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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis and more, chronic case for David Page 14 of 16

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can only be committed to the process, if you follow the advice given. Either you follow the advice or you do not, that is your choice. It is not a matter of questioning my choices, which education about homoeopathy will only encourage, but there is a pround lack of faith that is coming through now, and I have no way to combat that. This comes from you, not from me. In such situations, no logic or amount of reasoning can comfort you. You either take the leap to trust, or you do not.

I spend a great deal of time explaining every step of this process, explaining my choices and my reasoning. Look at the amount of work other people do here - I am practically alone in this. There is a limit to how long I can keep explaining - I simply do not have that sort of time. That is not meant to be mean it is the reality of my own life. I have my own patients too, plus all the other people here I try to help.

I have put a huge amount of effort into your case, into helping you. But it seems you want something more, I cannot tell what it is, you cannot seem to tell me, and I find that without that faith and trust I can only wonder why I would keep doing it.

I have not abandoned you. Quite the opposite, you are rejecting my help. The offer remains in place, but if you choose not to accept it that is absolutely your right.

I am not being unreasonable. It is my help as a qualified and experienced homoeopath I believed you were looking for. What else can I do?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
You need not reply, David. I do not seek comfort from anyone. That was not where my questions came from. Comfort can only come from within myself. You kept wanting more info about me but I could not get it out. Then I began pushing myself way outside my comfort zone and tried to begin writing info you seemed to want in the very beginning. I was doing great today, very committed and very clear. I was reading and educating myself with the links you suggested other online patients read. That is me. I have questions, I know your time and effort is limited, so I read and try to understand. That's how I was brought up. I can't have totally blind faith due to too many very close calls in the last twenty years. And this is the internet! If you yourself were trusting a health practitioner that you had very high faith in, and then for some reason you felt that that he did not have enough accurate information about who you really were and your issues due to your own lack of exposing, would you not try to give more info? Would you blindly trust even though there seemed to be misunderstandings? I never filled out the proper intake form. Yes I have a huge amount of history but that's how it is. I'm sorry I am too complex and take up too much time for you. I feel very embarrassed about that now. I'm frustrated but not angry. I feel there is something else going on here such as the usual... I have too complex a case that does not neatly and quickly get fixed. To top that off I am ultra-sensitive in every way and can't blindly trust. I understand why you can't deal with me anymore but feel it is not just the reasons you stated.

The thing is that this is a very important piece of what the remedy needs to be. Am I going to search for that? Absolutely not! I'm not a homeopath. But it happens too often. I certainly understand why the internet forum would not be suitable for my complex case and annoying self but then I was reading your posts for over a week and saw something different in you I felt hope. I really thought this would be a good match. I guess not. But I am very committed to this process.

I had a strong feeling early on that I should wait until after my typical holiday crap. You are only human and the holiday hell Syphilinum state was sort of like a classroom full of kids. The one that gets the attention is the one that is loud, not the quiet one hidden under the chaos who holds the truth.

I wish you well....
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 23:53:15 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

You just wrote the following:

'Just looking at a single thing will also never lead you to the totality, which is the amalgamation of all the little symptoms into broad general themes, that revolve around the core problem. If you cannot see the totality, then you cannot find the core problem, and you cannot choose the simillimum.'

I thought you wanted and needed to know more of the totality, that's all. I had not informed you about most of my surgeries, health issues or personality traits other than the bullseye of holiday angst. You did not know the totality you just mentioned. The state you based Syphilinum on is not my totality. It was not that I wouldn't take it if you thought it was still right once you knew more of my history and my other mental states and symptoms but the words you described of me really is not accurate most of the time. At times like holidays, it
hits, but even now after what has been a shock, I'm not in that state. I'm sad and needing to find a new homeopath but I don't feel hopeless and anguish. Life goes on.

If I could have begun by filling out your intake form properly and completely, and only posting every few days or less, maybe it would have been better, but the true totality would still need to be known by you and that is far more complex than the info you had.

The hard thing for me and many others who have many years of complex chronic issues is that most practitioners can't deal with it. It's not the patient's fault. And it's not a little rash on the face. I just don't understand why your response to me seemed so different than the many things you have posted over the years on this forum, educating about totality and more. I genuinly believe in classical homeopathy though I know it's often a challenging long haul at best for long, complex chronic cases. You seem to have incredible patience for many that are far less compliant than me. I'm trying not to take it personally but it is personal. I am a whole person with many parts of me that are not Syphilinum, I thought you would want to know. Once I felt you knew the totality of me and still thought the nosode was important, then I would have gone ahead. I really don't understand why you could fault me for that. I just don't get it.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,
I have a question related to the last few days which may possibly be a sign that the Cypraea may not have been finished doing it's work when it seemed so. Since you are the homeopath who prescribed it I thought it was important to run it by you. I have not taken any other doses or remedies. I have made contact with a great classical homeopath who I may be able to begin working with around March.

I have been doing very well emotionally/mentally since the last posts. My body has felt stronger also. The intense itch by my left knee turned into a small rash and now the pimples have opened and drying out. The itching is much improved. The pressure in the liver/gallbladder area pushing out against the lower right ribs really had not changed from taking the remedy. It is still constantly there and changes in intensity often.

The intense pain in my chest on inhaling and coughing is better and I found out it is pleurisy. I kept thinking it was from the fall I took on the mountain that same day my hand made dramatic healing from the fall injury and then even the Dupuytren's improved in an obvious way on that same right hand. That has regressed to the same pre-dose amount of contracture now.

Even though I packed away the remedy and dosing bottle, I thought I should check once more with you.

The pleurisy is interesting because in September I had pneumonia, bronchitis and probably a collapsed lung before the asthma kicked in. So the Cypraea maybe was working on my lung issues which certainly needed help even though the Joepathy palliated it for a short while. My lungs are a bit worse today with coughing but the intense pain is better. It's also quite cold here which usually gets me coughing.

I thought you decided that the Cypraea was not useful because it had not improved my mental state. Now I think maybe it had but the usual holiday hell disguised it. I have done quite well the last few days despite several emotional challenges. I've handled them better than usual.

My body always reacts differently in all sorts of ways. Do you think the Cypraea was just taking it's time to show up on the emotionals?
[message edited by tahbi on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 19:35:52 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 23:57:41 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Wait, you are saying the remedy has helped?

Well - this is one of the problems on this forum. Normally clients would only speak to you every month or so, whereas here you get daily reports. When I watch famous homoeopaths like Divya Chhabra, Rajan Sankaran, Linda Johnston taking and following up cases, they wait for up to 3 months before deciding if the remedies have acted or not. Here patients have access to you every day, which is a very unnatual situation - this would never happen in my own clinic.

I have started to notice that it alters the way I practice here as well, making me hasty since information and requests are being given/made sometimes several times a day. This is definitely not in keeping with the watch and wait policy of homoeopathy generally. Haste is the enemy of cure in homoeopathy.

I can only go off what patients tell me. Here, I am completely dependent on you to be your own observers, whereas in my own clinic I can make decisions and judgements based on my observations - gestures, appearance, body language, language, pace of speaking, expressions - all things that I have relied on for 20 years to help me manage cases. It is very difficult for me to tell if patients are actually worse.

If a patient is insisting that they are worsening, that something must be done right away - there is pressure here because there are dozens of other practitioners just waiting to start throwing new remedies at the patient. The patient very easily can be distracted from your treatment, very easily diverted to methods and prescriptions that might very well undo everything you have started. It is not a situation I have to deal with in my own clinic because of the relationship I am able to create there face-to-face.

I am much less in charge here, in fact the patients more or less run the show. It is very difficult, and really I have no idea how to manage it. I am told people are worse, people are dying, people can't stand the pain - always demands to look at the case, do something about it. And cases are given in such a disjointed way here, often over days, and I am expected to remember exactly what was happening and make rational decisions.

I have started to make people give me proper assessments in the last few weeks, and this is helping to dispel this problem to some degree. One of the things I am starting to notice is that when I do this, the patient is often mistaken about their perceived progress. I have had some instances where I have acted on advice the patient is better, only to discover that the patient was actually worse! And of course, many patients going through the healing process may proclaim themselves worse, when in fact Direction of Cure clearly shows they are improving.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 01:51:44 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This isn't to say that you were not attempting to help me. Perhaps working with someone in person might be better for you in the long run anyway. I hope that if Cypr-e does turn out to be good for you that the new homoeopath can continue the treatment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am so very, very sad. My beloved nineteen year old kitty died a few hours ago. I've had her in my life since she was a very tiny kitten. I did help her pass peacefully with the help of a homeopathic remedy but due to the Cypraea, I did not allow myself to take another remedy, as had helped me last time I had lost a huge part of my heart.

And my Mom will probably not live through this month. She does not respond to me at all anymore.

The homeopath I mentioned seems good but is four hours away from me. Due to my hearing loss I'm unable to use phone. She seems good but does not like to use email, which could be a huge problem. I wish there was a great homeopath closer but unfortunately that's not the case.

I don't know how to know if/when I should take another dose of Cypraea. The sadness of of my huge loss will most likely confuse my responses. I have read many posts when you have said to the patient that it's important to re-dose at the right time and not too soon or too late. I do know that I must use a highly diluted split dose if/when I do.

How will I know if/when?

Thank you...

I'm asking because even if I do work with a classical homeopath, it would most likely not be until spring.
tahbi last decade
Are herpes cold sores the same level of reaction to a remedy or your own healing as a rash? One big one showed up today as the rash on my leg has quieted down.
tahbi last decade
I don't think taking the remedy right now is the right thing to do, considering how long it took to come through the aggravation. It seems that feeling sad would be normal - not a remedy situation.

I am so sorry to hear it - I have had many animals in my life and lost them too. I finally chose to not have them anymore because I loved them too much.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, they are my world and it's such an enormous loss... but I just can't fathom living in this world without animals. I don't need to use words with them. Communication is pure.

My service dog, Tess, lay right close to me for the several hours of holding my kitty while she passed on. She knew....

I remember having discussions with people in the past about what they would do if the world was about to blow up or something like that and they had a chance to be saved by going on a space ship but could not bring animals. It was always absolutely clear to me that I would choose to stay on earth and be killed rather than exist without animals and nature of flora and fauna.
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 06:23:59 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

Could you please tell me how long a rash that comes on in response to a remedy can last? How long would you wait before re-taking a case?

Right now the worst symptoms are the following:

-cough (pleurisy pain in right side chest is better but not gone). Cough is getting worse.

-liver/gallbladder pressure is still driving me crazy, unchanged in very fluctuating way for over two years. Cypraea had no noticeable affect.

-rash by knee on left inner thigh that started with intense itch with cypraea is still there and itchy.

-left inguinal hernia appeared again with cypraea. Still there but not bothering as much.

The cough and lower right rib area pressure are the worst symptoms.

I understand how to use this forum now and how not to. I would really appreciate help with the cough especially. That was the primary symptom that brought me here in the beginning.
tahbi last decade
If a rash is part of a healing crisis, it could last months or even years.

If a rash is a proving symptom, it might last only a few days to a few weeks.

If a rash is a response of the vital force and matches the natural evolution of the internal disease, then it will continue until the disease is cured.

Such responses can occur when affected by any external event (weather, stress, drugs etc) and are not maintained by those triggers. Just as a person who gets a chronic cough from getting cold and wet in the rain cannot be said to still being hurt by the rain, even if a remedy triggers a response in the vital force, it no longer is responsible for it. The internal disease is - this is always the real reason we get stuck after any traumatic experience.

There is no real reason to re-take the case. You have provided huge amounts of information over the last few months. It is really just a matter of me looking back at everything and seeing if any new patterns (or old ones) jump into sight.

It will take me some time to go through it. Let's see what comes up this time.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, David.

I was doing quite well emotionally but the death of my 19 year old kitty and an incident the day after that really left me feeling violated, threatened, really made an awful day yesterday. My appetite vanished and I could not see out of the dark. In combination with heavy, dark, winter weather it made me fall back in that damned if I di, damned if I don't mode. I felt that I had plummetted back down both physically and emotionally from before the Arnica and Cypraea. I was very scared with this, especially knowing homeopathy was my only hope but that I thought there was no homeopath to help me. What is interesting is that my cough which had been very bad the day before was actually much better yesterday with no food and deep depression. I just woke up and feel as though I just came through hell.... totally wiped out, my spirit smothered and somehow trying to be numb so I won't get my hopes smashed again.

I have not mentioned the following I don't think.

No thirst ever unless hot summertime or very salty food which I don't like.

Uterus removed about ten years ago due to giant fibroid which severed my right ureter. I also had ovarian cysts for many years.

Colonoscopy last year revealed no polyps but a long redundant colon.

Carpal tunnel surgery seven years ago on both wrists after years of severe pain.

Morton's neuroma left foot. Many hard, fibrotic cysts in hands with dupuytren's left worse than right.

Gritty deposits in joints, muscles, connective tissue. All cuts turn very dark and keloids common.

The liver gallbladder pressure feels like a heavy rolled up sock or a balloon that is being over-filled with water, pushing out my lower ribs. Sometimes I feel gurgling or small twitch in there. Three ultrasounds showed nothing. Better before I get out of bed in morning. Better when rest with arms over my head if shoulders allow. I have always tended to lay like that.

I never want to be a bother so rather than ask for help I usually just try to disappear, even if it is dangerous. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated causes me to die each time and I unfortunately remember those times far too long. I tend to hold onto them no matter how hard I try to let go.

I am always early and get very annoyed when people are late.

Just disregard the above if it's already been posted. Sorry to add more but thought they may be important.

Thanks for retaking my case, David. No rush.
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

No rush, no pressure at all.

I just woke up and am trying to clarify the waking experience that has truly affected my life in an awful way, day after day after day since menopause replaced my wonderful waking experience filled with hope and excitement through incredible creative dreams every single morning, to intense dread, despair, depression, feeling totally lost, useless and forsaken the very moment I begin to wake up, even before I open my eyes. This began suddenly with the first painful night drench (scalding heat in chest radiating out and down my legs) in 2005. That day turned my life-long (to that day) bio-rythms totally around and although I am no longer experiencing the horrible, intense night drenches and other obvious menopausal symptoms, that awful foreboding feeling at the first moment of awareness each morning is hell. Not a light, optimistic way to start every day at all. It feels as though it attacks my deep peace and my soul every single morning. I then have a terrible time getting anything accomplished especially before 11AM or so. Early morning had always been my 'power time' before menopause. I'm a lost soul until dark comes at the end of the day when I can feel at least some little, superficial sense of peace again. Before menopause I would fall asleep soon after dark. But due to the lighter feeling at night now, I try to stay awake as long as possible because it's my only real escape.

I had many adrenal insufficiency physical symptoms and blood tests showing almost no morning cortisol and low DHEA. Acupuncture and other supplements and modalities had no effect at all, other than the pure Magnesium oil that I squirt in my mouth, swish for ten minutes or more and spit out. That was the only thing which helped raise the early morning cortisol. But the moment of awaking is still very hard and hangs on to me too tightly. I don't really feel physical fatigue through the morning. It's more emotional in an extremely deep way. Trying desperately to shut out all of my seemingly unsolvable issues and decisions that loom over me all the time until night darkness can cover them a bit. But then when I wake in the morning it attacks me again. It kills everything good about me. It makes me feel totally incapable and a total failure in life. It takes all day to get over those first few minutes of waking up every day.

As I think of it now, maybe it is not too different from those awful nightmares in childhood when my parents are blown up the instant before they can grab on to me.

Everything in my life is a catch-22 that is endless and is killing me. No clear solution for any issue in my broken record.

Being able to wake up without the total attack and dread would be a very good place to begin heeling my body. Killing everything good about myself first thing every morning before my eyes even open is certainly not the way to cure physical pathology. And the chronic cough really wears me out. Not enough oxygen.

[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 15:29:03 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 17:30:20 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Well, I have gone through all the new information that was posted since I made the Cypr-e prescription. While I believe the Animal Kingdom is still correct, too many new things were added that did not fit with Mollusc, or at least not the shelled molluscs. In fact those new things appear to point towards a completely different group.

However, to be sure, I need to go all the way back to the beginning, to combine the two parts of the case.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks so much for your help and the many hours reviewing my case, David. I'm assuming you mean the info in the Joepathy thread? I know the amount of history is huge and I have actually left out decades of the most intense pathology. As I said, there is no rush and I'm just thankful for your help and patience.

Right now the following are the issues causing the most obvious stress or discomfort:

-everything 'damned if I do, damned if I don't'.... catch-22 with just about everything. I think this differs from the intense quicksand theme in the first four years of menopause because than I only seemed to have the strength to either sink to a quick awful death with fast total suffocation of my spirit and life, or try not to fight and flail, accepting my fate of death and going under in slow motion, as tormenting as that is to be both the observer and the one dying the slow death.

Now I seem to have more strength and hope but the constant catch-22s with absolutely everything in my life are intensely draining. Every evening I gain hope and new ideas that seem positive and clear, but upon waking I'm overcome with dread and reality.... no clearly better direction of action. So I feel I'm in quicksand on waking. A bit before noon I force myself out of the shell or cave of superficial safety and silence and make myself go for a walk or go do errands and pretend to others that I have a full, meaningful life and loved ones who care. Then the sun goes down and a sense of peace and quiet come
back more than the rest of the day, as long as I stay in my one tiny corner of the overwhelming house, avoiding all haunts possible. The cocoon?

My right shoulder/upper arm pain and discomfort is worse again, as is my intense tooth nerve pain from ground down teeth with little enamal. I wonder if the shoulder pain is related to the gallbladder/liver pressure and fullness but I don't think so. There is no pattern that I can see. The shoulder pain 'out of whackness' is near constant and the liver pressure, cough, tooth
pain is not. My hands are stiff, disfigured with thick fibrous cords, crackly in finger joints, uncomfortable but don't often scream for attention. They do fill me with sadness though. My hands had always been my connection with learning and experiencing the best of my life. I had always had exceptional dexterity and sensation. They now seem like a metaphore for what is happening to my whole body, mind and heart..... clenching, no easy flow, disfigured, disfigured by the scartissue ....over protection.

Thank you, David.
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 01:03:37 GMT]
tahbi last decade
Hi David,

I'm just checking in. I've been doing pretty well keeping one foot in front of the other as well as having a lighter mood, probably because I've allowed myself one cup of coffee a day for the last five days or so. It definitely palliates physically as well as emotionally. If I make it too strong though, it puts me in a deep sleep; always has, weird but true. I've also been craving chocolate. But I've been sticking to my very healthy gluten-free diet other than the small amounts of coffee and chocolate. My tooth pain is better but I see that the teeth are chipping and wearing down noticeably which scares me. Hopefully my bones are not changing as quickly as my teeth. I'm still trying hard to walk most days of the week even though it's definitely challenging with the frigid temps and snow. I can't wait for spring!!!

Even though I don't do holidays and they have always been a huge source of stress and dis-ease for me, I would like to wish you a peaceful and joyous holiday and new year.

Thanks... Tahbi
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 01:33:03 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I had a lot of trouble tracking your thread down for some reason. I went back through pages of the threads I had made comments on and couldn't find it.

I will get back to work on this.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No problem, no rush. That happened to me also so I type osteoporosis in the search box and it's the first one listed. My Joepathy thread link with the early info is on the first osteoporosis page.

I realize how complex this is, David. Nothing too acute is going on right now. My shoulder is still quite uncomfortable as well as the liver area pressure but things have thankfully been drama free. I hope I did not just jinx myself! I am getting the itchy, possibly yeasty rash under my breasts again but that's been happening more and more over the last year. Gravity has happened! LOL And the saggy skin under my arms is seeming like wings... yuck! Getting older makes blinders necessary!

I think my hearing loss is getting worse because I really can't hear enough to understand most people talk now even when I can watch their faces right in front of me.

I think I'm most concerned about the issues that are more invisible, like the osteoporosis and shoulder issues that are clearly leading to the dreaded dowager's hump. And the almost three years of liver/gallbladder sensations are very creepy. My weight is perfect but my body is really changing.

Oh, the left inguinal hernia is popping out more also. Strange that it seems dormant until first Anacardium and then the Cypra-e

No rush.....

[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 02:45:58 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 02:49:08 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 02:54:11 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I realise now I was way off the mark with the animal group.

There was something that jarred with my idea of Mollusc remedies when I first analysed your case - the idea of coming out of the shell and being invisible. I didn't really see the connection to mollusc there, and now I believe the reason for that was that Mollusc is the wrong way to interpret that.

I believe that firstly, you have described the reptile family. Secondly, I believe you have described the Turtle group more specifically, and within that group the Marine Turtles.

One of the key features of the Turtle group is the shell, which it shares with the Molluscs (and a few others like the crabs and lobsters). However, the shell in the Molluscs is only about protecting what is vulnerable. For the turtles, it is about becoming hidden and invisible.

This is the primary way of telling these two groups apart, and because I was in the middle of studying the Reptile family and all the new provings and clinical cases, I was not well informed enough previously.

Your posts made AFTER my prescription really confirmed Reptile for me though (as well as continuing to stress the clear Animal language). The aggravation in the cold weather and the amelioration in the warm sunny weather is very typical for most reptiles.

One of the features of the Marine Turtles, is a feeling of awkwardness and heaviness on the land, but a feeling of speed and freedom in the sea. You seem to have very strongly expressed this.

The sensation or experience of Flight is often expressed by marine turtles too, whose speed and grace underwater can often be compared to birds flying in the air.

We only have 2 marine turtles currently available as remedies. Choosing between them has been quite difficult.

These remedies are:

Eretmochelys imbricata

Lepidochelys olivacea

Can you see which of them you are able to get?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
For some reason, your thread continues to not show in 'my recent threads' which is making keeping track of it hard. You may need to bump it up more often so that I can find it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

Thanks for putting the effort and time into reviewing my case. I was about to post a few days ago but was really affected and annoyed by another seemingly arrogant argument you had with another homeopath. I understand where you are coming from but those posts do not put you in the good light that you think. I know you are a very talented classical homeopath with a good heart but it feels very uncomfortable to me and I'm sure to others, to witness the 'king of the mountain' posts. The homeopaths here who come from very varied backgrounds, beliefs, highly experienced or not, are all donating their time as you are. Most of the patients are scared, sick, confused and more, and will gravitate to the homeopath they believe they can work with. To be honest, I was very moved by the other homeopath's reply. Does that mean he is the right match for me?.... no. But for many he is. Each patient will ultimately make their own decisions. I do very poorly witnessing any kind of arrogance from anyone. It has been that quality that has seeped into your posts a few times that made me not blindly trust as deeply as you demanded. Now that I wrote that, I assume you will not want to work with me. If you do still want to help me, here is an update.

I did pretty well getting through Christmas thanks to my dog and hiking up the peak of our area mountain even though it was 13 degrees. I drove down to my son's home five hours away for my 59th birthday which was the day after Christmas. It was a sweet, comfortable time with my son and his wife. For my b'day he drove me to the ocean an hour away. Although I'm very hard of hearing, I could still hear and feel the rhythm of the surf which has always been wonderful and cleansing for me.

That evening an email came from my daughter in Brazil that was very upsetting and once again filled me with anguish, shock and anger that she could be so irresponsible and self-centered, and I was consumed with deep empathy and worry for my granddaughter. That email really affected me badly. From then on I've not been able to stop the thoughts about my daughter and Granddaughter and would be woken up in the morning with the usual sense of dread and depression, but with signs that I had cried in my sleep. I rarely cry no matter how awful I feel. Part of the anguish is that as much as I feel furious at my daughter and miss, worry and feel powerless to help my Granddaughter be safe, I feel devastated and extreme empathy at how my clearly bi-polar daughter must feel in her distorted, alienated world. It's that damned if I do, damned if I don't picture again. She is my daughter and I just want to love her, hold her and make her feel better.... I empathize so deeply with both my daughter and granddaughter but it is my granddaughter who is put in danger because of her mom. It's truly heart-breaking for me.

I was so angry with my daughter that I fantasized that she died and my Granddaughter was able to come back to begin a safer, much better life.

My daughter sent me another email a few days later which just said she keeps checking for my reply. I replied very briefly saying that I was greatly upset by her email. Like usual, she is punishing me now by not contacting me at all. My Granddaughter's 10th b'day is on Sunday. It's all so sad because my daughter is so immature and bi-polar at age 31, never putting my Granddaughter's welfare first.

I have not taken any remedies since the Cypraea and am back to where I started with the addition of the deep itch by my left knee that cypr-e brought on, and the left hernia is still bulging a bit. When I checked this forum a few days ago and saw your reply to me I looked up the sea turtle remedies but found no Medica Materia info or differences between the two sea turtle remedies. I only found a source for one of them yet I felt I needed more info before ordering.

This morning I was so filled with anguish over mt Granddaughter/daughter situation that I researched a few key words of the emotion I felt and Causticum came up. I have never taken that remedy, however, I found many of it's rubrics were right on for my physical and mental picture... even the contracture in my hands, tendency towards dragging my right leg, hearing issues and tinnitus, and certainly the anger and anguish. There were a few key points such as aversion to sweets that were not me, and I saw no reference to any liver area sensations.

So, if you have any interest in working with me I would like to hear your take on Causticum.

And I do thank you for all of the time you have put into my case.


I just read more about causticum and although there are striking similars, several of the modalities are opposite mine.
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 03 Jan 2012 18:05:06 GMT]
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 03 Jan 2012 19:04:16 GMT]
tahbi last decade
I don't know what other homoeopath you are talking about. I can't see anyone else giving advice on this thread.

If you do take advice from someone, just make sure they are a qualified and experienced practitioner.

It is your choice what you do, as I have said before.

I don't want this to sound like arrogance, but if I put the time and effort into making prescriptions, all I want to know is that you will try them. So that is said not with any demand that you do it, only that I want to know that my work and time won't be wasted. Is that fair?

I have no problem with you doing whatever you wish to help yourself. I certainly won't cut you off from my help if you need it again. But I cannot work alongside another homoeopath - we will only get you into strife with conflicting opinions and prescriptions.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David, Thank you for your reply.

I just tried to find the thread with the posts I was referring to but could not. It was not my thread and I believe the homeopath was Dr Showrav and youdon'tknowme's thread. I apologize if I am wrong about the names.

I think you misread my post. I am not working with another homeopath and I absolutely understand about your following statement,

'but if I put the time and effort into making prescriptions, all I want to know is that you will try them. So that is said not with any demand that you do it, only that I want to know that my work and time won't be wasted. Is that fair?'

I honor that. The problem comes when I feel strongly that my words and meaning have not come across to you in the way I meant them. I then try to clarify but that often makes you seem angry and defensive. I've always been very sensitive to that scenario in my life anyway so I apologize if it's not true.

I'm interested in knowing more about the sea turtles but could find nothing online. Some of what you based that choice on did not ring true for me.

I would also very much like to understand more clearly the difference between the plant and animal kingdoms. Yes, survival is a theme in my life but competition is absolutely not. It's always been my extreme over-sensitivities to what is said, facial expressions, and physical 'canary in the coal-mine syndromes' rather than what you have stated on many other threads about the animal remedies.

I am so empathetic that even though someone does something bad to me or another person, I can feel what they must feel when nobody else can. That combined with my oversensitivity makes for a huge load of feelings that I can't seem to put in their proper place. Everything is always two sided so it goes round and round, back and forth with little chance for resolution and peace... leading to dis-ease.

I would like to know how that fits with the plant remedies. The remedies that had the most profound effect on me, and actually saved my life several times (anaphylaxis) were plant remedies. Aconite was the acute life saver when Epi did not work. Lycopodium was the lifesaver when I went on a trip and forgot my masto meds. They acted on all of me; mind and body. Aurum, Mercury, and the others I had mentioned only helped temporarily on one symptom and either body or mind, with short term palliation and no progress even with upping the potency.

I don't want to work with another homeopath, David. I am concerned though that communication is an issue here. But I want to work with you. I would not work with more than one homeopath at a time and I know how dangerous self-prescribing can be. I need to not be afraid to clarify something I believe you as my homeopath may have misunderstood about me though. Isn't that something you need in your own relationship with your homeopath? You know about homeopathy. The only way you know about me is from what I type here. Words are often inaccurate. I think I'm being clear, but then a response often shows I have not been or you have read it in a different way. So I try again to explain or clarify. I'm only human on the other side of our world with only self-assumed meanings of words and language to try to communicate with.

I hope you can hear me now. I want to work with only you!
tahbi last decade
I just read a very clear article describing the different kingdoms (Sankaran). I am not a homeopath but I've got to say that the key words for Plants fits me to a T. (my daughter is absolutely an Animal)

Everything I read about 'plant' fits me. Is it possible that you may have mis-read my posts? Unlike another on this forum, I don't care what my kingdom or remedy is, I care that it's the accurate Simillimum of me.

Maybe we need to start over???

No Rush, David. Take a few days or a few weeks to think it over and if you don't want to work with me just say so. I am committed to the process as long as I know the process is about who I really am, not a guesstimate.
[message edited by tahbi on Tue, 03 Jan 2012 21:33:34 GMT]
tahbi last decade
So the real problem as I see it, or at least as I hear it from you, is your feeling that I am not really 'getting' you or hearing the problem

I just don't know how to overcome that. Tell me how I can overcome that?

And I suppose what I hear back is that you do not really trust my case-taking skills. That I also do not know how to overcome.

I can only explain how I come to something. Remember that this kind of prescribing is impossible for any layman, and even many homoeopaths. No patient I have ever seen, mostly homoeopaths and students, have ever been right about their kingdom. That includes myself.

Plants have a single sensation and its opposite that is evident everywhere in the case. What is this single sensation for you?

Animals on the other hand have an issue with Survival, and describe a variety of processes related to surviving.

One of the ways we can tell an Animal from a Plant is the larger variety of sensations that are expressed. It is often hard to narrow it down to a plant group, there are just too many and they appear not to have any single theme. For me that is often one of the 'wake ups' to a case needing an animal remedy.

For someone to need a plant, the question must be answered 'What is the single sensation that can be seen everywhere in the disease/case/life of the person?'.

The problem with people reading about this method is they start to self-analyze, and this begins to corrupt their natural expressions. Once that happens you make it 10 times harder to get anywhere.

I also need to say that my ability to perceive your case is done with objectivity, something you cannot do. We will see it differently, no doubt at all. That is what gives me the ability to choose your remedy, and stops you from doing the same thing. This is not a problem but a necessity for prescribing.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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