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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 10 of 16

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So you still feel that I should take the second dose of cypra-e? I was about to take it.

Last night I was coughing again. I also had more of the awful deep burning pains, I think from eating something I may have been sensitive to.

This morning I had the second cup of coffee in two months and it certainly cheered me up and gave me energy. What a strong suppressive drug coffee is....it's wonderful! lol

I went for a good long hike and was reminded that I have not mentioned that my fingers usually swell when I take walks.

I can hold off on the dose again if you'd like me to....
tahbi last decade
No take it. I thought you already had.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
will do....
tahbi last decade
Okay, I took the dose.
Almost immediately I felt a bit strange and then it felt like something was stuck in my windpipe or very back of my throat. I started coughing and I just was able to release a bit of phlegm that seemed to come from the dose. It still feels stuck and I'm coughing.

You had mentioned both mollusc and mineral... isn't calc carb both of those?
tahbi last decade
Calc carb is the mineral component of an animal - it shares qualities of both, although the oyster themes are very strong in it.

Calc focuses on the issues of protection and hiding that are prominent in the shell itself.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:40:58 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well, the good news is that once my cough and 'stuck in the upper windpipe' feeling settled down, everything became very quiet with a deep sense of calm. I actually just snapped out of it. I realized I was spacing out staring for a while.

The remedy metaphors are so interesting. I decided to hold off on reading Sankaran's book for now though. I don't want to second guess the remedy. I'll leave that to you and hopefully float to wellness on a magic carpet without too much chaos... I've never trusted like this. It's very liberating. Remind me of this post in a few days if/when I begin aggravating....
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I can't imagine that the remedy would be aggravating so fast but I'm really uncomfortable. It's all old stuff.

-lots of itching everywhere that is like mosquito bites attacking me all over. even a hot shower did not help as it usually does. Even my eyes are very itchy which is very rare. No obvious rash anywhere though. It feels like vibration all through my body as well.

-vague aches all over. slight nausea. brain fog. heat all over. Heavy head.
heart racing. pressure in ears and neck. nothing one sided other than the liver pressure, but that is spread farther to the left than usual. I feel very agitated.

-pressure in my windpipe and chest and a reflux feeling without actual belching. and slight sore throat.

Could this possibly be a good sign?

[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:25:42 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:27:48 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:38:52 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:40:56 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hmmm...should I remind you of that post now?

Yes it could be an aggravation - with someone so sensitive the placebo effect however can be a negative one, so only improvement will make what this is clear.

It is not unusual for the second dose though to be the one that creates the required reaction. This is why I rarely abandon a remedy based on the first dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ha... I didn't think I'd feel anything this quickly!

I took my regular meds a few hours after the dose but you have posted several times that it should not cause trouble. For someone as sensitive as me, do you think that could have challenged the remedy in a way?

The intense itching has settled a bit but not totally gone. None of the symptoms were new. It was awful because they all came at once very intensely like I was being attacked by a swarm. As I write that I'm reminded that I do feel this way every spring when the black flies are out. It makes me feel sick for weeks. These millions of pricks felt more like mosquitos though. And I can't forget the bee stings that have killed me twice and put me in serious shock several times.

I'm still very hot and flushed, itchy, sweating, and now my right side is more affected like usual.

My confusion was that immediately after taking the dose I felt everything get very quiet and calm and then I guess it was about an hour or two when the itchiness and other stuff started up. When you wrote placebo effect, were you referring to that initial quiet right after the dose? I don't understand.

One symptom that I used to feel constantly for years in the 1990s was a feeling of liquid trickling in my ears. I'm feeling that in my right ear right now. It used to be more common in my left ear. Isn't the aggravation usually symptoms that were more recent rather than decades ago?

I just saw the time and realized there were several more hours between the calm and sudden intense aggravation than I realized, as well as between the dose and my meds.
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 06:48:36 GMT]
tahbi last decade
No the initial quiet is the temporary palliation you feel as the remedy replaces your normal disease symptoms with a copy of its own. Once that has happened, the artificial version of your disease will flare into life, of course if selected well it feels like your own disease, although there are usually subtle differences.

An old symptom returning? Well, that is promising, very promising. That is usually a very good sign. However it is too early to theorize.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
As mentioned several times since I first began posting, there are many, many different symptoms I have had from my dis-ease. This very sudden aggravation was certainly all very common old symptoms. The prickly itches/stings all over the place has been too common even before I was diagnosed with the mast cell disease in the early 90s. Even in the 80s I would be in agony every night with prickling and itching and have to take a hot shower.

The aggravation I had with the Arnica was more like a full mast cell degranulation that is also common, but more neurologically based I think.

Things are definitely buzzing and worked up in my body right now.

I guess I should mention that it's my spleen area on the left as well as the gallbladder/liver area on the right. It's as if I take both of my hands in the clawed position and dig in with the fingers under my ribs, the right harder than the left. And there is a band all across. And I feel it in my back on the right side as well, at the same level. Yes, it's too common but usually just on the right side.

[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 07:18:58 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 07:26:13 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David, It's 3:45 in the morning and I've had no sleep at all. The symptoms did lessen a bit but they were replaced with an intense craving for blueberry pancakes with butter and local maple syrup! I tried so hard not to go to the kitchen but I could not fight off the craving. I made a stack and ate them. This is after being gluten-free and not allowing myself this sweet, refined carbo stuff for over two months now!
This is definitely a life-long symptom! Sweets, carbos, butter and binging! And I had not even thought of pancakes for months...
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 08:55:17 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I finally got a few hours of unusually deep sleep, probable thanks to the wheat in the pancakes. Wheat has always knocked me out and I have a long history of self medicating with it. So I'm back on my gluten-free, clean and healthy diet. I honestly can't believe I did that!

I woke with a cough and a bit of itching that's far less intense than last night (actually early this morning). My right rib pressure is less than during the aggravation and is limited to the right side in front.

I'm assuming the reaction I had is good news since they were all symptoms from my history. My emotional state was fine through the aggravation and on waking up from sleep, which is unusual.

Thank you.... Tahbi
tahbi last decade
Hi David, Even though last night was challenging physically during what must have been an aggravation, and I got little sleep, I did pretty well today. Right now it is about 7pm here and I'm wiped out with lots of pressure under my lower right ribs again ans well as being a little itchy, but during the day I seemed to have a bit more energy than usual. I was aware of something blocking real happiness but that's an old symptom. I did notice that during my very brisk three mile walk I was not breathless at all and did not need to stop like usual.... very good sign I think. What I was not happy about was craving food like last night. I had been so good about staying away from sweets and wheat and dairy for a few months now and I have lost the ten pounds I needed to. So it's frustrating to have to fight the cravings again. I hav
tahbi last decade
Hi David, Even though last night was challenging physically during what must have been an aggravation, and I got little sleep, I did pretty well today. Right now it is about 7pm here and I'm wiped out with lots of pressure under my lower right ribs again ans well as being a little itchy, but during the day I seemed to have a bit more energy than usual. I was aware of something blocking real happiness but that's an old symptom. I did notice that during my very brisk three mile walk I was not breathless at all and did not need to stop like usual.... very good sign I think. What I was not happy about was craving food like last night. I had been so good about staying away from sweets and wheat and dairy for a few months now and I have lost the ten pounds I needed to. So it's frustrating to have to fight the cravings again. I have been very hungry all day even though I have eaten what has worked for me the last few months.
The dose of cypra-e is definitely responsible for the appetite shift.

There seems to be a new pattern with more/worse physical symptoms, and feeling hot with sweating once dusk comes.

I know that all of my symptoms since yesterday's dose are usual for me. Is there any significance in the fact that even though it is very old, chronic pathology, I aggravated very soon after the dose.
tahbi last decade
Ok so here we have the difference between you feeling your normal disease, and the remedy creating an aggravation. A definite difference.

Quick aggravation is a sign of a healthy vital force usually. This is the primary action of the medicine (the medicinal effect) where it creates the artifical disease necessary to stimulate your vital energy into reacting, pushing back with opposite force. Children tend to react quickly, while the old and weak tend to react slowly. Having said that, it did require 2 doses to get this reaction so that might imply some sluggishness of the VF or it might suggest the potency is too low.

It is too early to judge exactly what this all means. I am hopeful since you appear to be experiencing some positive changes too.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I slept well and the moment of waking up was not filled with grief, hopelessness and despair like usual. Than as I got up and going I became depressed and more tired out. My eyes and eyelids became itchy again, like there was something in my eyes, and at the same time my calves on both legs became quite itchy. The cough started up again with heaviness and slight burning in windpipe and chest, but it seems to be a looser cough than usual, which is good. I'm feeling a bit anxious and worn out. My right shoulder is uncomfortable like usual but not painful. Liver pressure like usual. Pressure in ears(with itchy ear canals) and head, more on right side. And that old, chronic right sided stocking glove sensation with my right leg from the knee down feels like it is wrapped in tape.

So no symptoms that I've not experienced many times before. The itchy eyes like there is something like hairs in them is not common but I have definitely experienced it before, fearing greatly that I had developed an allergy to my cats.... which I will not allow! lol

I feel too hot much of the time, even if I get very chilled and put more clothes on, I immediately get overheated, sweaty and flushed, needing to rip them off. Again... nothing new.

[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 16:31:12 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David, I must be deep in the aggravation phase and hope it does not get much worse. It's really affected me emotionally as well as feeling nauseas, very heavy and pressure in my head, tinnitus has escalated and much more. It is still the old stuff but I had not realized how hard I had been working at suppressing it just to survive. This does not feel good at all. Although it was a down day, usually since menopause hit I'm better once dusk comes. It seems that since the dose Monday night I have gotten much worse once the sun goes down.

I know I need to go through this but I'm surprised at such a complete and intense change. I certainly hope it does not take me to the depths of Anacardium reaction. If I could just hold onto logic and remind myself of the hopefulness I felt before the dose... unfortunately my mind is messed up. It's back to the bits and pieces I guess...
tahbi last decade
It appears we didn't adjust the dosage - that really should have been done, although with the small reaction last time it is hard to predict that your second dose would be so much more powerful.

We are at 2 days, this will be around the peak of your reaction since it started so quickly. We need to dilute further in the future.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I did three sucussions, one drop, three cups, one teaspoon. It's absolutely unbelievable that one tiny drop of a substance with no molecules left of that original substance can be so powerful. I kept telling myself I was just imagining the huge shift but tonight I am definitely back in the quicksand!

Could I have stirred the cups too much?
tahbi last decade
I don't think that would make much difference. I think we need to keep adjusting the dose.

However 3 hits over 2 will increase the potency slightly. That could have created more impact.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David.

It got pretty intense there for a while. I hate to jinx things by writing this, but I feel a little better right now.

Gee, again, right as I was typing that I began flushing and sweating like crazy!

Is it usual for food choices and appetite to be highly affected by remedies during aggravations? I was so stable and clear with food for the last two months until I took the 2nd dose of cypra-e. As previously posted, I binged on sweet wheat pancakes that night and my choices and appetite have been really off... confused. I have not binged again but I can't really taste my food like I had. Nothing tastes right. I feel very unsettled in every way even when I'm feeling calmer with fewer crazy symptom haunts. And I must admit that the pancakes tasted awful too. I feel hungry but slightly nauseas most of the time since the dose. I certainly have a long history with not only 'canine hunger' but hypoglycemia, reactions to many foods, and even seriously reacting and fainting to just putting one bite of plain rice cake in my mouth during a major masto flare. Much of my life I did not like to eat breakfast because as soon as I began to eat, I would either react very badly or I would be ravenous for the rest of the day. For the last two months on no gluten or the other foods I thought were bad for me, my hypoglycemia was finally seeming more stable. Anyway, I did eat and I don't feel very good.

I suppose these are good signs pointing to Cypraea being at least close? I sure hope it's the one! I guess hope went with my taste buds...

Palliation feels so much better than this but I suppose palliation is like having a number of coins and using them to buy the sensation of health for a short time. Eventually you have used up the coins and there is nothing you can to to get your health back.
tahbi last decade
Palliation is definitely borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. It catches up with you eventually, and you may not be able to afford the price it demands then.

We are not being cautious enough with the dose though. Defintely whatever we do next we increase dilution to 4 cups.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I don't know whether this depression is from the dose or whether it is because every time I've worked so hard to heal, I have reacted in ways that are not typical. Six years ago a wonderful naturopath/acupuncturist saved my life from a long, very serious mast cell flare when I lost thirty pounds in two months. I reacted to just about everything I tried to eat, and every healing tactic she tried other than extra gentle acupuncture, I reacted very badly to. I even went into shock with quercetin, which supposedly has mast cell stabilizer qualities. She was finally able to settle the leaky gut syndrome which calmed me down a bit but it was a very rough, dangerous ride. Many practitioners and too much crises. There have been even more life-threatening times brought on by MDs and their allopathic drugs though. In the early 90s when I was having severe neurological symptoms down my right side and cognitively, my doctor put a beta blocker patch on me. In less than two minutes I collapsed to the floor and was unconcious for about eight hours. The list goes on and on.

So even though homeopathic aggravations are very common, for me there was always drama with every healing modality, and a nagging feeling that deep inside I probably don't want to get well.... If I got well I would not know how to be and live, and that would create dis-ease all over again.

I continue to be amazed by the fact that I can spray pure magnesium oil into my mouth and feel better rather than react. I hold it in my mouth swooshing it around for 5 to 10 minutes or more. The only time it was not good was when I was following the Joepathy and because of the Nat Phos, the magnesium brought intense pain to my teeth when I sprayed it. As soon as I stopped the Nat Phos, but continued with the Arnica, the reactive tooth pain stopped. I'm curious about the relationship between magnesium and nat phos.

Thank you, David. If I'm having trouble feeling hopeful right now it's because of me and my long history. I am very grateful for your understanding, skill and willingness to work with me.
tahbi last decade
I really wish I could work with you face to face. I am sure I am missing things not being able to use all my senses, both to search out the remedy and to observe the reaction. Relying on written words is frustrating.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
So it sounds like you are not feeling very confident about cypraea.

I have so much trouble writing about my history but it is easier answering specific questions. So I am willing to answer anything specific. I think when it's a specific question I can focus on that thread only, without all of the bits and pieces of memories, feelings, traumas and more getting all crazy and threatening in my head and heart. When that happens I shut down.

It is really weird how I start sweating every time I start typing a reply now. I don't think that happened before the redosing.
tahbi last decade

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