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Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 3 of 16

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ut oh... I succussed before they dissolved. These granules are bigger than I'm used to. I'll wait to dose.

What about NOT using throw away spoons and cups? I'm sure Dr. Samuel Hahnemann did not use disposable plastic cups and spoons. Does it matter?

Thanks for your patience David...
tahbi last decade
It doesn't matter about plastic.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
We also might as well continue the process of case-taking while we wait for the Arnica to reveal it's usefulness.

I will list some words I want you to free associate. Just give me meanings, similies, images, flights of fancy. Not a description of your life or history as such. Describe more on:

'Hell' or 'Hellish'

'All or nothing'


'Slipping down'

'Skating faster and faster'

'Huge noise in my head'


'Destroy, Kill'

'Retreat into a cave'

'Wait to resurface'



'Fight or Flight'



brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OK, I just took the dose. Just two or three minutes after, I started feeling odd sensations such as what happens in a masto attack.... heavy head, feelings of pressure here and there on ears, head, neck..... and then I burped once... and laughed with the comic relief. The pressure is still building but my word finding skills are just not there. My head is very heavy with more pressure inside and outside of my right ear than my left. It's sort of like I have a very tight cap on that is pulsing.

So I guess this is a good thing.

I will try my best to answer your questions. I took a look at them before the dose and felt a combo of anxiety and my mind totally blank and shut down with no sparks. This is very typical. It was a serious problem in school way back when and probably comes from my Dad thinking he was helping me by tutoring me but it did the opposite. My answers were never right. I always felt stupid and humiliated. I guess it's safer for my brain to shut down than give a wrong answer or seem too stupid to be the third daughter of a highly brilliant man.

My lower back and to the sides is really hurting so I need to lay down. I will try to answer the questions when my mind reappears.

Thanks for your help, David.

I just got a fleeting strange taste in my mouth but can't seem to identify it.

My question about dosing spoon and cup was more about if it is ok to use regular old washed spoons and cups you have in the kitchen.
tahbi last decade
Regular spoons and cups are fine, just make sure they are clean and have no detergent on them.

You may as well add 'Sparks' and 'Blank' to that list as well lol.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I certainly don't feel any sense of well-being or strength of the mind, heart and body as I had before the last day or two. I was in lots of lower back pain (pelvic girdle) all night. It feels a bit better on waking up but I just made an appointment with my chiropractor anyway. I don't feel good at all. I feel very depressed and not really any different than before last night's dose. The weird sensations that I reported immediately on taking the dose were all of the effects I've noticed from it. To be honest, I would rather have peace and lightness in my head and heart than my body.

A thought just popped up when I wrote that... I watched my Dad suffer greatly with his Parkinson's disease for many decades until his death. And I have been very close to my Mom as she has been going through Alzheimer's disease since my Dad died in 2004. She is close to death now in the end stage. There is no way to communicate anymore and she does not know who I am. My Mom's mother and sister died of Alzheimer's as well as my Dad's aunt. If I had to choose between Parkinson's and Alzheimer's I would choose Alzheimer's. Certainly nobody wants either disease but Parkinson's is beyond a living hell to me.

I will try to work on the questions later today.

I feel so hopeless and sad.... same old stuff and not an aggravation.
[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:49:58 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I went to the chiropractor and she said my liver points were much too active (common with me) so she worked on those. She can't do anything structurally for my back when the liver points are so active. She said the right shoulder pains were most likely from my liver.

I feel extremely sad, hopeless, no energy. Why bother. My dog, who is also my service dog who helps me to hear and more, is the only one who really keeps me going. I unfortunately don't feel I am getting anywhere.... more like one of those endless exercise wheels for guinea pigs and hamsters. I miss the all too brief fling of a sense of well-being. I feel very tired and sad.
tahbi last decade
An aggravation does feel like the same old stuff though - however it is possible that Arnica was acting only palliatively. It appears that Joepathy often does this - good in the beginning, but no long-term improvements.

Still, we need to wait again to see if this is an aggravation - if so, it should peak around 3-5 days and reduce after that, with improvement beginning to show.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

The 'same old stuff' started up before the redosing last night in a higher potency. I do understand about palliation, and will be the first to admit that it had crossed my mind more than once last week when I felt almost euphoric when hiking, but could you please explain how you can read what is happening since the right remedy will work on the mind first. Hmmm, I'm having lots of trouble explaining in words.

I think there is a rubric I've used in the past that's about 'fearing bad news' or something similar. That is me and has been for many decades. The problem is that I have been trained too well because especially with my supposedly grown daughter, I have received bad news too often since she was a very young girl and always getting in trouble with phone calls from school. Although I have physical reasons why my hearing loss could have happened, I know I have very strong reasons for needing to dread the telephone ringing. It seems the only time someone contacts me is with bad news so I must have shut my hearing off to try to cope. As a child I felt such intensity and threat to the deepest part of me by criticism or comments that filled me with humiliation and that feeling never left me when I supposedly grew up. Wow, I got off track...

About the same time I shifted way down the other day, and thought it was the remedy 'used up', I got more bad news about my granddaughter. Like usual I am very concerned as well as feeling rage at my daughter. My granddaughter is not communicating with me at all and there is nothing I can do. My daughter took her to Brazil a month ago. I know there is nothing I can do but it is especially painful now. How can you 'read' what a remedy is doing if the latest bad news hit at the same time?
tahbi last decade
Homoeopathic cure always starts with an aggravation. Where that first appears really depends on many factors - the potency used, the location where there is the most activity (modalities), the location where there is the most tissue change, the inherited weak spots of the patient, where it is safest for the vital force to produce that aggravation.

Any remedy that starts with improvement, without any aggravation, needs to be regarded with great suspicion. This is almost always palliation. I say almost always, because the aggravation can be small if the dose and potency is exactly right, so the patient may not notice it. This means you must carefully question a patient to be sure they aren't overlooking the aggravation.

The reaction you have, will always reflect your remedy. The reason it happens, does not matter and will not usually influence the decision about the remedy. Every remedy could be affected by bad news - what human being is unaffected by it? Not being affected in fact would be a symptom!

How you react, this tells us the remedy. Bad news is bad - it should affect you in some way. How you respond and deal with it tells use where you are chronically stuck - this is your disease, not the external factors that stimulate it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'How you respond and deal with it tells us where you are chronically stuck - this is your disease, not the external factors that stimulate it.'

I was all set to write out what I usually do when I hear the too often bad news pertaining to my daughter, and then my head filled up with overwhelming noise made up of bits and pieces of my thoughts/description as well as bits and pieces of too many actual memories and emotional memories. Like too often, it shut me down. It exhausts me and makes me retreat because it's too threatening to my life. My heart beats faster, my head feels too big with pressure and heaviness, and my mind does what it must to save me...

One thing that did happen today that has not for a long time was that I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon for several hours. I was so tired out and consumed with grief and hopelessness for my granddaughter. That sounds awful but it's true. I had planned to try to write out the answers to your word descriptions but could not think clearly or face them. I remember feeling so down and hopeless, my back was sore, and I lay on my back trying to free my mind with a movie, and I fell into a deep sleep on my back. I don't think I moved at all the whole time. I remember when I woke up I did not want to wake up at all. The phone was ringing and I stuffed my ears with the blanket to make it go away. I finally got up in the same spacey, depressed mood to let my dog out. I made myself wash the dishes even though my back hurt lots doing that with my arms in front, and I came back to the couch again.

My liver area is feeling lots of pressure and huge, front and back on my right side. I have no motivation at all other than to take care of my dog and cats. I sure hope feeling this way is part of the cure.....
tahbi last decade
See there it is - there is a theme of needing to retreat to survive, and that comes up again even around the issue of bad news. I am certain this is important to understanding your case.

The key words are:

Fill up
Bits and pieces
Shut down
Threatening to my life
Too big, Huge

This is not looking anything like Arnica to me, not at all. This in fact is starting to resemble a group of remedies I know well however.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, I thought arnica was making me feel so much better because of my long history of injuries due to overdoing it physically in order to block out my emotional angst. The adrenalin and high creativity that were a big part of that state gave me the only respite from my emotional angst. Even in childhood this was a strong pattern.

I was reading the posts about the Anacardium family of remedies and now know why the homeopath that gave me that 'dose from hell' a few years ago chose that. I'm thinking that the anacardium picture they were seeing was Caused by the deeper dis-ease. On the surface I am still 'stuck bigtime'. But I really see that it is because of the very deep mental/emotional pathology that I've not been able to deal with since very early in my life.

By the way, your post about antidotes was wonderful.... so well written and made sense also.
tahbi last decade
The important thing for me when trying to ellicit the information to confirm a group or specific remedy, is to not talk about my ideas until you spontaneously give me the confirming information. This will make it look like I don't understand you or that I am harrassing you (lol) but I just need you to basically tell me what I need to know in the most obvious, non-mistakable way possible.

You are doing well though, even in this piecemeal fashion.

I am glad you liked that post about antidotes. There is so much superstition in homoeopathy. I am a great believer in blowing apart those mistaken ideas as they only hide the poor skills of the pseudohomoeopaths or confuse patients trying to understand where the 'science' part of homoeopathy is.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Do you still think the Arnica may possibly be healing on some level?

I think it's often tough to separate the original being from the layers of life added on. My Mom had told me I was always very different from her other daughters. The following words are still key... Quiet, calm, nature, gentle, sensual, creativity (although it died with onset of menopause), empathy, depth, animals, sunsets...
tahbi last decade
Thanks, David. I wrote the last one before I read yours.

You can add 'validation' to the word list.
tahbi last decade
I am not a believer in the 'layers' theory in homoeopathic prescribing. A good case-taker should be able to identify a the pattern that appeared during the first trauma or disturbance in the person's life and continued to present day. Using different remedies for different bits of the case, usually leaves the core problem untouched, and so leaves the patient always suffering, and vulnerable to the appearance of pathology (which might be incurable).

A skilled practitioner however can certainly reduce suffering this way, and at times this may be the only way forward for a particular patient (due to the remedy being unknown, or the patient being unable or unwilling to articulate the problem).

But the idea of layers is not real - it is simply a perception of the practitioner (or lack of). This might be because of limited knowledge of materia medica, or because their case-taking skills are not advanced enough.

Once that deep remedy is found, all suffering that has grown around it will disappear like smoke. If it can be found quickly, it is a far more efficient method of healing than trying to dismantle all the problems that have been built on top.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'Once that deep remedy is found, all suffering that has grown around it will disappear like smoke.'

Wow... that can really happen? (a huge sigh....)

I actually think that working with you as far from right across the desk as possible is a much better way for me. It feels so much safer for me, so you are getting a clearer, deeper, more accurate picture rather than the highly flushed woman with too much scattered information that is too highly charged emotionally to easily share. The same shutting down that happens when I try to answer questions here happens to a much greater degree in person. I'm sure it stems from always fearing great humiliation and embarrassment for answering wrong. Knowing that I'm up against the clock and feeling that the practitioner is not 'hearing' what I'm trying to clarify makes it all worse. They end up guessing and making wrong assumptions, and getting arrogant which it the final straw for me. The minute arrogance shows up I feel even more threatened and although I then feel rage, I rarely let it out until after I walk out the door.

Having this very different way of giving my case to a highly skilled classical homeopath is a true gift, David. Thank you!
tahbi last decade
'Once that deep remedy is found, all suffering that has grown around it will disappear like smoke. If it can be found quickly, it is a far more efficient method of healing than trying to dismantle all the problems that have been built on top.'

I experienced this while taking platina. But after a few weeks restlessnes set in because 'nothing mattered, all was fine' but I wasnt moving anywhere with my life still. maybe it was time to take another dose I assume

The similimum isnt exactly what I expected it to be, I thought I will be out their socializing reall quick, but on the other hand from reading a lot of spiritual stuff it makes sense.
Platina last decade
That is because you haven't had your simillimum yet. You wouldn't be acting the way you are if you had. You are still acting in exactly the same 'diseased' way you were before - doing the same things you have done to other people on other internet forums. Of course you are so trapped inside your delusion that you cannot see it, that you believe everyone is against you and that people are doing it to you rather than you doing it to yourself.

Even now you are posting pictures of your nose, which looks exactly the same, and trying to get us to acknowledge that we share your delusion. You are so desperate for you mistaken belief about reality to be true. It won't matter how many times I say this, you are convinced you are right and everyone else is wrong, as are most people who are that deeply into their state.

Again, you begin basing your opinions of the power of homoeopathy on your incomplete, limited and distorted knowledge and experience of it.

You also have no idea how to judge the effect of the remedy you are taking. You see a superficial palliative effect and begin building theories of cure. This is exactly what the pseudohomoeopaths do. No proper understanding or integration of the 200 years of philosophy and experience in homoeopathy. Just a random jump to a theory based on a couple of subjective experiences.

Three doses of Platina 1M, if it was the simillimum, would have moderated your behaviour, would have changed the way you interact with people. In fact 3 doses is a lot - usually none of my patients would need more than that to be cured.

The simillimum causes profound changes in the way a person deals with their problems, how they react, how they manage things. It removes the importance of their problems, reduces the intensity of that voice compelling them to behave irrationally to a mere murmur. People say things like (taken as examples from my own patient files) 'I feel like a completely different person', 'I feel 20 years younger', 'I feel like those things never happened to me', 'I feel like I have turned 180 degrees in my life', 'I am seeing everything from a different angle', 'I don't quite remember what all that fuss I was making was about', 'Those problems just seem minor now', 'I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now and there is hope', 'I don't feel stuck where I was now I am moving forward in my life' and so on.

Each dose of the simillimum makes a permanent change. This then is built upon by further doses, creating more profound and lasting changes.

It is difficult to really get how amazing the genuine simillimum is, if you have never had it. Until then it will of course be inexplicable to you. You will never get that, or be able to use it properly should you stumble on it accidentally, until you give over control to a practitioner without any attempts to sabotage and undermine them.

Since your main problem is your inability to give over control to a homoeopath, you will continually ruin any chance you have of being healed. Not just with homoeopathy either, but many therapies require you to trust the practitioner and follow direction. Clearly that doesn't suit you.

So as usual you can blame everyone else but yourself, but in the end you are the one responsible for this. Your refusal to take that responsibilty, almost more than anything else, shows me you have not changed on the remedy one bit.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am grateful for hearing your reply. And your opinion about my nose since i like to hear what other people think. Keeping always open to the truth is the only way to mental health.

Well I had 2 doses, the third one was ruined sort of. I am feeling horrible today from the anacardium. I could not face my parents in the living room and it feels supressive again.
Platina last decade
Platina, vitaminX, and any other aliases you may be, please delete your posts from my thread. I do not understand why the moderators are still allowing this.

You recently posted to David:
'I am grateful for hearing your reply. And your opinion about my nose since i like to hear what other people think. Keeping always open to the truth is the only way to mental health.'

It certainly does NOT seem that you care to know what others think or are open to the truth.

If you are, please keep to your own threads. If you are not, please find a different forum to attack and blatantly share your drama.
tahbi last decade
Here is a start, David...

'I will list some words I want you to free associate. Just give me meanings, similies, images, flights of fancy. Not a description of your life or history as such. Describe more on:'

'Hell' or 'Hellish'

I was not brought up Christian so when I refer to hell it has nothing to do with after-life. I use it to express a really awful state I feel and/or find myself in, whether emotional or physical. I think that it has huge pieces of feeling out of control, threatened, frantic, seemingly unending, self doubt, loud noise…. I'm desperate to make it stop, I must make it stop, everything is getting distorted, real danger threatening to make me experience severe pain in my mind or body. I'm always too alone in it. I feel very vulnerable like a little girl who is experiencing more than she can bare…. more than she can comprehend. Or it is an endless moment reliving humiliation and all of the above.

'All or nothing'

All - Putting all of my self and senses into one thing. Not being able regulate. Not being able to have just one or two cookies from the bag. Obsession, addiction. Adrenalin feeding my very deep core whether healthy or not healthy. Feeling connected to something larger than myself.

Nothing - emptiness, much more challenging than All.


Self-protection, limiting sensory overload.
Safety mechanism to try to stop the bombs of thought, caring, humiliation, physical pain, self-doubt.

'Slipping down'
Spiraling down emotionally into the same old broken record of physical and emotional angst. Despair, grief, weakness, hopelessness, self-doubt, alone, too much to comprehend.

'Skating faster and faster'
Letting adrenaline whisk me away from deep emotional threat. Feeling and hearing the reassuring metronome of my breath in sync with the blade strokes on the ice to know that even if my mind and heart is screaming with serious threats, my body can come together to save me.
Feeling my body parts come together in such grace and strength would let my mind go to the sensual feeling of it… an escape.
(I have not been able to skate since 1990 and no longer can due to osteoporosis. Swimming gave me that same amazing high… the rhythm of my breathing in sync with my hand cutting into the water.. but due to chlorine in the public pools I needed to stop that also.) The feeling of strength and grace was often able to be bigger than my angst, fears, grief. If I felt the emotional feelings build and come too close, I would focus on my breath and the different parts of my body working together… focus on the finesse. I would never compete as that shut me down completely and was so threatening that I often would never do the same activity again. I would feel dangerously humiliated and would need to never go back. Same with taking classes in anything at all. I was only self taught and highly self motivated in everything I did well. It had to come from me and my curiosity, for me. Before menopause hit viscously, I was in my own creative hermitdom much of the time. They were the only emotionally safe and free times I've had since birth, as I remember experiencing that same 'high freedom' when very young. My space,… no judgements or criticism from anyone other than myself. The other times like that were with nursing and cuddling my babies, communicating and cuddling with my dogs and cats, and being in nature… especially around boulders, moss, very old trees, plants and flowers, water, tops of mountains or hills, long range views, sunsets.

Another thought about 'faster'...
I have never wanted to go fast or high up in elevation unless it is by my own body power and not dependent on anything man made. Climbing a mountain in winter and having my crampon dangerously come off up at the icy peak is no where as scary to me as being on a high man made bridge, deck off a building, looking out of a high building from inside or climbing a ladder. Until the serious health issues affected my body, not only my mind, my physical body seemed to be the caretaker for my very fragile soul. So skating fast by my own steam was fine but driving fast, or worse - being driven fast, was not something I could handle. Loud, fast, high carnival rides and people that are drawn to that insanity are the opposite of what I need and am comfortable with.

Another thought... the imagined bubbles of safety that I floated through the air in when young moved at a soothing and safe, slower speed. It was high enough to not be noticed by anyone but low enough to truly enjoy watching other people without fear of criticism and humiliation.
[message edited by tahbi on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 21:33:39 BST]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Writing that out and dealing with those demons was huge. There is too much that comes out all at once and then it clogs the pipes, so to speak. I will wait until I hear from you as to whether or not it is what you are after. There are many more words on the list.

tahbi last decade
I am really most interested in

Shut down
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Since I have not been rereading my posts, are those from what I just wrote? Am I giving you what you are after if I do the same for the new list you just posted?

I just was not sure if I should be writing in or out of context of where I used the word originally.

I'm I giving too much or too little info?
tahbi last decade

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