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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 6 of 16

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If I order Nautilus from Helios, would it be the small #3 pills or the granules that I should get. And do you happen to know how long it takes orders to get to the US destination from Helios?

Were there other molluscs that you felt strongly about for me other than cypraea and nautilus?
tahbi last decade
I live in Australia so no idea how long it would take. Takes about 2-3 weeks to get to me here from London.

The size of the granules is not important. Just as long as they are not tablets (which don't dissolve) it doesn't matter. Get whatever is cheapest.

No other remedies came to mind yet - it took me long enough to work that one out lol.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I thought you figured it out quite quickly, David. Do you use miasms in the sensation method? If you do, what is mine?
tahbi last decade
When choosing an animal remedy, the miasm is part of the process of the life of the animal. You don't need to assess it separately.

For plants it is an integral part of the decision making process.

For minerals, the periodic table itself replaces the need for miasm - the position on the table represents the depth and pace of the illness.

Most molluscs are considered to be Sycotic though, which I think suits your case.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for the explanation, David. I have seen parts of most or all of the miasms in myself since reading and using homeopathy for many years so I was curious about that.

Since I'm assuming that you would want me to give at least a good, solid, un-rushed try with the cypraea, I've decided to hold off ordering the Nautilus unless you feel strongly that we would eventually go in that direction. When reading the limited info I could find on Nautilus, It seems that Cypraea is more me than Nautilus, even though I am so powerfully drawn to the Nautilus shell. Nautilus seems to have strong focus on social position which is the opposite of me and always has been. That is another huge way I was unlike my family. I have actually been disgusted by that in people. I've always felt more comfortable with people who have disabilities and hardships. I get very upset when I hear bias and derogatory judgements made by those who think they are the cream of the crop with noses in the air. Like when I was young and a huge family with thirteen kids lived down the street. My family acted like they were above all of that but I had fantasies about being adopted by the obese mom who seemed to have an unlimited capacity for truly loving all of her many kids and taking the time for cuddles and emotionally validating them rather than acting as if it was a bother and stupid. I wanted to be held close and nurtured by her big bosom and big heart.

So, unless you feel that I may need to switch to Nautilus sooner rather than later, I will hold off ordering from Helios until we have some clear sense of direction after my dose of cypraea. I have ordered from them before and If I remember correctly, it was delivered in less than two weeks. I'm trying hard to Not get into the whole instant magic bullet cure mindset and realize that the process can't be rushed. This dis-ease has been going on my whole life. I'm just very thankful that there really is a good chance that homeopathy can bring health to my body and mind. If that's fine with you, I will give you a break from my saga until I receive the Cypraea.

Thanks for your effort and time....
tahbi last decade
Remember that especially where there are a lot of mental or emotional symptoms/issues, the first few weeks on a remedy can actually be quite uncomfortable. You may not experience the changes as positive, even though in the long run they might be. The remedy will contradict your world view, challenge your beliefs about yourself, remove those things that might have allowed you to hide from your pain. It is like a lot of counselling all rolled into a pill and delivered at once, although with a dose of strength added as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, David. I've been well aware of that, though trying hard not to spiral down into fear. But the fear is definitely there. What happened with Anacardium was very dangerous. It has happened with several remedies but not as bad as the Anacardium. That is why I mentioned again about my being so sensitive a few posts ago.

The wording of your post is right on. I have been in that state so many times. It is not safe and often Aconite has saved me but I can't touch that if I'm on the Cypraea. I may need to take extra mastocytosis meds if I get shocky again. Is that okay? Since the remedy is hopefully my true simillimum, that would work on a totally different, much deeper level but when I experience what you wrote in your previous post, I often flare with the masto in a big way. My body tries to over-protect itself by major mast cell degranulation and can be life threatening.

Can I start with a more gentle dose to make sure it does not end up way more intense than what I can cope with mentally and physically.

My mood and health shifted today, you can probably tell from the wording in my reply. It was very optimistic this morning and then spiraled down throughout the day. My cough is back, though not bad, but there is lots of burning in my windpipe and my lungs are tight. My glands feel sore also, with a very heavy head and pressure in my ear canals. What if the Arnica has actually been working more than I've thought? Is it okay to follow it with Cypraea?
tahbi last decade
1M is as gentle at 12c or 0/1 - it all depends on the method and size of the dose.

No you won't be able to use a second remedy after we start the Cypr-e, unless it is clear you need to antidote. No rescue remedy or other bach flowers or flower essences either.

In terms of your orthodox medication, don't do anything to put your life at risk. I trust that you will only use such medication if necessary, and would not want you to withold it if the consequences would be significant for you.

We will use split dose to make it as gentle as possible. I am thinking a third cup dilution to start with - that usually creates a very small amount of aggravation.

Arnica is not your remedy I am sure of that. Very sure now. It is always appropriate to pursue a better remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, David. I feel very confident about the Cypraea. It's just beyond intimidating facing the last 58 years of myself and my demons.

The homeopath who gave me Anacardium and told me he was positive it was my constitutional, gave the LM1 in a split dose. Before taking it he told me I would not react with that potency. Boy was he wrong! The Thiosinaminum was 30C dry dose given by someone else. I had to antidote that after about six hours of taking the dose.

Why did you choose 200C and M1 rather than the LM potencies? Just curious.
tahbi last decade
Because LMs take too long, and are too easy to overdose on (suppress, palliate). Single dose centesimals are my preference because they are simpler, and last longer.

200c equates to the Emotional Level in terms of where the patient expresses their disease. 1M equates to the Delusional (imaginative) level.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It makes sense to me. And I trust you, the remedy and the process....

It's my mental and physical chaos that's so tough.
tahbi last decade
To be more specific, it's the great fear of not being able to access a safe place to hide and calm down from aggravations and challenged beliefs and new reality.

Maybe the cave, or shell, was not healthy for me on lots of levels but it saved my life so many times.

Ultimately, I fear being out of control of myself.
tahbi last decade
This is what disease always is - a survival mechanism that originally suited the situation, but has become a hinderance, an obstacle to the patient living their life.

Remember that the remedy doesn't take away the shell, it takes away the need for it. You are not a mollusc, people don't need shells.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I sure do miss the temporary effect of wellbeing I had. This morning I awoke with big anxiety and fear of the unknown without my usual safety mechanisms.

Every fall I get increasing depression as the cold and darkness increase. Then it escalates with the holidays and my birthday the day after Christmas, which has been hell since I was a very young child. November and especially December bring all of the mollusc tendencies to a head on my birthday. I used to get a very bad case of bronchitis by the end of November every year that would last for weeks or more. I've tried special lights for seasonal affect disorder (which made it worse), and take good doses of vitamin D3. The spiraling down into the depths of depression and huge emotional angst and noise in my head still happens.

I'm mentioning this because you should know before I start taking the remedy. I think that is what is adding to my building nervousness. In addition my Mom will probably die very soon. She is unable to swallow properly in the very end stage Alzheimer's. She only weighs about 60 pounds now. It has been a very long, awful process for her and I want her to finally be at peace. But not having her here even just to gently hold her hand or stroke her arm, even though she does not respond to me anymore.... it will be so hard.

Will I be stable enough to deal with that and funeral and family stuff which is always a huge challenge for me? Do you advise me to wait until January when the sun starts to come back and hopefully I will have more strength?

I believe in the remedy.... it's my ability to float for the next two months that deeply concerns me.

What do you think?
tahbi last decade
The remedy will give you strength. Putting it off is only about your fear, and the remedy will help you with that as well.

Don't be frightened of becoming healthy. You have lived long enough under the power of your disease. Time to come out and live as a person.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, David.

I'm also witnessing my beloved nineteen year old kitty lose ground with hyperthyroid and kidney failure. she has been with me since she was 8 weeks old. It's so hard. And with my granddaughter gone...

I sure had clear confirmation today that the palliative effects of Arnica are totally gone. I forced myself to get out and hike the same hike I did when I was in the honeymoon phase of Arnica. It was like I was in a totally different body. I had to stop constantly to rest and breathe. I was in such slow motion that it took me more than twice as long to get up there. I really did not think I'd make it but I did. I was so totally tuckered out that I just lay on the freezing boulder and drifted off. The view was so gorgeous but I was too worn out to appreciate it (what a metaphor!). My cough is better today but I feel like I'm 90 years old.

We have discussed the emotional part of cypraea... Is there a typical pattern of cure when the remedy was chosen for the mental/emotional but there are many physical issues also?

Although I know that Arnica has a big emotional piece, I've always thought of it as primarily for physical and the emotional parts that pertained to the physical. The mollusc remedies seem the opposite, primarily emotional and the physical manifestations are the dis-ease.

When using such a deep remedy, will it do any cleaning house with physical issues at the beginning of treatment? I understand Hering's Law but wanted to have a sense of how these mollusc remedies typically show the healing if it is indeed the right remedy. I don't think I'm wording it right but I'll post it anyway.
tahbi last decade
I did not choose the remedy on the basis of the mental/emotional symptoms - those were just confirmatory symptoms that I found afterwards.

I chose the remedy on the basis of the sensation, which is the almost the deepest level we can perceive. This lies far below the physical mental or emotional. Those other levels all feed out of the Sensation (which in turn feeds out of the deeper level of Energy, which I cannot perceive without being in the same room as you). Energy is the most reliable level if you can match it, but you must use body language, gesture, movement, colour, pace of speech - things impossible here.

Any remedy that matches that deeper level, will deal with all levels above it, because of this direction of change/cure.

No remedy is primarily physical or emotional or mental - all remedies can affect all levels, and in fact only affect the vital energy directly. Remedies are not aimed by us, they do one thing - alter the vibration of the vital force - and that is all. What happens next all stems from this one basic change, and is decided by the vital force.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'Any remedy that matches that deeper level, will deal with all levels above it, because of this direction of change/cure.'

That would be a very good thing!
I'll let you know when the remedy arrives.

Thank you....
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I seem to have no self motivation at all, especially since menopause hit six years ago. I have always been a procrastinator but it has been much worse these last few years. Before menopause hit my best, most energetic time was early in the morning until noon, when I struggled for the rest of the day and desperately wanted to go to bed for the night very early. That totally reversed instantly with the onset of severe, painful night drenches and the loss of the amazing, powerful and directive creative dreams that woke me up every morning from childhood. The dreams were replaced with awful dread, hopelessness, grief, and a feeling of being paralyzed and lethargic with no will to do anything I should be doing. The only thing that breaks the paralysis of will is a good hot shower and getting away from my home.

I suppose depression can do that but what I'm trying to say is that my body 'clock' totally reversed it's more energetic time. Since menopause hit I seem to stay awake until after midnight more often than not and am useless before noon every day. Add in the 'why bother' feeling....

After all that rambling my short question is does that sound like cypraea and/or the molluscs? Specifically the drastic switch from being a morning person to the opposite? Or can a woman have the same general mollusc dis-ease for most of her life and then due to menopause become a different mollusc or remedy?

Does the Sensation Method not use the idea of 'constitution?

Procrastination is a key word for me.

Thank you...
tahbi last decade
Unless all the reasons I suggested Cypr-e change, I wouldn't think those things will change my prescription. Paralyzed is a snail word, and an animal word generally - no conflict there. Procrastination is a human word so it doesn't affect the choice for me.

What you are describing is a more nocturnal state, and Cypr-e is a nocturnal animal. They come out at night to feed.

Menopause might change things for women - some situations, traumas, can totally change the state of the patient (and so the remedy). However you expressed a single 'shape' to your problems throughout your life so I believe you have been in that one state for a very long time.

What is constitution?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
When I mentioned Constitution, I meant what I hear so often here... 'homeopath gave a me constitutional remedy'. But especially around here, in the US, there is so much misinformation about homeopathy.

The total opposite switch of my inner bio-clock was so drastic. One day with the bomb of menopause it changed totally, as much as possible and has stayed that way. Isn't it sepia that is often a suggested remedy for ailments that came on with menopause, 'never the same since'? That is a sea remedy also... so it fits right in. I know I was given it once but can't remember the specifics.

It was actually sunny and much warmer today. It's the first time in way too long. I think I'm getting too old for the long, northeast US frigid dark winters. But this is my home and I don't do well with change. It will be interesting to see how the remedy plays out... It's still not arrived yet.

Thanks for your time and knowledge...
tahbi last decade
Constitution is an often misused word, many people who use it have wildly different meanings for it.

The meaning of Consitution is :

The aggregate of all one's inherited physical qualities; the aggregate of the vital powers of an individual, with reference to ability to endure hardship, resist disease, etc.; as, a robust constitution. The aggregate of mental qualities; temperament.

Obviously understanding this as its meaning, the idea of Constitution is simply to take the Totality of the case, looking at the miasm , the history,and the life of the patient, and including the mental characteristics. To understand the constitution, you must explore the life experience of the patient and their medical history. Classical homoeopaths will usually do this for any client coming for chronic disease. Your constitution

One can also understand Consitution to be the soil in which your diseases grow, and in that respect it is very strongly related to the concept of miasm (inherited predisposition to disease).

Sepia is a mollusc it is true, but the issue of a shell is very less prominent in that remedy. The defence of the cuttlefish is to spray a clould of ink, to blend in with their surroundings, to propel itself away with great speed. The shell is actually on the inside and is not part of their protection. Except for the Nautilus, this subgroup uses speed, flexibilty, camouflage, cunning and tricks.

The main sensation of Sepia is to be held back, obstructed, pulled backwards while desiring to surge forward. This feeling of obstruction leads to tension which results in the sensation fo something being ripped, or about to rip or tear. Sepia refuses to be fenced in, as their survival depends on maneurability and mobility.

Menopause causes problems for most women. It causes an aggravation of their 'constitutional' state - while it can appear different, you will almost always see the same issues as earlier in their life but taken to a more extreme end of the axis (either end of it).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
So interesting David!

You make it so much easier to 'see'.

The six years before menopause were the first time in my life I felt that I had worked through and broken free from many ongoing issues... including my angst around my Dad. Although I was always dealing with the roller-coaster of serious physical issues due to the systemic mastocytosis, it was not holding me back. I was feeling free and soaring with my creativity, deep wisdom and less fearful and more outgoing than ever before. I was more comfortable in my own skin and happy with who I was.

Well, apparently I was being palliated by my high of creativity because when the double whammy of masto and menopause hit with the sense of violence and pain in my body, and my creativity and spirit crashed to nothing, I guess that was indeed an aggravation of my constitutional state that could no longer be suppressed.

I remember telling other women at the beginning of that hell that I had figured out that menopause hit so I would be forced to deal with all of my old crap in order to be able to continue my life. That seems to be even more accurate than I realized.

And about my devastating loss of creativity... I had also told others within the last year or so that I must have lost my creativity because it must have been a crutch that allowed me to have an excuse to hide from society. I was very content in my happy 'hermitdom' and then it vanished. My whole existence was as foreign as I could ever imagine. I was not me. I remember telling a friend that I felt as though I had been shot out against my will into space and just left there. I now remember when I imagined that it was very much like the description I gave you about floating in the fetal position in water... but that was wonderful and in space was terrifying. A hell that would be forever. Nobody rescuing me. A bubble gone very, very wrong. Whew!
tahbi last decade
Hi David, I pulled a deer tick out of my torso last night. I live in a heavy lyme disease area. I don't think it was dug in for 24 hours or more so it should not be a high risk but it has started to swell today.

My question is.... if the cypr-e is indeed the right remedy, would that knock out the lyme if it was a loaded bite?

tahbi last decade
Hi David,

The remedy arrived today and I'm ready to begin the journey.... I think.

A few questions first. I was given some rum to use for the dosing bottle but my friend put it in an organic almond extract bottle that she washed out first. Is that alright to use?

And I need to know the specific dosing instruction as far as how much water, how many cups.
tahbi last decade
As long as she washed out the bottle that should be fine.

Don't worry about the tick the simillimum heals all problems as long as the general state doesn't change.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - first use a full cup (250mls). Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon and place it in another full cup of water. Stir again and place a teaspoon in a third cup. Stir one final time and take a teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cups away. This is Split Dose, diluted to the Third Cup. We can add or subtract cups, or parts of cups to adjust your reaction.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Take one dose only and keep me informed of any responses you have.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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