal issues, or the responsibility issues. What I do see is terrible pathology all throughout your mind and body, destroying you, threatening your life, robbing you of a future, taking away your will to live, your joy. This is syphilisis. Because it seems to be everywhere, in every corner of your life and soul, I believe you need to take the remedy Syphilinium (the nosode of this miasm).

'There is an impression of a deep, dark emotional depression which the patient tries to keep tucked away out of sight. There is a feeling that the patient is distant, a deep distant private life, they live in their own world, perhaps an odd character. Can be self destructive; strike themselves, self mutilation; destroy their possessions and themselves. Like Aurum, they can feel they have not lived up to what they should have achieved. I am not good enough, a very low opinion of themselves, there is no point to life, it is useless - self destruct. Unlike Syphilinum, Aurum will shoulder tremendous responsibility and may feel he has let others down. Alongside the Aurum depression you will see a strong feeling of being forsaken or that they have lost the affections of their friends and their family. '

'Sometimes it is very hard to get the real story from Syphilinum. You get some ideas that they feel degraded, there is low self esteem, nothing they do is right, they are never good enough, hopeless. You must sometimes then probe the patient's personal life in respect to their habits, their daily routine'

'The far away feeling and the feeling of separateness from society may cause the person to become both asocial and anti-social. We must differentiate between anti-social which means against society and asocial which means aversion to company. Both are strong in Syphilinum. Syphilinum can very much become a loner, they can hide themselves away in their private little world'

'If the mind becomes weaker or for whatever reasons the pathology is on/or goes to deeper levels we see the advanced state of this far away feeling in which she feels far away from herself, she begins to separate from herself. we see a hopeless state arises, a horrible depression which is tormenting for the patient.'

'You can imagine how terrible this state is where they feel that there is no chance, no hope. Here we see one of the strongest symptoms of Syphilinum: that of despair, hopelessness. There is no way out, there is no help. Cannot be soothed and does not want to be soothed, consolation aggravates, sympathy aggravates. Great despair of recovery.'

'tremendous, severe depression, a hopeless state, one of the worst in the materia medica. I would describe it as agonising for the patient. It is described by Phatak as a horrid depression. He has captured it very well. There is loquacity with incessant weeping, self reproach which is relentless and may attain a feverish pitch. There is no chance for the patient to feel even a hint of solace - even self consolation has no effect. This can be compounded with intense nervousness and absolute sleeplessness which intensifies the state. You can imagine the agony.'

'The following symptoms: dwelling on past disagreeable occurrences, melancholy about the past, great despondency about his condition, and his disease, sadness when thinking of business, suddenly quits his business for no apparent reason, could all be linked to a type of self-destruction. Indifference to her family, to her friends; to the future, to everything; the patient cares for nothing, desires nothing. A marked state of indifference can be present, especially if we see a lack of reaction in the organism.
Indifference and lack of reaction are often one and the same, an expression of a general state. There is no vitality, no resistance - this can be a type of hopelessness, but is quite different, almost opposite to the agonizing state described earlier. Lack of reaction is a very marked state in Syphilinum.'

'Syphilinum is worse in the morning on waking, worse in winter when the nights are long, better in the mountains which is a marked symptom in this remedy'

'Both can feel despair, worthless, reproach themselves and be self-destructive. The despair of Aurum is largely to do with the loss of love of life. He feels forsaken, has let everyone down and lost the affections of friends and family. Aurum is usually far more religious and the despair is regarding salvation. Unlike Syphilinum in which it is regarding recovery. Aurum is cheerful when thinking of death he looks at death with delight. Typically Aurum is more industrious, he has high ideals and will be seen in leadership positions. Strong sense of justice, of right and wrong. Concerned with order and correct functioning of society, things must be done justly and appropriately. Aurum can also be secretive but usually because they feel it improper and unworthy to burden their depression on someone else. They feel they have neglected their duty, their responsibility and others should not have to be concerned over it. Also they feel 'it is not correct, imperfect to feel like this - it does not live up to my ideals'. They feel that to show their sadness would be demoralising for others. Finally as we read in Kent, he is found to have committed suicide without having told anyone about his depression. Sometimes Aurum can develop a nihilistic state like Syphilinum. It goes something like this, they have in their state the wish to seek purity, perfection, all things should be ordered, fair and just - society is unjust, their ideals do not match the workings of society. Then they can turn against society, it needs to change; there is no point in living and loving this world. I am alone. They are forsaken, there is no hope. Smash, destroy, it is hopeless anyway, end it. Good confirmations for Aurum are music ameliorates and fear of heights. Like Syphilinum they are > slow motion and < winter.'

Syphilinium is destruction. Hope, joy, life - it is all destroyed.

Can you get Syph 30c and 200c?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

That is absolutely not what I felt for hell and scary movie. I just tried to re-write it but I'm totally blocked, I think because I don't want to go back to that state.

I read about Syphillinum and there is very much that does not fit me at all. Aurum as well. Yes, I crash deep and hard with hopelessness and despair. But I am always told by people that it's amazing how I am able to come back to life, maybe in a more wounded way and weaker, but I do have a determination. I am better in the evening, I have a rosey complexion and only pale when very ill. During masto flares I am bright red. I have an absolute aversion to alcohol. I always had a great sense of humor until menopause and hearing loss, as my 'best, funniest material' was often based on things I heard. I don't have temper tantrums and don't throw things. There is so much that does not fit. I know you based your reply on the very limited real life info I've shared. I've used Aurum as an acute in the past, in the split dose. After 30c there was no effect.

I was finally feeling more hopeful today but after reading your post that has faded. I don't know how it's possible for me to communicate well enough with any homeopath at this point. There is something very important in the psorinum post. I even had unexplained rashes in childhood. But it was the description of the mental state that was the closest to mine that I've read in years. 'Quicksand' fits in with it also. I've always been a troubleshooter. I don't just give up.

Is there a remedy other than psorinum that has what I described in that post? Is there a rubric about aversion to holidays and overly happy people?

I had a better day, not great but more myself. The pain in my right chest on coughing and deep inhalation came down to maybe a still very painful 8 out of 10, as the worst.

I know you can't possibly help me without me writing a very clear, accurate picture of myself but when I think I've done that, your reply confuses me. Often I feel you have not understood or even read what I have written.

I am still very thankful for your help and patience but somehow I need to be able to write in a way that you understand. That is a huge hurdle for me. I'm also very scared about aggravations again now. What I experienced the last few days felt a lot like the Anacardium reaction in the past.

In all of the thousands of remedies, are you positive there is not another one that has the mental picture of psorinum? I'm very tired now and don't feel well in my chest and cough with sharp pain. Earlier today I was able to really think through it deeply but I did not write it down then and like usual it is now blocked.

One more thing about not sleeping. This is just since menopause hit. I stay awake late because it is the lightest, most peaceful time of the day. I never experienced this before menopause. It also blocks out everything other than what is right here with me within 12 feet. My home haunts me and at night in the dark I don't feel as great a burden as when there is daylight. So during the day I must leave this house.
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 25 Nov 2011 23:59:15 GMT]
tahbi last decade
There are tens of thousands of symptoms in each remedy. You will never fit around the whole of any remedy. It only needs to fit around you.

I have given you my advice. It is not psorinum in my opinion. Syphilinum suits the state you are in I believe.

Everything I put in my last post matched what you have been going through. Miasm must be addressed. That is what is creating the depth of problem here. It is not Psoric, not by a long shot.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 00:09:37 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
By the way, I do have Carcinosin. I can't remember what potency but the 'Aurum' homeopath and I agreed it seemed a strong possibility in many ways. I began reacting and flaring so badly to the many remedies she kept switching me to that I stopped working with her. I've not read about it in a few years.

I'm very scared of adding more angst and pathology to my existence. What dilution do you recommend if I get 30c Syphilinum? Do you think that was my state for the last rough week or do you think that is my constitution?

Is mercury related to Syphilinum? That was the first remedy I was given and I know it was dosed wrong but was very profound in making my right leg work 20 years ago. I kept antidoting it.
tahbi last decade

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