Homeopathy Forum Archive: dog
Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase dog. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
404 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for dog:Trauma chest Dog ♥ 15
My German shepherd was accidentally hit by a car tire. We took him to emergency vet hospital Drained his chest cavity, gave him oxygen, stayed two days in hospital. He had two fr...
Remedies: Symphytum Officinale, Kali Muriaticum, Sulphur, Ruta Graveolens, Kali Phosphoricum
Started by redmustang. Last post: 2021-08-24Looking for HELP for my dog ♥ 23
I'm trying to find a natural cure for one of my dogs. According to the homeopathic vet I took him to when he hyperextended his back left leg, he somehow injured a nerve. She...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Causticum, Matico, Bryonia
Started by millerp. Last post: 2020-06-15Dog with Vaginitis ♥ 14
My elderly bouvier bitch has been suffering from Vaginitis the last week. Milky white discharge which seems to come in waves, slight temperature 39.7 Celcius (only checked this mor...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Kreosotum, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by skylark. Last post: 2020-06-15Dog is throwing up water ♥ 2
My dog is older not sure how old but maybe 7 or 8 but she is not eating her food and she is drinking water but she throws it up soon after she drinks. The liquid has white like pus...
Remedies: Solanum Tuberosum
Started by Raven3. Last post: 2020-06-1511 year old Dog - Arthritis in both hind and Front right leg ♥ 13
I have a 11 year old Labrador retriever female. She has painful arthritis in back legs and one front leg. There are days when she is fine, goes for a walk, however there are days ...
Remedies: Silicea, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Magnesia Phosphorica, Nux Vomica
Started by NVY. Last post: 2018-07-11Dog paralysed ♥ 1
Hi I need some suggestions regarding one of the street female dog who suddenly get paralysed. As per Vet I m giving her Trineurosl HV injection 1ml daily and seems some improvement...
Started by Truek. Last post: 2016-08-15Dog losing his hearing 46
My 13-year old male dog is losing his hearing. He seems to still hear high-pitched sound, but has a hard time determining the direction it is coming from. I have noticed that he s...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Magnesia Carbonica, Baryta Carbonica, Verbascum Thapsus, Hypericum Perforatum, Salicylicum Acidum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Natrum Salicylicum, Petroleum, Sulphur
Started by Guest444. Last post: 2025-02-25Looking for remedy for my dog 1
I am looking for treatment for my dog. Overall set of problems: 1. Itching all over 2. Slightly twisted knee on back left leg though not visible complaint when he walks 3. Sensiti...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Sulphur
Started by tvik. Last post: 2025-01-23PLEASE HELP, our new dog makes me itch 14
Hi, we got a new dog and I feel like I am allergic to him!!! When i lift him or even feed him I have itching right away specially on my face and head (dermatitis), but sometimes on...
Remedies: Calcarea Phosphorica, Natrum Muriaticum, Paeonia Officinalis, Teucrium Marum Verum, Sulphur, Aloe Socotrina, Lycopodium Clavatum, Nux Vomica
Started by maryam. Last post: 2024-12-25Bleeding blod from vigina of dog 5
I have 5 Street dogs in that one older dog since 15 days it bleeds blood from vigiana , i think its not heat wave . please suggest homeopathy medicine...
Remedies: Hamamelis Virginica
Started by Aswini1. Last post: 2024-08-15Dog with seizure please help 2
9 years old dog has had seizures (grand mal) for 2 years. First, it was 2x a year but now it is weekly. I had used DIAZEPAM but now it stops without medications after (at least I h...
Remedies: Dr Reckeweg R33
Started by Marc1. Last post: 2024-08-14Malassezia Pachydermatis / Itchy Dog 15
Has anyone used this remedy on a yeasty dog? My dog is itchy, smelly, with brownish waxy gunk in her ears. She also has dry elephant skin on her elbows/knees, etc....
Remedies: Sulphur, Heracleum Sphondylium, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by listensister. Last post: 2024-08-01Giardia in a 4 year dog 1
Hi, I need help for my dog. He vas diagnosed with giardia. His stools are loose, once a day, with urging to go, well formed at the when first comes out and after a long piece of th...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum, Kali Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by liliant. Last post: 2024-07-06Which remedies to try for dog with nerve damage (possible laryngeal paralysis) 12
Hi, Id like to try homeopathy for my dog. Hes had an intermittent cough for several months, pants a lot, breathes loudly, and gets tired very easily. He is anxious in certain situa...
Remedies: Borax
Started by thewhitecity. Last post: 2024-07-03Dog having seizures 11
I have a 5 year old female dog, no vaccinations for 3 years, no tick or flea treatment, no household/garden chemicals are used and she is fed a fresh food diet. Her first seizure w...
Remedies: Dr Reckeweg R33, Belladonna, Dr Reckeweg R3
Started by Equoart. Last post: 2024-04-30Cat Pouncing on Senior Dog 1
Hi, we have a 16 year old mini poodle mix and a 3 year old tuxedo cat. Our cat has a strong predatory tendency towards our dog - multiple times a day she will sneak around and pou...
Remedies: Lac Caninum
Started by vpark54. Last post: 2024-04-23Lymph nodes in our dog 3
Hi everyone, if anyone could help. 14 year old dog, swallen lymph nodes in his neck and groin. He only drinks water. Hasnt eaten for 4 days. Had temperature, not sure if he still ...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by IvanaZan. Last post: 2024-03-14Dog Social Anxiety / Aggression 1
Hello! My dog (2.5 year old Australian Shepherd) is struggling with what I believe is social anxiety / fear leading to aggression. Since she was a puppy, she has yelped, pulled on...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by kwathen. Last post: 2024-02-27Dog - Digestive Issue - Remedy not working 1
Hi - about 1 month ao my dog vomited a lot of clear gelatenous liquid and stopped eating for 5 days and drank lots and lots of water. I gave him Arsenicum Album 30c every 2 hours ...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by brunsey1. Last post: 2023-11-06Dog bite 4
A 14 year old boy Shabaz, who hid a dog bite for over a month from his parents out of fear, died of rabies 2 days back. A few days ago the child started showing symptoms of rabies....
Remedies: Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Lachesis, Hypericum Perforatum
Started by Ziomih. Last post: 2023-09-27Old Dog bite 0
A person was bitten by a dog in 2019. Is there any need of treatment?...
Started by Ziomih. Last post: 2023-09-27Dog bite tetanus symptoms 4
bitten very badly on forearm by dog fractured a bone severed two arteries and bit through the arm completely the dr made a mistake and sewed up the wound i developed cellulitis ...
Remedies: Hypericum Perforatum, Ledum Palustre, Silicea
Started by divinci1. Last post: 2022-01-177 year old dog with pyometria 0
Hello, I have a 7 year old American Staffordshire Terrier with pyometria. She had a loud foul smelling bloody puss discharge and was draining a lot. No appetite. Drinking and urina...
Started by drkdvinity. Last post: 2021-09-05Any practitioner treating pet dogs using homeopathy ? 1
Have come across references to homeopathy practitioners treating various health conditions of dogs (and other pets). Wondering if there are practitioners here for the same ? I hav...
Remedies: Graphites
Started by falcon74. Last post: 2021-09-04Dog - Creatinine, help 6
Hello, Our dog's blood report revealed that her creatinine is increased from 1.9 (in 2019) to 4.8 in 2021. Moderately high and has lost significant weight in past 2 years, co...
Remedies: Calcarea Phosphorica, Kali Phosphoricum, Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolens, Dr Reckeweg R64, Teucrium Marum Verum, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by June. Last post: 2021-08-27Older dog with ear inflammation and occasional blindness 5
13 year old doggy with ear inflammation and a sort of blindness (grey fog covering eyes) that comes and goes. I am wondering if he has a yeast infection (candida) due to his ears ...
Remedies: Kali Muriaticum, Melissa, Kali Sulphuricum, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by mdow. Last post: 2021-07-24Dog had ligament surgery of the knee 1
My 3 year old mix dog just had crusiate repair surgery on Wednesday. We did not get her back till yesterday. I gave her a dose of arnica 200c , staphageria 200c and candula 30c the...
Started by Brittany. Last post: 2021-07-03Dog help? 2
Remedies: Kali Phosphoricum
Started by Elledybba. Last post: 2021-04-13Chronic renal failure dog from tick disease 2
I am a small animal vet starting my journey into homeopathy. I have a canine patient with kidney disease secondary to ehrlichia, anaplasma, and RMSF. His values are off the charts ...
Remedies: Serum Anguillae, Kali Muriaticum
Started by bacvet. Last post: 2020-12-21Bloody urine in dog 2
Hi , female rottweiler 3.5 years is peeing blood in her urine. Her heat cycle was 2 months ago lasted for 10 days. It's been 5 days since blood in her urine, initially it was ...
Remedies: Cantharis
Started by Gba. Last post: 2020-11-03Dog with rashes and swollen nipple. 19
Hello, My female dog , 7 yeas old has been itching herself on her paws and in between then , near her eyes and mouth area. Since a couple of days her ears and belly have tiny red ...
Remedies: Sulphur, Silicea, Calendula Officinalis, Apis Mellifica, Rhus Tox
Started by Gba. Last post: 2020-09-22Dog mange , poor condition 6
Hello , a dog with severe itching and almost complete loss of hair. Mange like condition. Pus discharge from.ears , greenish goop from the eyes. Super moist interdigital area and n...
Remedies: Natrum Sulphuricum, Calendula Officinalis, Echinacea Angustifolia, Sulphur, Silicea
Started by Gba. Last post: 2020-09-19Dewormer for dogs 4
Can you please suggest homeopathic dewormer for dogs? Also if there is anything to detox them from time to time to increase immunity...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by Gba. Last post: 2020-08-06For our dog - part 2 !! 53
Hello, This is a question for our dog and the previous thread I had for her - https://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/581603 Long story short, she had digestion and assimilati...
Remedies: Sulphur, Arnica Montana, Rhus Tox, Psorinum, Ruta Graveolens, Cina, Nux Vomica, Silicea, Kali Phosphoricum, Bioplasma, Kali Sulphuricum, Kali (hyper -) Manganicum, Phosphorus, Coccus Cacti, Natrum Phosphoricum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Natrum Sulphuricum, Uva Ursi, Cantharis, Hepar Sulphur, Petroselinum, Apis Mellifica, Taraxacum, Iodium
Started by June. Last post: 2020-06-25Dog miserable with seasonal allergies and hip dysplasia 24
Hi, My dog has had several health issues since she was a puppy. One being hip dysplasia that is now causing a great deal of stress in her knees and lower back. She gets regular C...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea
Started by Mayasmama. Last post: 2020-04-30Advice for Dog Mastitis 1
Can someone please advice what remedy would be suitable for a 3+ year old dog, over weight at 90+ lbs, loves eating constantly, loves human food, friendly, loves people more than ...
Started by cust.73. Last post: 2020-04-05Dog wont eat vomiting 4
What remedy would you recommend?...
Started by gupta6. Last post: 2020-03-16Sulphur for chronic ear problems in dogs 1
Over the last several months my dog (60 lbs) has had an ear infection in just the left ear. I have been giving him 3-4 months ago several pellets of sulphur 30c once a month for ab...
Started by Ejazz. Last post: 2020-02-05Plaque on dogs teeth 1
I have seen recommendations to use Fragaria Vesca 6C to treat plaque on my dog's teeth. I cannot find that strength on the list of remedies. All I find is 30C. Would that be t...
Started by cbpots. Last post: 2019-12-14Itching dog and a growth on eye 0
My older dog has a growth on his left eye that is getting bigger and he itches a lot and he bits on his front paws and he drags his butt....
Started by Raven3. Last post: 2019-12-03For our dog 31
Hello, Hoping someone can help our dog. She is a 4 year old Standard Poodle. Back in May her poop started very yellow and in few days she had oil draining through her rectum. We d...
Remedies: Aloe Socotrina, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Natrum Sulphuricum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Phosphorus, Thuja Occidentalis, Natrum Muriaticum, Chelidonium Majus, Arsenicum Album, Solanum Tuberosum, Natrum Sulfovinicum, Carduus Marianus, Carduus Benedictus, Taraxacum, Ledum Palustre, Rhus Tox, Toxicophloea, Arnica Montana, Cina
Started by June. Last post: 2019-11-28Body itching cure for my dog 1
pomerian male dog---13 years old--body itching since many months--please advice some medicene...moody dog,very old for dog age...
Started by andy_65_in. Last post: 2019-10-14Itching dog 1
my dog is itching his self raw in places. He also has a growth on the left eye lid and he drags his butt....
Started by Raven3. Last post: 2019-10-10Dog with Congestive heart failure 5
Please help Matipoo, 7lbs 9 yrs old Difficulty breathing when lying down or exertion Apptetite good loves the outdoors adverse to heat easily excitable VERY attached to Mother (hu...
Remedies: Kali Carbonicum, Kali Muriaticum
Started by Dmearn. Last post: 2019-09-07Homeopathic for dog injury 4
My dog tore her doggy ACL in her knee a few months ago, she could barley walk on it at the time. now a few month later with leash walking and some therapy her limp is better but sh...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Rhus Tox, Toxicophloea
Started by Brittany. Last post: 2019-03-27Dog drags his butt and chews on his paws 1
my older dog draws his butt and chews on his paws he needs help....
Started by Raven3. Last post: 2019-02-06Dog with torn ligament in knee 5
We took our one and half year old pitbull mix dog to the vet for limping and they are telling us she tore her doggy ACL in her knee. Please advise for best outcome and how often ...
Remedies: Bryonia, Ruta Graveolens, Rhus Tox
Started by Brittany. Last post: 2019-01-22Dog drags his butt 1
My dog has a growth on his upper lid of his right eye and he chews on his front paws and drags his butt. Got any ideas for me to help my boy?...
Started by Raven3. Last post: 2019-01-21Dog hurt leg 1
Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me I have a one year old dog that has a knee problem she cannot put any way on her leg they think she might of strained a ligament or ten...
Started by Brittany. Last post: 2018-12-19Help for my dog please 2
Hello, my dog has lipomas and warts. He is 10 year old and weighs 40 pounds. He had puppy vaccinations, that's all. He has had the occasional spot on flea treatments which I t...
Started by Nama. Last post: 2018-11-05Dog bite vaccine causes 1
I got my 1st[ rabipur]vaccine then I don't know what to do I don't know if this is caused by rabies or the vaccine After taking the rabies vaccine because of a dog bite ...
Started by pvpasic. Last post: 2018-11-04Limping dog 2
Does anyone work with animals and homeopathy. My dog is a pitbull mix and has been limping past week. Limps worse after running and playing alot. Slight limp all the time. Does no...
Started by Brittany. Last post: 2018-10-03Dog with staph infection 5
My dog has a pretty persistent staph infection. We’ve tried multiple remedies but none of them have seemed to fix the issue. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with ...
Remedies: Echinacea Angustifolia, Calendula Officinalis, Staphysagria
Started by Owsleysmama. Last post: 2018-10-02IMPA = Immune Mediated Polyarthritis in DOG 4
My dog was just diagnosed with (IMPA) Immune Mediated Polyarthritis. Is anyone familiar with this disease,? Please help. She is a female Husky 2 1/2 year old. Her regular vet gave ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Alicia1. Last post: 2018-07-25My dog has a chronic ear infection 5
Where can I find help for my dog's chronic ear infection? She has had several conventional treatments and has seen a local homeopath with poor results. There are only two anim...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by SannaJ. Last post: 2018-06-08Dog suffering from red, itchy, bumpy skin and ongoing ear infection 4
My dog is a Pit Bull/Staffordshire Terrier. Mostly white fur (very thin fur) with a few brown spots. His right eye has heterochromia iridum of blue and amber. When healthy his skin...
Started by cara1967. Last post: 2018-06-02Dog got into Ars Alb 3
Hi, I gave my dog Bella Donna 30c may 27 at 2:20 and 6:20 PM and then again on 5/28 I think the 3rd dose probably was too much/not needed as it seemed to aggravate one of his sym...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by melissabr55. Last post: 2018-06-02Dogs eye not healing after deep corneal abrasion 2
I have a 12+ year old,12 pound little Min Pin mix who is recovering from conjunctivitis and a deep corneal scratch. The vet prescribed an Atrophine ointment, Eye serum, Tobramycin ...
Started by Dogmomma. Last post: 2018-05-11Dosage of Thuja for dog with warts 2
My 40 lb, mixed breed dog has a seriou problem with warts. I have purchased Thuja pellets (30ch) and I would like to know the proper dosage and how often to use it. Any help greatl...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by tibbymay. Last post: 2018-05-10Chronic dog middle ear infection 1
Hi, I have a dog who has a severe ear infection. So bad that she has created hematomas on her ears. The doctors want to operate, but I want to try and help her to heal. What remed...
Started by divinitylight. Last post: 2018-02-2231 brands of dog food/ laced with euthanasia drug 0
In news today- google the story and toss any Of these brands you have. Some of the companies Make cat food also....
Started by simone717. Last post: 2018-02-15Itchy Dog with Rash and Yeast Infection in Ears 13
Dear Friends: My spaniel, in reaction to stress, develops skin rashes that she licks to the point of open sores. She also has chronic yeast infections in ears from swimming. I trea...
Remedies: Alpha-dinitrophenolum, Valeriana
Started by EILEENHARR. Last post: 2018-01-02Need help for my Stressed, Anxious, Scared Dog 7
Hi I have a 3 year old Indie female dog who has the following condition Background - We had shifted houses about 2 years back and though earlier also she used to bark a lot at noi...
Started by NVY. Last post: 2017-12-18My dog needs your help.. 1
My dog was recently diagnosed with a spinal cord Tumour. The lesion is localized to the caudal cervical or upper thoracic region .The lesion is localized to the caudal cervical (C6...
Remedies: Silicea, Causticum, Plumbum Metallicum
Started by Robbiefernando. Last post: 2017-11-16Dog - Neuropathy & Weakness in Legs 1
Hello, I have a 10 year old Golden Retriever/Poodle mix. Large, 80lbs. He has been diagnosed with possible Neuropathy disease/damage. He tested negative for Degenerative Myelopothy...
Started by LittleM938. Last post: 2017-11-09Dog Noise Anxiety 1
Hi, I have a GSD male who has dreadful noise anxiety. Hard not to go into too much detail, as, with all anxieties, it is complex. It's a daily thing from sun up until after su...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Ignatia Amara
Started by xandra649. Last post: 2017-11-05Dr. Kwada...URGENT. Very painful Osteoarthritis in mature dog 7
Can you help me please?...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Silicea, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Magnesia Phosphorica
Started by Konstantinos. Last post: 2017-11-01Abdominal fluid of a 13 years old female dog 1
HI, can anybody please guide me. I have a female dog aged 13 years, she is detected with ascites though the symptoms are mild. I had been to many vet but is not working. Did xrays ...
Started by Truek. Last post: 2017-07-27My dog has a papilloma help plz 1
I have a golden retriever of 7 years, he has a papilloma at the back of his right ear and a sty like growth in the left eyelid. Kindly suggest remedy and oblige....
Started by Ruchira. Last post: 2017-06-19Dog Kidney Failure 21
I have read that Serum anguillae (Eel serum)is recommended for kidney failure. Does anyone have any knowledge of this. My dog is in the advanced stage of it. Will this help? If so,...
Remedies: Apis Mellifica, Eucalyptus Globulus, Nitri Spiritus Dulcis, Picricum Acidum, Arsenicum Album, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Chininum Arsenicosum, Chininum Muriaticum, Natrum Muriaticum, Chininum Sulphuricum, Sulphur, Mercurius Vivus, Nux Vomica, Sanicula Aqua, Sepia, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Alumina, Capsicum Annuum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Urea
Started by Kiranna. Last post: 2017-06-11DR.Kadwa please help me on osteoarthritis remedy for 10y OLD dog 3
Dear Sir, My 10 yesrs old labrador dog is suffering from tremendous leg pain on left side front & back legs. He go through X-ray & my vet. DR told me that he is suffering f...
Started by ghoshdastidar1980. Last post: 2017-06-05Myoclonus twitching in dogs 1
Is there any remedy for Myoclonus twitching in dog that has suffered from distemper .. The distemper virus has affected the dog's nervous system as a result of which the twitc...
Started by pjaiprak. Last post: 2017-04-27DR.Kadwa please help me on Hematoma remedy for 10y OLD dog ear 10
Dear Sir, I was looking for a homeopathy remedy for hematoma for my dog who has it on his ear. He is a 10years old Labrador, and weight about 32 kilograms. Few months ago we oper...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum
Started by ghoshdastidar1980. Last post: 2017-04-20Allergic to dog saliva 2
need specific treatment for the protein in dog/cat saliva that causes allergic reaction. skin rashes, stuffy nose, sneezing, constant exposure lowering immune system making person ...
Started by jjones1. Last post: 2017-02-07Calcarea Fluorica 30c-Epulis Dog 16
Hi, I am really desperate to find information on the dosage of Calcarea fluoria 30c to give a 100 pound dog for treating an epulis. The epulis was diagnosed by a vet and they said...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Fluorata, Myristica Sebifera, Causticum, Castor Equi, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by Bennie. Last post: 2017-01-18For my pet dog 1
My pet dog Raja, 9 yrs,weight 9.6 kgs, male, German Spitz has not been eating since last 6 days, is on IV FLUID ,DIaGONISED WITH KIDNEY PROBLEM May be stage 3 , Vet Medicines giv...
Started by Sanjib1. Last post: 2016-12-26For my pet dog 1
My pet dog Raja, 9 yrs, male, German Spitz has not been eating since last 6 days, is on IV FLUID ,DIaGONISED WITH KIDNEY PROBLEM May be stage 3 , Vet Medicines given are Rubenol ...
Started by Sanjib1. Last post: 2016-12-12My dog has been diagnosed with kidney failure 5
my name is mari. my dog xena has been diagnosed with kidney disease. please help. my vet is treating her with iv fluid but her conditioned is deteriorating. she is only 1 year and...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by mccain646. Last post: 2016-11-30Plz help: growth in the eyelid of my dog 15
Been trying to seek help since long. My dog, a golden retriever of 6 year old has a growth in the inner side of lower lid of left eye. It seems to be growing. Though it is not itch...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Antimonium Crudum
Started by Ruchira. Last post: 2016-11-24Dog skin ulcers 30
Please help me to find a homeopathic remedy for blisters/ulcers,cysts on dog paws. They start on the edges of pads, sometimes burst open, then form scabs. The pads are rough and th...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Arsenicum Album, Cantharis, Mercurius Solubilis, Rhus Tox, Mercurius Vivus, Zincum Metallicum, Graphites, Sulphur, Wildbad, Calcarea Fluorata, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by rupert. Last post: 2016-11-23Hematoma remedy for 10y OLD dog ear 2
Dear Doctor I was looking for a homeopathy remedy for hematoma for my dog who has it on his ear. He is a 10years old Labrador, and weight about 32 kilograms. Few months ago we op...
Started by ghoshdastidar1980. Last post: 2016-11-14Dog with fluid in lungs 3
Is there anyone here who has any advice to give regarding homeopathic remedies for a dog with fluid in lungs? My 12 year old Japanese Spitz has got fluid in the lungs and high kidn...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by sanne. Last post: 2016-11-06Dr. Kadwa: sty in the eye of my dog 1
Dr. Kadwa my dog is a golden retriever he has a growth in the lower inner lid of his left eye. It's growing in size. It not itchy,as he doesn't scratch. He also has a gro...
Started by Ruchira. Last post: 2016-10-16Dr. Anuj : sir my dog has a sty in eye 2
Dr Anuj sir I have a golden retriever 6 years old. He has a growth inside the lower lid of left eye. He also has a mole like growth at the back of right ear . I am worried as it is...
Started by Ruchira. Last post: 2016-10-15Murthy Sir : my dog has a sty in the eye 1
Sir I have a 6 year old golden retriever. He has a growth in the inner side of lower eye lid to his left. It's now almost six months, now I noticed it's getting bigger. H...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum
Started by Ruchira. Last post: 2016-10-14Tumour in My dogs mouth 4
I need advise please. My Dachshund 14 years of age has a tumour inside the mouth at the join of the gum and lip. The Vet told me that 14 is too old for a surgery more so she unde...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by Dashu. Last post: 2016-09-23Sulphur for fleas on dogs 3
Hi, I am knew here and I joined just to ask about using the sulphur for fleas on dogs, could someone please tell me how much to use please, I read about mixing it and putting over ...
Remedies: Pulex Irritans, Pulex, Sulphur, Psorinum
Started by nazrelle. Last post: 2016-09-19Mild distemper affect in my dog 5
I am from India suburban area. I have a 19 Months Old (DOB is 15 June 2014) Male Pure breed German Shepherd Dog named SPIKE who is properly vaccinated (Vaccinated Chart attached, M...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum
Started by nazar6. Last post: 2016-08-28Dog mammary tumor 2
My girl has just turned 6, never had any illnesses or issues up until recently other than behavioural issues. She was under a homeopathic vet but nothing prescribed seemed to help...
Remedies: Heracleum Sphondylium, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by kerry85. Last post: 2016-08-09Dog epilepsy treatment 9
My dog is 3 1/2 years old. Here are the details: Mid-March (2016): One-day early morning (approx. 4.15 AM) my dog vomited, which is not an issue, but suddenly he started making st...
Remedies: Causticum, Belladonna, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by digitized. Last post: 2016-08-03Dog itchy eyes and muzzle 2
I've got a 10 y/o Border Collie mix, female, spayed, that has suffered with itching eyes and muzzle for almost 2 years now. Consulted with a couple of homeopaths...she was giv...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by k9mom. Last post: 2016-07-31Dog bite 1
hi : like 3 weeks ago my dog got a little bit out of control and bite my arm and hand / wrist. I took arnica 30 c for like 2 weeks and the inflammation on the arm went away after ...
Started by love and peace. Last post: 2016-07-2415 yr old dog swollen left side of face 32
I have a 15 yr old rat terrier dog. Weighs 9 lbs. The left side of her face is swollen today. Towards the back of her jaw including around her eye. She has bad teeth so I'...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Heracleum Sphondylium, Gummi Ammoniacum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Vaccininum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Belladonna, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum
Started by nmbarden. Last post: 2016-07-15Dog that's Bad With Kids 3
I'm on the fence as far as just finding my dog a new home or dealing with her until my kids are older..... She is kind of cranky about her own space, and she growls and snarls...
Started by rom109. Last post: 2016-06-17Anxious,Shy,Scared Dog 1
Hello, We have a 5 month old Lab/Golden Rescue dog.. She is scared of everyone.. She warmed up to us within a week and is fine aroung my husband and myself.. But anyone that comes ...
Started by Bella4. Last post: 2016-05-12Help for my dog 1
Hello, I have worked briefly with two homeopaths to help my dog, but didn't get much support from either of them. My dog is anxious and fearful of being approached by anyone...
Started by newbie needs help. Last post: 2016-04-13Lameness in dog do to arthritis and hip dysplasia in the making 6
My dog has been diagnosed with degenerative arthritis and hip dysplasia in the making. I need to know besides Rus Tox what other remedies are advisable for lameness. Please help ...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by emiashby. Last post: 2016-03-14Lameness in dog do to arthritis and hip dysplasia in the making 1
I posted on March 5th about this problem of my dog. And I can't find my post????? Please help me. I am giving him Rhus Tox but I need guidance with other possible remedies ...
Started by emiashby. Last post: 2016-03-11Lameness in dog do to arthritis and hip dysplasia in the making 0
I can't find my postings!!!!...
Started by emiashby. Last post: 2016-03-08Pyometra 12 yr old dog 2
I need your help. We took our 12 yr old 83 lb German Shepard/Husky mix to the ER vet a few weeks ago when we came home and found a large puddle of bloody pus on the floor when she ...
Started by Crysam1202. Last post: 2016-02-25Please help, Dog w Anal Problem, Separation Anx & Shedding 14
Hello, I am asking for help with a remedy for a lovely shelter dog that I am fostering. She is a beautiful 50 lb girl about 7 years old, and has littered puppies, found as a stray....
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Lycopodium Clavatum, Sulphur, Heracleum Sphondylium, Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Rhododendron, Borax, Theridion
Started by Priscilla. Last post: 2016-02-22Dog treatment question 1
Hi, I have a small toy variety of poodle/chihuaha mix. She is an otherwise healthy dog who has done well with homeopathy in the past but has two issues yet to be resolved. She has ...
Started by brook29. Last post: 2016-02-08New rescued fearful dog needs help 2
A neuter male, 3 years old, American Eskimo mix. We adopted him from the local animal shelter 2.5 months ago. He was from a household which had total 25 dogs. According to his me...
Started by jojojoy. Last post: 2015-12-25Too much hair fall of my pet dog 1
I hear about that every treatment is possible through Homeopathy and it's safe to use. I have a pug age approx 2yrs. But his problem is too much hair falling. What to do??...
Started by deep09. Last post: 2015-12-11Elderly dog with dementia 1
I have an elderly dog who has canine cognitive dysfunction. She has all the symptoms of an elderly person - weak, tired, appetite loss, but the worst part is she is restless during...
Remedies: Heracleum Sphondylium, Nux Vomica
Started by SuperWanda. Last post: 2015-10-26Urgent: Remedy for my pet dog 5
My cocker spaniel aged six years has been diagnosed with cirrhosis and pancreatic fibrosis..what homeopathic remedy should I give her....
Remedies: Heracleum Sphondylium
Started by Kamillah. Last post: 2015-10-16Dog with a rash 0
a couple of years ago Anuf hlped me with my dog's rash. Is he still on the ABC forum l need help Dexter...
Started by dexter. Last post: 2015-09-29Ckd with pyometra in my dog 1
respected sir, my dog is suffering with ckd and pyometra .. she is in severe anemia... we are strictly balancing her potassium .. sodium ... and phosphorus.. her HB is very 4GM.. I...
Started by dr hymakar. Last post: 2015-08-1615 year old dog with open pyometra 1
Hello, I have a 15 year old dog with open pyometra. What can I give her to help her? She does not want to be alone and is restless. I gave her some arsenicum album which has helped...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by juliaindy. Last post: 2015-08-14Mix lab dog having pain in left front leg... 14
I Have a mix lab (her mother had an accidental mating) .Her name is Ginger .She is 9 years old and is having pain in her front left leg since few months now (almost 6 months) . Sin...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana
Started by Ajay malaotar. Last post: 2015-07-29My dog needs help 1
I Have a mix lab (her mother had an accidental mating) .Her name is Ginger .She is 9 years old and is having pain in her front left leg since few months now (almost 6 months) . Sin...
Started by Ajay malaotar. Last post: 2015-07-29Yeast infection in dogs 1
I have a dog that was on recent antibiotics and has terrible anal itching can you recommend anything for this?...
Started by betsysezzz. Last post: 2015-07-14Remedy for dog losing hair 5
Can someone suggest a remedy to help dog stop shedding so much hair? Is there such a remedy? Thank you...
Started by mc_palooza. Last post: 2015-07-13CUPS in dogs 0
I have another question....my daughters dog has an autoimmune reaction to the tartar and plaque on her teeth ....the vets solution choices are at best unacceptable (constant antib...
Started by betsysezzz. Last post: 2015-06-25Dog seizures bad! Please help 4
My dog has had seizures for 2 years now ever since he got vaccinations. He is on a lot of meds, and I'm getting. Worried about his liver so I was gonna start cutting back on p...
Remedies: Stramonium, Cuprum Metallicum
Started by sydney154. Last post: 2015-06-15Dogs seizures grand mal 0
I posted earlier regarding my dogs seizures and the med stramonium helped as he is not having hallucinations. Now he had a grand mal. He was awake and dropped unconscious and Whol...
Started by sydney154. Last post: 2015-06-12Dog with hard moveable lumps 2
Greetings, my dog was diagnosed with lymphoma. He has many golf ball sized hard lumps around his neck that can be easily felt. He has some hard lumps in this "armpit" area and his ...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Lachesis
Started by missynlas. Last post: 2015-06-05Open Pyometra in a ten year old dog 7
This infection has been draining for over two weeks. The dog is becoming weakened, has excessive thirst, and while still seems interested in food, must be force fed. We treated h...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Silicea, Calcarea Sulphurica, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by Revelation. Last post: 2015-05-08Dog eating poop and gravel stones 1
I am looking for remedies that I could peruse regarding a little terrier( very very busy little fella) who eats his poop and also eats the gravel stones in the driveway. Thanks in...
Started by patad. Last post: 2015-05-07Dog Degenerative Bone Disease 18
Too Kadwa My Rat Terrier/Chiwawa developed degenerative bone disease about 18 months ago. The vet finally found that Predisone helps a bit. She can hardly walk and when she does...
Remedies: Silicea, Causticum, Gelsemium Sempervirens
Started by cjsva. Last post: 2015-05-05Dog behavioural issues re missing eye 1
i am caring for a dingo , last year it began to defend and attack needlessly when other dogs came close to its owner,,, it is dangerous when it fights,,, eventually a tumor was fou...
Remedies: Lachesis, Stramonium, Astacus Fluviatilis, Lupulus, Plutonium (236) Nitricum
Started by divinci. Last post: 2015-04-30For the attention of fitness - dog constipation 23
Hi Fitness, could you please have a look at nuala's problem for me please. Realised last night I should have addressed this for your attention. Molly's (21 year old cat) ...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by kirsty28. Last post: 2015-04-29Dog aggressive on being picked up 21
I've got a little old rescue dog, a miniature poodle cross, that gets very angry and bites when picked up. For background, I have had her for nine months. In this time she h...
Remedies: Belladonna
Started by mutt27. Last post: 2015-04-27Aggressive dog 16
We have 2 dogs.Both females.Dog Y was brought when dog X was 1 year old.First, though X did not accept her, after 1 month everything is fine.Now problem is dog X becomes so insecur...
Remedies: Lachesis, Phosphorus
Started by harshita . Last post: 2015-04-03Veternarian homeopathic advice needed for dog 1
Hello my 2 yr old shihtzu poodle mix,Luna has had a pain on and off in the neck area causing the rest of her torso to stiffin up till she gets going. Early Jan I brought her to th...
Remedies: Rhus Tox, Silicea
Started by bizzyliz. Last post: 2015-03-21Dog hit by car doing well till last night 3
He is not barking and going to bite us. He was hit 11 days ago. They said he has head trauma but he is ok. I don't understand what to do for him. Makes me cry and my emotions...
Started by Tasybear. Last post: 2015-03-18Fits in dog 4
My 8 year old boxer has begun having fits. This is not as severe as the true epileptic cases I have been reading where they are severe and only last a few minuetes. He does do the ...
Started by Roxie. Last post: 2015-03-06Very urgent/ dog stops taking food 1
Hello, We have 2 dogs. One is doing fine but very dominant to the 2nd one.The 2nd one needs treatment. Here are her problems. Sex : Female Age : 1 year 2 months, Species : Alsati...
Started by harshita . Last post: 2015-03-03Help for dog 6
I have a miniature pincher that is continually licking his front paws. They have become inflamed and are swollen. Have tried all the normal treatments which haven't worked. An...
Started by Snoringbear. Last post: 2015-02-22Homeopathy for paralysis in dogs 3
Hi, my labrador, 2yrs & 8 months old, has developed sudden paralysis of the hind legs. Is a homeopathy cure/treatment possible for dogs?...
Started by ind_m2014. Last post: 2015-02-01Dog with tracheobronchitis and prostate problems 5
I apologize for very long text!!!! The dog has a problem with his throat, when excited or running or in a state of physical activities that demand increased effort begins to cough,...
Remedies: Capsicum Annuum, Lachesis
Started by Daria. Last post: 2015-02-01Dog knee injured 2
hi : my dog suffered an injury ( dont know how ) in his back right leg. the vet said that is his knee and if he doesnt improve he will have to have surgery ( i will avoid that ) s...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolens
Started by love and peace. Last post: 2015-01-30Liver disorder of 5 years labrador dog 1
i have a 5 years labrador dog who suffers from liver disorder from few months back.he is less interested in taking regular food.he is taking lots of water and the water deposits in...
Started by sobhan. Last post: 2015-01-30Dog just peed blood has been vomiting and has diahrrea EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP 1
My dog has puked a few times in the last couple hours..yellowish bike. I noticed when he was going to the bathroom outside about an hour ago he looked like he was havin diahrrea an...
Started by sydney154. Last post: 2015-01-23Dog with Pyometra 8
Hi, My dog was rushed to the vet on New Years Eve after she stopped eating for 2 days and was listless. He diagnosed Pyometra (initially open, mistaken for season, then closed whic...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by skylark. Last post: 2015-01-21Dog Evocationer please reply 3
I have only one son and he is 13 years old. He is very lonely and he wants a dog. WE take homeopathy. Keeping the dog in the home, will it affect the working of the homeopathy?...
Started by allie021998. Last post: 2015-01-11Please help dog with very itchy ears 2
A friend has a dog that has been suffering with very itchy years for a year now. I have advised to change to a hypoallergenic diet. The info I have so far is.. Do the symptoms com...
Started by Roxie. Last post: 2014-12-21Dog with lymphoma 33
Yesterday my sister's small dog, Ruby shihtzu/maltese) was diagnosed with lymphoma. We do not want to go with chemotherapy as Ruby is very sensitive changes/meds and her GI s...
Remedies: Conium Maculatum, X-ray
Started by Jackie26. Last post: 2014-12-17Dogs 1
I need to ask about my little dog-8lbs Rat/Chiawawa She has degenerative bone disease-can hardly walk. I give her Aug Med 200c-4pills in the am and pm. I give her the Colocynthsis ...
Remedies: Rhus Tox
Started by cjsva. Last post: 2014-11-06Any doctor who can help with dogs anal glands 5
my dog has swollen anal gland abscess. can anyone help??...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2014-10-20Dog bite. 1
My elder sister attack god and bite them. how can treat them...
Started by maneek01. Last post: 2014-10-125 years Labrador dog with ascites problem..Need Help 1
Sir, My Labrador dog is 5 yers old and suffering from Ascites problem. when he takes some water tablets ( Lasictone) he urinates more and after few days again it starts. He is hav...
Started by sobhan. Last post: 2014-10-11Anal gland abscess in dog 1
i gave my dog hepar sulph 30c for 3 days, it slightly worked, so i stopped it but after 3 days it didnt get any better so i gave him myristica 30c for 3 days it got worse then i a...
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2014-10-06Dog arthritis 18 yrs old 7
Greetings, I am treating an 18 year old Dachsund with severe arthritis and neglected teeth. (Dad's dog) Background: Arthritis x6 years. Hind legs almost fixed sometimes dr...
Remedies: Rhus Tox
Started by tahoejohn. Last post: 2014-10-02Aggressive dog 2
hi : i would like to know if there anything that can help a golden retriever 7 months old. he is a really good dog , but he is very anxious , and sometimes aggressive with us . i ...
Started by love and peace. Last post: 2014-09-12Dog constitutional type 1
I have a dog, the father is a golden retriever and the mother is a Scenthound. i need to define the right constitutional remedy for her. Here is what i got: she is chilly, doesnt d...
Remedies: Belladonna, Phosphorus, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by natasha_ul. Last post: 2014-08-16Labrador dog with Liver problem (swollen belly)..Please suggest 19
Labrador dog with Liver problem (swollen belly)..Please suggest My dog is of labrador breed and 5 yrs of age. As 6 -8 months back he was experienced by seizure and was in medicine...
Remedies: Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by sobhan. Last post: 2014-08-12Dog with Anal Gland Protrusion 10
Hello, I wonder if you doctors that I so greatly respect can help with my dog, a 30lb terrier who is recovering from a spinal surgery. After the surgery while still in the hospital...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata
Started by Priscilla. Last post: 2014-08-12Dominant Anxiety Male Dog 22
I have a 3 1/2 year old dog that has very high anxiety when he sees another dog while walking him outside. I am very nervous when walking him and I know he feels my nerves. Is ther...
Remedies: Cina
Started by ferropa. Last post: 2014-07-28Dog with seizures 13
My dog will be 3yrs old in July. He began having grand mal seizures on 4/15/2013, 3 weeks post vaccines of rabies & combo vaccine (DDP(?) He has been in the hospital over 8 months ...
Remedies: Phenobarbital, Gummi Ammoniacum, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by melenz. Last post: 2014-07-14Arthritis in my dogs - question 23
Hello, I am looking for a remedy for my two elderly dogs. Both have arthritis. Dog A is 12 years old, very thin, chills easily, restless at night, scares easily. He loves to lie ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Rhus Tox, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by beepsandclicks. Last post: 2014-06-30Dog with swollen lymph nodes 3
10-year-old golden retriever. Diagnosed with mine disease in 2010. Has been treated several times for it with Doxy. Last month became very lethargic and white blood cell count wa...
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2014-06-19Dog kidney disease 11
my doghas elevated creatinine 13.4. doctors say he has severe kidney failure and don't see much hope. He has been vomiting continuously and seems dehydrated. He is on IV (DNS...
Remedies: Avena Sativa, Ipecacuanha
Started by kvgopaly2k. Last post: 2014-05-25Histiocytoma in dogs 2
My West Highland Terrier has a Histiocytoma on his head, we had it cut out but it came back. Can anybody help with a homeopathic remedy?...
Started by gisela. Last post: 2014-04-24Dog Skin infection 2
Hi I have a 5 year old Indian Pariah whom I had adopted as her previous owners had abandoned her. She has developed dry skin which looks like an infection in her arm-pits and fee...
Started by shad0ww. Last post: 2014-04-22Yeast in dog 48
I have a 6 year old dog that has had issues with yeast for two years now. I have gone through most of the grain free foods only to learn, starch from high glycemic veggies also ca...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Fluorata, Psorinum, Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by tlbrower. Last post: 2014-04-21Large growth in dogs mouth- please help! 17
Three weeks ago I noticed a large growth in my dogs mouth. Located on the lower left jaw on the gum line. The growth was present on both sides of the gum very red and bleed when ...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Fluorata, Sulphur, Nitricum Acidum, Gun Powder, Myristica Sebifera, Anthrokokali, Iodium, Kali Iodatum, Aurum Metallicum, Arsenicum Album, Lycopodium Clavatum, Magnesia Carbonica
Started by Lexie0407. Last post: 2014-04-19Dog got stung by something poisonous 2
Help. My little dog got stung by something poisonous (I live in the Sonoran desert, southwest US) and went into anaphylactic shock. She has been at the animal hospital x 2 days but...
Started by nature_girl. Last post: 2014-04-15Epileptic Dog 4
Hi evrybody, it's been a nightmare day and i am sure everybody who's dealing with epilepsy would know what i'm talking about - 7 seizures in one day and the sad trut...
Remedies: Belladonna, Cuprum Metallicum
Started by queen.vd. Last post: 2014-04-07Will my friend dog be harmed by ledum 1
This is an exact copia of a letter from my friend I was giving my dog 1 ml about a half teaspoon of ledum while I was on a school trip for two days my mother gave him 5 ml...
Remedies: Ledum Palustre
Started by wantstoknow. Last post: 2014-03-15Chronic kidney failure in 6 yr old dog 16
My 6 yr old dog was diagnosed on January 22, 2013 with renal failure. The vet didn't expect him to make it a few days. I was praying for a miracle and did some research online...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Belladonna, Aurum Metallicum, Niacin, Taraxacum, Calcarea Carbonica, Angustura Vera
Started by melenz. Last post: 2014-02-27Epilepsy in dogs 1
Hi I have a 9yr old dalmation girl, she has been diagnosed with epilepsy in the last few weeks. She is on vet medication which is very expensive is there anything else that anyone ...
Started by patch1. Last post: 2014-02-05Dog arthitis 1
I am new to homeopathic remedies. On one of my dog sites I was told about rhus tox, bryonia and hecla lava. I purchased them but am unsure how to use them effectively and am look...
Started by dsrogers. Last post: 2014-01-19Itchy Dog 17
5 mo old lab mix, adopted from a groomer where the puppy had been dumped off with her sister. The groomer had my puppy vaccinated with a combo puppy vaccine at around 8 weeks of ag...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Stramonium, Origanum vulgare, Thuja Occidentalis, Mezereum, Rhus Tox, Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Influenzinum
Started by listensister. Last post: 2014-01-12Snake bite in dog 7
My 1 yrs dog got swelling oaroung his mouth this morning .vet is suspecting he got bitten by snake and doing blood test to confirm it . He is on pain and antibiotic tight now . Is...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Crotalus Horridus, Naja Tripudia
Started by nikkikumar. Last post: 2014-01-04Alopecia/hair loss in dog 18
Hi, I have a 4 year old dachshund which started presenting with hair loss on his back in a 'saddle' shape about 5 months ago. I switched him to a raw diet and gave him roy...
Started by tlbrower. Last post: 2013-12-18Sick Dog - Please Help 1
Hi My friend has a dog who is foaming at mouth, has a rash and vomiting up any food he eats. Vet thinks he has eaten something that has been poisened, any help gratefully appreciat...
Remedies: Carbo Vegetabilis
Started by peggy7123. Last post: 2013-12-18Old dog going in back legs and deaf 4
Hi, I have a 12 year old German Shepherd. She went deaf about 1 year ago. Vet could find no cause except old age. She is slowly weakening in the back legs and losing muscle tone...
Started by Lovelee. Last post: 2013-12-15Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs 12
Has anyone treated their dog medically for this? Is there a remedy for dogs? Is there a site that has good information about dogs and homeopathy? Thanks!...
Remedies: Ignatia Amara, Cuprum Metallicum, Aurum Metallicum
Started by chat_noir_13. Last post: 2013-12-14Urgent remedy advice for my dog 4
My dog has been vomiting since 6.30 this morning, iv taken her to the vets and they where unsure of the reason behind this. They gave her an injection to stop the vomiting. But are...
Started by Kilohw. Last post: 2013-11-18Old Dog with lame hind leg 3
Hello I hope someone can enligten as to how to resolve this problem with my beloved pet, I am at my whits end. For the last 8 months or so my Dog has had trouble standing on her le...
Started by cosmos35. Last post: 2013-11-09Dog with the bowels condition problem. 15
Good evening, I have dog, Woody, a one year old black lab mix, male, neutered at 7 months. He had giardia, demodex, ears, eyes infections. But the biggest problem, what has been wi...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Arsenicum Album
Started by Annap. Last post: 2013-10-22Hip dislocation in dog 3
I have a Labrador who is 9 months old but had his right hind hip/leg dislocated around a month back.He moves with his back swaying. Should i give him Arnica Q one drop in 200ml of ...
Remedies: Ruta Graveolens
Started by mar_sanj. Last post: 2013-10-20Need Homeopathy for 13yo Dog with Bronchitis 2
Hi All! My 13yo ACD/BC mix male dog Lakota weighs 70lbs (5-8lbs overweight). He is pretty energetic for his age and mischievous too! He likes to have fun! Unfortunately, he has bro...
Started by LoveAllAnimals. Last post: 2013-10-08Dog with red rash and constant itching 136
I have a pedigree red cattle dog with a constant red ras like scarlet fever who is always itching. When I bought him home at 7 weeks old he already was itching and then developed ...
Remedies: Sulphur, Plumbago Littoralis, Rhus Tox, Nux Vomica, Ignatia Amara, Silicea, Sabadilla, Calcarea Carbonica, Kali Sulphuricum, Kali Muriaticum, Thuja Occidentalis, Cortisone, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Natrum Sulphuricum, Bioplasma, Zincum Metallicum
Started by arkie. Last post: 2013-09-26Another dog with a limp. 1
CB on rising that my other dogs has.limped on his left leg once last year. This year it has happened on two occasions but the last one was three weeks ago and he is still limping d...
Started by Kathyw. Last post: 2013-08-21Dog with Recurrent Vomiting, Pain 20
Hi all, I posted the canine pemphigus topic back in 2007 and your advice cured my male Siberian completely. Now I am writing about my female Siberian Husky, Sierra, who is 8 years...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Nux Vomica, Ipecacuanha, Pancreatinum, Pepsi, Sepia
Started by kattraxx. Last post: 2013-08-20Lymes Disease Dog Crotalus horridus 5
How much dosage should a 100 lbs Rotty start with? He is 10 years old and has attacks approx, 2 times a year. The last time we tried Antibiotics, he nearly died. I bought the Crota...
Started by mvandyke37. Last post: 2013-07-31Dog with fuids in lungs 2
Hello, I have never posted here before and this is an attempt to save our almost 8 year old Rottweiler male, named Baby. We had him since he was 4 weeks old and he is our baby. We ...
Remedies: Ammonium Carbonicum
Started by stellagy. Last post: 2013-07-19Dog Sudden Deafness 19
My 10-year old toy poodle was nearly completely deaf following a teeth cleaning for which she was anesthetized for 16 minutes. Prior to the procedure her hearing was extremely goo...
Remedies: Ambra Grisea, Phosphorus, Anacardium Occidentale
Started by gfx337. Last post: 2013-07-10Dog Bite help sagheer or kashif 2
Dear Sir Plz advise on first aid on dog bite. which medicine will be used when someone bitten by dog....
Remedies: Ledum Palustre, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum)
Started by Nitesh Kamal. Last post: 2013-07-06Help please - porcupine quills removed - dog having breathing issues 15
Hi all! I just joined this forum & am hoping someone can help me figure out what renedy to give my dog. For some background, she is a Great Pyrenees & has very long white hair. ...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Aconitum Napellus, Apis Mellifica, Arnica Montana, Belladonna, Bellis Perennis, Bryonia, Calendula Officinalis, Cantharis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Hypericum Perforatum, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Silicea
Started by jtkkmom. Last post: 2013-06-28Old dog with weak back legs 30
I have a 14 year old lab whose back legs are becoming increasingly weak. He needs help in getting up. His muscles have diminished greatly in size. He has a good diet - lean grou...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Rhus Tox, Calcarea Phosphorica, Arnica Montana
Started by fredkiwi. Last post: 2013-06-04Acid reflux in dogs 1
my dog has recently started bringing up a little food in his mouth when he burps or he gets a funny taste in his mouth when he burps. I feel it could be acid reflux. What medicine ...
Started by vijaya lukose. Last post: 2013-05-19Bleeding gums in my dog 23
HiI have a 10 year old doberman and his mouth is bleeding. Its not everyday- but his gums are inflammed and he has lost 2 teeth already.Is there some medicine that I could use for...
Remedies: Kreosotum
Started by kevmin. Last post: 2013-05-04Arthritis in Dog 1
Hello, I am writing about a 12.5 year old dog who has developed arthritis symptoms in back legs/hips. Symptoms I can remember are: Restless at night, hot and panting at night when ...
Started by soyeso. Last post: 2013-04-30Dog with renal & bladder calculi and enlarging prostate 0
I am an adopted (formerly abandoned) mixed male, non-spayed Indian/German Spitz of about 6 yrs in age having calculi in both kidneys and bladder resulting in urinary tract infectio...
Started by Bozo1. Last post: 2013-04-11Noise Sensitive Dog 8
Happy Holidays, I am trying to get some help for my 8 year old Austrailian Cattledog/Sherperd mix. She has VERY BIG EARs. HUGE. When she is in my apartment and hears a cracking,...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Aurum Metallicum, Aconitum Napellus, Silicea, Borax, Opium
Started by Telamoon. Last post: 2013-03-27Dog problem 6
Hi,Where shall i start ?Maybe take his case and ask me questions ?Anyway i'm a homeopath myself but cant get to the bottom of my dog's problem.Basically he is normal at h...
Remedies: Baryta Carbonica, Calcarea Carbonica, Arnica Montana, Aconitum Napellus, Arsenicum Album, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Argentum Metallicum, Staphysagria, Ignatia Amara, Natrum Muriaticum, Argentum Nitricum
Started by Eיוג. Last post: 2013-03-17Itchy Dog - can I start over at a lower dose of the same medicine 2
Several months ago, I gave Puddin 3 doses of Sulphur 30C - 8 hours apart. She stopped almost all itching for a week then started back. Several months later, I gave her one dose of...
Started by latrenda. Last post: 2013-02-18Dog having trouble with his back legs 1
I have a 14 year old boxer who as of late has had trouble with his back legs. The vet told us it was age, which I understand, I am just looking to see if there is anything to reli...
Started by Kmelby. Last post: 2013-02-10Very itchy skin in sweet rescue dog 2
Hi- I am hoping someone might be willing to help me with my sweet little rescue dog. I have had her for about a year, but I do not know any of her prior medical history. She is a P...
Started by ben26. Last post: 2013-02-07Weakness in Hind legs German sheperd dog 7
My German Sheperd is 5 years old. It seems to drag its hind legs and finds difficulty in getiing up from a sleeping position. It is 5 years ld and otherwise healthy....
Started by dhanista123. Last post: 2013-01-28Dog with lumps 0
My ten year old lab has lumps under his skin. They are squishy and seem to be attached within the skin. The largest are about 2.5 inches in diameter. The smallest about the size of...
Started by nallie. Last post: 2013-01-1616 year old dog with pyometria 4
Hello. I'm looking for help with my dog. She is 16 1/2 year old poodle/pomeranian mix. 6 months ago she developed an open pyometra. This is a uterine infection in which puss a...
Started by celinenaville. Last post: 2013-01-13Birth control for female dog 2
Can someone please help with a homeopathy remedy for birth control in animals ? Need help to treat a female dog.........
Started by shabnamansari40. Last post: 2012-12-13Need help PLEASE my dog has kidney failure not long until.. 16
Hello i removed my dog frm the vet today because i could not afford any treatment, only iv was administered. she has according to the dr kidney failure (acute i believe) she has ha...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Alfalfa, Althaea Officinalis, Serum Anguillae
Started by kang44. Last post: 2012-12-07Hematoma remedy for my dogs ear 1
Dear Doctor I was looking for a homeopathy remedy for hematoma for my dog who has it on her ear. She is a dalmatian, 7 years old and weights about 35 kilograms. Please let me know...
Started by vijaya lukose. Last post: 2012-12-04Please help! Urgent! My dog has advanced kidney failure! 3
Hi, my little Yorkie has serious kidney failure. She is 15 years old, was 5 pounds her whole life until she got very sick about 9 days ago, so now she weighs about 3 lbs now becaus...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Serum Anguillae
Started by Kakiali. Last post: 2012-12-02Dog with severe allergic reaction 2
Hi there, my 3 yr old lab has had a sever allergic reaction every day after she eats. This has been going on for about 1 month now. It starts with hives on the insides of her ears...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by AnneMo. Last post: 2012-12-01Please can some one help - Tracheal Collapse in dogs 11
Is there any treatment for tracheal collapse in dogs where the trachea is unable to keep its shape because the cartilage rings are not strong enough. Quick overview of tracheal co...
Remedies: Lachesis, Calcarea Carbonica, Apis Mellifica, Arsenicum Album, ADN, Arnica Montana, Chelidonium Majus
Started by sujisuji. Last post: 2012-11-29Homeo for dog - allergies 3
Hi, I have a Dachshund who moved from Southern India to California in 2011. Since then he has been having allergies quite often. When he gets allergies, he feels itchy. The hair i...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Petroleum
Started by homeo for us. Last post: 2012-10-10Urgent, dog bite 8
Please someone help my sister, she just got bit by a dog there is lots and lots of blood she is calming down now but pain is throbbing Thanks...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by pixie wood. Last post: 2012-09-03Thuja for dog with possible autoimmune disorder 5
Our 5 month old French Bulldog (rescue- prior health info unknown) has had two bouts of terrible skin lesions, pustules, and sores. We made the mistake of immunizing her. Last im...
Started by vanessamaestri. Last post: 2012-08-14Dog has kidney failure pt2 0
after i got my dog from the vet i took her to a womens home in paia (maui) who practiced homeopathy she sold me a tincture but refused to tell me what it was or was in it, she just...
Started by kang44. Last post: 2012-08-1113 year old dog - advice 4
HI there, This is for another assignment case. I have a 13 year old dog. Chronic nasal discharge for the last 6 months it is: - clear - thin - slimy -constant - stringy - sometim...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa
Started by starclipper. Last post: 2012-07-21Auto immune problem in dog 1
Hi, I have a 3 year old Pomeranian. Unfortunately she has develped some problem over the last year. It causes her to develop cataracts in her eyes. They eyes start developing a gre...
Started by jatan. Last post: 2012-07-19Brown Waxy Ears in Dogs 0
PLEASE google yeast infections in dogs and read, read, read. The wax buildup in ears, the hives and scabs on skin, hair loss, swollen oozing paws, constant licking and chewing paws...
Started by sulane. Last post: 2012-07-03Bladder Stones in dog 11
I am looking for a remedy to assist the removal of sturvite bladder stones in my dog. He is 3 years old, 110lb, sheep dog. The urine is thin, yellow, with lots of blood. Some of...
Remedies: Cantharis, Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
Started by deashelton. Last post: 2012-06-01Warts dog - allergies - habit of licking 1
Hi there, was wanting some advice. I am treating a dog with warts - gets up to 12 at a time and is removed at the vet clinic. The thing is this dog also has allergies. Otitis ext...
Started by starclipper. Last post: 2012-05-29Ticks on dog 1
Hi, I have tried various methods to eliminate ticks on my 1 year lab but everything failed, is there good homeo treatment for this? Can I try Ledum 30 and for how long? will it r...
Started by sun_pathak. Last post: 2012-05-11Please help my dog 1
my dog is suffering with pus filled uterus for the past 2 weeks. it has become lean and thin. Veterinary doctor has suggested to try homeopathy as he can't perform surgery to ...
Started by coolbreeze. Last post: 2012-05-03Dog with ear infection 1
Hi I am trying to figure out a remedy for a dog with chronic ear and eye infections. His ears are Hot Sore smelly - sickly sour smell like sour milk Discharge is brown/close to bl...
Remedies: Sulphur, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Graphites, Arsenicum Album
Started by Marieke. Last post: 2012-04-24Homeo for dog - hind leg swollen 1
I have a dachshund. His right hind leg is swollen around the knee like a small bubble little over twice the size. Otherwise he is active and is not limping. It is soft and when pre...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by homeo for us. Last post: 2012-04-225yr old dog with high BUN and creatinie. 1
please advise remedy for high creatine for a 5 yr old dog with acute renal failure after spaying surgery....
Started by Debsstudio. Last post: 2012-04-08Dog stopped barking 1
A dog who had cough types system and looked like he was going to vomit has after couple of days stopped barking. Looks he is feeling problem while doing so. Can homeopathy help hi...
Started by harbhajanthukral. Last post: 2012-04-02Epileptic dog type Phosphorous 146
My dog suffered grand mal epileptic seizures every 3/4 weeks with PB and KBr treatment. We wanted to reduce the medication and went to homeopath who said he is a Phosphorous type. ...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Cuprum Metallicum, Lachesis, Opium, Phenobarbital, Arnica Montana, Elaps Corallinus, Morphinum, Causticum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Atropinium, Stramonium, Sabadilla, Stannum Iodatum
Started by Rudolf. Last post: 2012-03-11Older dog with arthritis. 2
Last year I asked for help with my 12 year old rescue dog and was told what to do. The results were amazing and she has not limped since. However sometimes she is stiff after layin...
Started by Kathyw. Last post: 2012-03-03Yeast problem in dog 1
My dog is having a terrible time w yeast. Her ears drive her crazy. Shakes head all the time. Aggravated during the night. Cries while scratching ears. Prefers warmth. Gave 1 dose...
Remedies: Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Michaelerenae . Last post: 2012-02-09Allergy to dogs beagles 1
Hi All, We rescued two five year old beagles from an animal testing lab in Spain two months ago. About four weeks ago, I started getting allergies again. I'm not sure if thes...
Started by GDS444. Last post: 2012-01-28Laryngeal Paralysis / back-end weakness in Dog 1
Hi there,I am hoping for some advice. I have a Leonberger who has had 2 tie-back operations (over 18 months) to address his bi-lateral laryngeal paralysis. He also had some calci...
Started by DMac17. Last post: 2012-01-15My Dog having chronic kidney failure 9
My Dog having chronic kidney failure Please suggest homeopathic medicine? My Dog having chronic kidney failure. Please suggest homeopathic medicine. 12 Months old. BUN level 272, C...
Started by ramprasad131. Last post: 2012-01-02Dog Care: eye ulcer & glaucoma 1
My 11 yr old dog has a pretty bad ulcer in her left eye and also has glaucoma. (none in right) Was hoping there may be some pain relief or possible help with curing either of the...
Started by yellowjonquils. Last post: 2011-12-28Bleeding gums- 12 year old dog 1
I have a 12.5 year old french poodle that has a foul breath and is constantly licking his paws. I have also noticed that he leaves blood stains on his blankets and most of the time...
Started by Bonita07. Last post: 2011-12-06Tibia fracture and possible osteomyelitis in dog 16
This is about a female, free-roaming Indian dog (not a pet staying in a house), about 6-7 months old. She used to be taken care of by a family who have road side stalls. Normally t...
Remedies: Apis Mellifica, Bovista, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Opium
Started by bhondor. Last post: 2011-10-30Dog disc injury 2
Hi all, I'm new to the site and looking for some advice about my dog. He's a 7yr old cavalier king charles, generally anxious of other dogs - except when they're on ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum
Started by Jofro. Last post: 2011-10-28Broken leg in dog 3
I have a 7 year old male Sheltie that broke his hind leg just above his hock 8 weeks ago. He has an external fixator on with 2 pins to hold it in place. He went to the vets a few...
Remedies: X-ray
Started by oliver99. Last post: 2011-10-23Dog with seizures 5
This dog is suffering seizures after falling and hitting her head while trying to jump into a pickup. The vet has been unable to stop the seizures. Any suggestions....
Started by fredkiwi. Last post: 2011-10-22Can you help a very troubled dog please? 7
We got Charlie from a rescue and at first he was the perfect dog. A few months went by and then one day he was scared by a man behaving badly and from then on it was as if he did n...
Remedies: Borax
Started by Kathyw. Last post: 2011-10-03Urgent help needed for DOG bite!! 1
Sir I'm 45 years old lady from Bangladesh. Before 15 days, one night a Dog scratch on my leg. It was very simple. No bleeding, no irritating. It was Just little bit scratch. ...
Remedies: Echinacea Purpurea
Started by amarami. Last post: 2011-09-24Dog and Porcupine Quills 11
Dog got involved with a porcupine. I gave her whatever got into her and not all over floor of 1 pellet silicea 30c in a little water.Could not hold the dog still and get the quill...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Chamomilla, Passiflora Incarnata, Silicea, Pyrogenium, Ledum Palustre, Calendula Officinalis, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, Iodium, Arnica Montana, Aconitum Napellus
Started by Bodhitshe. Last post: 2011-09-12Dog epilepsy 3
hi , i am having a male dog 1.5 yrs old , mixed breed of doberman and LAB. weight 20 kg approx. he was first seziour in 6th aug 2011.thank god it does not occur again . that time i...
Remedies: Saccharum Lactis
Started by khushkhush. Last post: 2011-09-08Paralyzed dog with Giardia! I need help as soon as possible, PLEASE! 77
Hello, we have a dog from a rescue. She has been hit by a car in February and is now paralyzed in her rear legs. She has no control about her bladder and bowel. I have read about ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Cina, Argentum Metallicum, Nux Vomica, Anthrokokali, Zincum Metallicum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hypericum Perforatum
Started by Finchen. Last post: 2011-08-17Dog hit by car- emotionally traumatized 5
short version: (long version below) - adopted 10 month old dog (left mother behind) - she is the 3rd dog in our house - dog timid, quiet, no bark - dog submissive to 2 older dogs ...
Remedies: Cistus Canadensis
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2011-08-14Rescued dog needs help please. 46
Hello, I’ve adopted a dog that has a lovely personality but he is fearful of people and situations new to him. He ran away from his previous foster and stayed atop a mound of dirt...
Remedies: Curare, Lycopodium Clavatum, Argentum Nitricum, Argentum Metallicum, Belladonna, Arsenicum Album, Cuprum Metallicum, Hyoscyamus Niger, Mercurius Vivus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Stramonium, Tarentula Hispanica, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by antied77. Last post: 2011-08-02Veterinary help for my dog 2
I have a pekingese who will be 15 yrs old in September. She has always been in excellent health til about a month ago. She has had intermittent diarrhea. I have treated her with...
Started by Idic0101. Last post: 2011-08-01Maggot wound in dogs 2
I have a little unusual question. This is about a general situation and not any individual. Often we come across dogs who have wounds on heads, shoulders, back etc. infested with m...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by bhondor. Last post: 2011-06-30Dog not drinking water, rear legs swollen and itching all over the body 1
German Shephard dog, female, 8 years not drinking water and the rear legs are swollen. It is having itching all over the hairy body.Please suggest a remedy....
Started by madhunik. Last post: 2011-06-11Help for my dog : diareah due 2 antibiotics 1
I have a 2 month old pup who has been ill for one month now. he had watery diarrohea with green stools as he had bacterial infection , now infection is cured but he is unable to di...
Started by minx011. Last post: 2011-06-10PLEASE HELP my dog - mast cell tumor 0
My dog is a 6 yr old black lab (sweet as she can be) named Jasmine. She weighs about 51 lbs (relatively small). She has suffered from allergies most of her life with them getti...
Started by deb29. Last post: 2011-05-02Lung fluid in 10 year dog 0
I have a 10 year 15 pound. Vet took x ray explained he has fluid in lungs. Is there anything I can give him to help him clear the fluid? I woud like to try a natural approach. I a...
Started by vallecm. Last post: 2011-03-27Watery clear discharge dogs eyes 1
I just adopted a 2 year old cavalier king charles. Everything appears normal except he has excess amount of clear discharge from his eyes during the day. When he wakes in the morni...
Started by thesixamigos. Last post: 2011-03-24Dog with Staph Infection 6
Hello,I need a little help. Apparently my little labrador puppy (6 months) has a Staph infection and I would like to treat her homeopathically instead of giving her the antiobiotic...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Thea Sinensis, Argentum Metallicum, Plumbum Metallicum, Skookum Chuck, Anthrokokali
Started by sydmi. Last post: 2011-02-21Urgent, please help this great dog 11
Hello, I am from India and this post is going to be very long because I'll try to convey the maximum possible information for finding a remedy. Buro is an Indian male dog, app...
Remedies: X-ray, Arnica Montana, Staphylococcinum, Phosphorus, Silicea
Started by bhondor. Last post: 2011-02-21Dog with Abcess in Gums 3
I read a similar post about a dog that had teeth removed that had an abcess in its mouth, but my dog has not had any teeth removed, nor do I think she needs that. She has an abces...
Started by cobra1368. Last post: 2011-02-11Homeopathy for my dog again please 2
Hi, my dog had sarcoptic mange and I treated her with sulphur. Guess what- all gone now! ok but there's a complication. when she had the mange, she scratched hard under her ...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by homeopathyfordogs. Last post: 2011-01-07Arthritis in dogs 3
Hi. My 14 year old dog has is showing the early signs of arthritis. I have yet to take her to the vets for a diagnosis but regardless of the oficial medical outcome I would liek ...
Remedies: Rhus Tox
Started by tishtash. Last post: 2011-01-06Dog injured and is limping while walking- Help 4
A stray dog which frequents our building was beaten by somebody with a wooden stick on its leg for fun sake (as what the spectators told me), it was in deep pain and is now limpi...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by samur420. Last post: 2011-01-02Is homeopathy for dogs with conjunctivitis? 4
Hello, Can anyone recommend a remedy for a 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier with conjucntivitis. This condition occurs year round. I have tried to limit the number of baths she r...
Started by jorbri1513. Last post: 2010-12-28Ruptured crutiate ligmant on dog 2
Hello Everyone I have an 11 Year Old West Highland terrier dog who has just ruptured its crutiate ligament on the right rear leg. He has to have an operation to fix this on Thurs...
Started by lindylou. Last post: 2010-12-22Please help! For my dog but still she's suffering 10
I've used 2 homeopaths for my dog. One was very good but she didn't like me because I questioned a remedy and she dropped her. The 2nd wasn't very good, just basical...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by homeopathyfordogs. Last post: 2010-12-19Dog with Chronic Nasal Discharge 1
My 14 year old black lab had surgery for laryngeal paralysis 5 months ago due to a collapsed larynx. AFter that she was not able to bark anymore (she tries, but we can barely hea...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by Mariec. Last post: 2010-12-05Moving, keeping my dogs clam and relaxed 4
I am moving 8 hours away and traveling with my two large dogs (between 70-80lbs)and a cat in a kennel. I really don't want to use medication from my vet. I do have Bach Rescu...
Started by Boss Mare. Last post: 2010-11-21My dog has congestive heart failure... what can I do to help her? 5
My sweet little dog has congestive heart failure from a mitral valve prolapse. The vet started her on Lasix and Enalapril. For the first few weeks the medicine seemed to be helpin...
Remedies: Carboneum Oxygenisatum
Started by maddie37. Last post: 2010-11-17Scabies in my dog 1
Hi I had posted a question few weeks ago. Dr Kwara had resposnded to my query advising Sulphur for my 1 year old dog hwo has recuurant attack of scab like apperance on his skin. Dr...
Started by deepali. Last post: 2010-11-14First aid for dog 3
My neighbor's dog got away from him on a walk and got hit by a car. They got her to a vet right away and X rays showed a broken pelvis which the vet said may or may not heal....
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis
Started by ruth45. Last post: 2010-11-06Staph in dogs 4
Have 2 poodles with staph infection. Think it might have started with reaction to Frontline when trying to keep fleas off. Prefer not to use these chemicals but kept having fleas h...
Remedies: Staphysagria, Sulphur, Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphorus
Started by vkelly. Last post: 2010-09-21Dog Skin problem 0
I have a rajapalayam male dog, white skinned, 2 1/2 years old. It is getting skin eruption regularly. It balds at that place and gets a open wound. Once cured again getting it back...
Started by naraghu. Last post: 2010-08-24Symphytum for dogs 2
I have a small Toy Poodle that broke her radius and ulna 5 months ago. She had an operation to put a plate and screws in to fix her broken leg that she then had it taken off after ...
Started by PoodleLover. Last post: 2010-08-01Chronic Bronchitis in 13 yr old small dog 5
My 13.5 yr old dog has been diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis and is getting worse instead of improving. I think the meds have done a number on her, especially the prednizone. She...
Remedies: Antimonium Tartaricum, Drosera Rotundifolia, Antimonium Crudum
Started by sunbunny. Last post: 2010-07-23Dog with red & bleeding gums! 2
My dog has pale pink gums. On the lining along the teeth and along the upper gumline, it is a line of red..bloody looking..if I rub or press on it, it bleeds. Her breath is reall...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Caladium Seguinum, Bioplasma
Started by DoggieDiva. Last post: 2010-07-12Fluid on Lungs, enlarged heart in pet dog 12
I hope it is ok to post about my pet, as I can't find anything on the pet sites. I have an almost 10 yr old healthy cock-a-poo girl that started coughing a week ago. Took to v...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, X-ray
Started by yellowjonquils. Last post: 2010-07-09Dog having fear for fire crackers 1
I have a 2 year old male, rajapalayam dog which is sensitive to fire crackers noise. It becomes restless and unable to manage the fire crackers noise. Even one cracker sound, will ...
Started by naraghu. Last post: 2010-07-08Dog is afraid-same time every year 2
Gelsinium, Ignatia, aconite? I can't decide? - afraid to go outside alone - afraid of loud noisy but not thunderstorms - sleeps all the time - thirsty - shakes when outside...
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2010-05-11Dog Eats Tree Bark 2
Hi, We have a 16-month-old male German Shepherd puppy with the following symptoms: -obsessively bites large trees and eats the bark -whimpers periodically throughout the day -ha...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by nicoleg. Last post: 2010-04-28Hormone Replacement in Dogs 0
Does anyone know what Homeopathy treatment could be used for a four year old female dog who has been spayed?...
Started by kimber56. Last post: 2010-04-23Nose bleed of dog has returned can anyone help with remdy 22
My dogs nose bleed has returned and i have given lachesis 200 but to no avail, he is now not eating and seem a bit depressed can any one out there suggest something thank you ps i ...
Remedies: Lachesis, Millefolium, Phosphorus, Theridion, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Cinchona Boliviana
Started by bernie1. Last post: 2010-04-19My dog is now said to have immune mediated intravascular coagulopathy 1
My dog has now had 4 blood trans fusions but his red blood cells are still very low and is said to have an auto immune problem where his body is attacking his own red blood cells. ...
Started by bernie1. Last post: 2010-04-10Obese dog witk weak bones/joints 51
Please help! I have a lab, a four and a half yeal old bitch. She has been fat since she was one year old, though she does not over eat. Now she is 43 kgs.Doctor says both her probl...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Caladium Seguinum, Calcarea Fluorata, Rhus Tox, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Bryonia, Verbascum Thapsus, Kali Carbonicum
Started by anamika_anamika. Last post: 2010-04-08My dog is bleeding and from nose and his blood wont clot 13
My dog i s bleeding from nose and cannot clot and some one please help i dont have a lot of rmemdies on me but i have phos 30 carbo veg antimonium tart aconite belladonna and just ...
Remedies: Carbo Vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Lachesis, Arnica Montana
Started by bernie1. Last post: 2010-04-06Yeast In Dogs Ear 12
When cleaning ear, dark brown yucky stuff, lots of it. Vet said it was yeast and RX antibiotic and ear wash to do cleaning. Am trying to avoid the antibiotic. Any suggestions. B...
Remedies: Alfalfa, Yucca, Niacin, Ferrum Metallicum, Zincum Metallicum, Cuprum Metallicum, Coca, Sulphur, Triosteum Perfoliatum
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2010-01-20Grade III Heart Murmur in Dog 1
My 13 year old dog has been diagnosed with a grade III heart murmur. She tires easily and is losing weight, seems very depressed. Her appetite is still very good but she seems to h...
Started by beepsandclicks. Last post: 2010-01-09My dogs teeth/gums are bleeding!!!!! 1
I just found out that my dogs teeth are bleeding. I was petting her, and i looked at my hand and saw blood on my hands. She's about 14 or 15 years old, american eskimo dog. He...
Started by tawneejaze. Last post: 2009-12-04Dog with cold/flu 1
My labrador is coughing a lot, a silent cough, specially at night. He shrivers, has no temperature, nor appetite loss. He seems to dicongest when we are on a walk or exercising. Wh...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by abcdefghijklm. Last post: 2009-11-30Recurring ear and skin infections in dog 1
My German Shepherd gets very frequent ear and skin infections. She has a hearty appetite but is very thin. Gets an upset stomach very often too. She is an active and happy dog. ...
Started by ibelieve. Last post: 2009-10-23Symphytum for dogs 4
I have a 50 kg schnauzzer with a broken toe. He has been splinted for almost 8 wks but last xray showing very slow healing, and they think it may not heal fully. A friend suggested...
Started by bigdoglover. Last post: 2009-10-16Please help dog with possible pyometra! 5
My dog is a 6 year old Pomeranian. Normally she is quite hyper, curious, very interested in food and treats, a little dominant sometimes and protective. She had no previous health ...
Remedies: Sepia, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Heparine, Pyrogenium
Started by cicka. Last post: 2009-08-11My pet dog 8
My pet dog, black in colour, 8 years old, since 4 months suffering ear eczema which is severe itching, may be painful on scratcing, having foul odour from the ear. It always like t...
Remedies: Calendula Officinalis
Started by sridurga. Last post: 2009-06-10Feral Dog and Fear Aggression 3
Greetings! I am writing to get some help with one of the dogs I adopted last year. He is a beautiful shepherd/ retriever mix named Bobo. He was about 10 weeks when I adopted him...
Remedies: Cistus Canadensis
Started by Janavere. Last post: 2009-06-07Dog with lupus and now infection... 26
Our 109 pound (overweight due to medication, not overfeeding) four year old spayed Rottweiler, Cena, suffers from lupus. She is being treated with Prednisone and up until a few mo...
Remedies: Apis Mellifica, Ferrum Metallicum, Cortisone, Argentum Metallicum, Phosphorus, Natrum Sulphuricum, Mercurius Solubilis, Mercurius Vivus, Arsenicum Album
Started by prairiegirl. Last post: 2009-05-31Dog with persistant abscess in gums 14
My dog is in a lot of pain... I'd really like to help her. I have some experience diagnosing myself and my children, but I am at a loss with a dog since they can't talk. ...
Remedies: Pyrogenium, ADN, Calcarea Sulphurica, Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Calendula Officinalis, Apis Mellifica
Started by rheemeryck. Last post: 2009-05-08Tapeworms in dog 11
My dog recently got tapeworms after (I'm assuming) swallowing a flea. What do you recommend for a treatment protocol? Thank you....
Remedies: Stillingia Sylvatica, Cina, Sabadilla, Sinapis Nigra
Started by nicoleg. Last post: 2009-04-27Can I use ether to sedate a dog safely. 15
Firstly I would never do anything like this unless I thought it was safe,so please dont think I would!!!I operate a non profit dog sanctuary for homeless unwanted dogs etc.From tim...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Silicea, Ether, Veratrinum, Calendula Officinalis, Bellis Perennis
Started by Aunt Vera. Last post: 2009-04-15Dog with lipoma 1
My dog is only 3.5 years old but has developed a Lipoma on his chest in the past 2 month. The vet did an aspiration. He has been raw fed and has not received any meds for the past ...
Started by charlie2000. Last post: 2009-04-14Dog with Yeasty Ears 2
Hello, I'd appreciate any ideas for remedies I could research or ear washes that might help.. or anything else you can think of. Seamus is a 5 year old Golden Retriever. Si...
Remedies: Glycerinum
Started by LeePendo. Last post: 2009-03-28Help Needed for Suffering Dog 2
My dog was the unfortunate victim of an attack last Tuesday while I was not home. She is home from the vet now, but has subcutaneous emphysema/ air under the skin and multiple bro...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by penzancepony. Last post: 2009-02-21Dog and imaginary pregnancy 6
Hi I have a dog who is having a imaginary pregnancy(hope it`s the right expression). Is there any remedy which can be given to prevent this? The dog is whining terrible and it`s no...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by minn2. Last post: 2009-02-20Lipomas on my dog 1
hello, I have a 10 year old chow/beagle mix he has about 6 Lipomas They have been tested by the vet. his biggest one is on his chest its about 5 inches round. and he has one one hi...
Started by Kimmysmomma. Last post: 2009-02-11Dog with a scratched Cornea. (please help quite worried) 0
ok about 5 weeks ago my grandams cat came over to my property and attacked my dog as we were leaving that Morning. When we got home that late afternoon. I noticed my dogs eye was t...
Started by Kimmysmomma. Last post: 2009-02-11Dog with luxating patellas in both knees 0
I have a 15 year old Shi tzu. Shes about 11 pounds. I've only had her for 7 years. She has always seemed to be deformed like her back legs are longer then the front. Then 4 y...
Started by Kimmysmomma. Last post: 2009-02-11Lymes Disease remedies for humans and dogs 3
Hi! My 5 month old puppy got diagnosed with Lymes yesterday after having some problems with his joints. Does anybody know any remedies that may help get rid of the disease. The ...
Remedies: Gun Powder, Sulphur
Started by airlessgel. Last post: 2009-02-07Vitiligo - Dogs 4
I have a friend who has a 9 year old German Shepherd mix and has vitiligo. The skin around her lips is turning pink and there are a couple of pinkish spots around her nose and her ...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Sulphur
Started by Georgex2. Last post: 2009-01-20Dog sudden blindness, incontinence 4
my australian terrier (20 pounds) is 5 years old, has suddenly gone blind (3 weeks ago. vet took tests, found nothing wrong with eyes, nothing wrong in blood wrok or urine except h...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by jujujoint. Last post: 2009-01-08Remedy for dogs 7
Is there a remedy that I could give to my dog for ear infections? He is 76 lbs, will be 2 yrs old in May, and this is his second yeast ear infection in the last 4 months. If ther...
Remedies: Candida Albicans
Started by annlivi2000. Last post: 2009-01-05Severe asthma and Dog allergy-HELP 2
I am 30 years old and have had asthma almost all of my life. I did well with it and took meds, but about 10 years ago I developed a severe allergy to dogs...I don't get hives ...
Started by phrn255. Last post: 2008-12-15Possible mange on my dog 0
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help my 2 year old female dog who has possible mange. It seems to start with very small pimple like spots with a light brown tip (possible tiny scab on ...
Started by MichelleJ. Last post: 2008-12-15Dog -mammary tumour 4
My dog (female-10 years old) has one swelling under her chest and one near one of her nipples. These swellings do not seem to trouble her but the one near the nipple has since last...
Started by gitamadhu. Last post: 2008-12-12Help with dog IBD 6
I am not sure if there are vet homeopaths here but if anyone can offer advice or suggestions, I would really appreciate it. My dog is 2 and a half years old, 10 kgs, she is a mong...
Remedies: Tarentula Hispanica, Nux Vomica, Alumina, Arsenicum Album
Started by induprasad. Last post: 2008-11-17Years ongoing yeast ear infection in my dog 4
Dutchess is going on 8 years, is a lab/G. shepard/unknown mix and has a history of ear infections like this. This last one began a little over two years ago and did not respond to ...
Remedies: Aurum Metallicum, Kali Muriaticum, Zincum Metallicum, Cuprum Metallicum, Pyridoxine
Started by RiverValleyWoman. Last post: 2008-11-16Treatment for my dog 4
My Jack Russell trerrier has a fear-agression problem that leads to fights with a second dog in the house. My vet has suggested using a homeopathic approach. Does anyone have exper...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Belladonna
Started by TBoneDon. Last post: 2008-10-16My dog has Staph (& boils now) 3
My dog has had staph for a couple weeks now, mainly on her underbelly, but it has been traveling to other random spots as well. I was try ing to treat it homeopathically, but sin...
Remedies: Staphysagria, Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum, Castor Equi, Calendula Officinalis, Echinacea Angustifolia
Started by mriga. Last post: 2008-09-15Dogs ear infection. 4
Hi, I gave my dog silicea 6c for help with his anal glands. After, I gave this his right ear started to have what sounded like liquid in it. I called a holistic vet and he tol...
Started by Alexis. Last post: 2008-09-11Part 2-Help for my dog 0
Sorry...I also forgot to mention my dog Romeo has reocurring ear infections in his right ear! I would like to give him something for reoccuring infections?? Any ideas??? I feel awf...
Started by sly1975. Last post: 2008-08-24Sweet dog in big trouble 3
Katie, a doxie/terrier mix, only 4 years, has a brain tumor. She is walking like a drunken sailor, falling down, left eye has permanently dilated, seems out of it at times. This ...
Started by MissNoodle. Last post: 2008-08-15Overweight dog 0
What homeopathic remedy is good to help weight loss in an overweight dog? I'm currently reducing my dog's food intake and increasing his daily walks but also would like ...
Started by kkhaw. Last post: 2008-07-14Dosage of Arsenicum Album for a dog in kidney failure 2
What would be the proper dosage and schedule for a 65 lb. dog in acute renal failure?...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by gayla. Last post: 2008-06-22Dog skin allergy 0
Our 9 year old female German Shepherd reacts approx 3-5 days after being in water with horrible itchy skin all over. This last for up to 2 weeks. It doesn't happen with tap ...
Started by mkbennet. Last post: 2008-06-10Dog is dieing 2
I think my dog is not going to make it. Please help. First let me tell you how it started. One night my dog began to not be to not be able to walk very well, he was wobbely and...
Remedies: Stramonium
Started by Sarah52. Last post: 2008-05-28Remedy for pet dog help!!! 3
I recently adopted a puppy from the animal shelter. She was scratching a lot so we bought frontline for fleas. That was 3 weeks ago. She is still scratching a lot, especially at ni...
Started by AmyJS. Last post: 2008-04-30Can homeopathy help to increase height for dogs 3
i have a boxer dog who is 6months old. his height is 19'. generally they should be 26' of height withen 9months of age. i dont want to try any steroids as they have a lot o...
Started by payal201185. Last post: 2008-04-25Nux Vomica for dogs 1
Is Nux Vomica dangerous for dogs in a 30c dose? This is the only dose I could find on short notice in my town... He has many symptoms that will fit, but I don't want to cause...
Started by artchic435. Last post: 2008-04-04Help with my Dog 19
Hi I am new so I hope I am doing this right...and forgive me if this is long! I have a 16 month old Bullmastiff, we got her at 10 weeks old. Unfortunately we went the traditional...
Remedies: Tuberculinum, Aloe Socotrina, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Sulphur, Silicea, Gentiana Lutea, Bioplasma, Kali Chlorosum
Started by maven. Last post: 2008-04-01Eye injury on dog 1
My Dobbie has had an eye infection for about 2 years. I thinks it started when she submerged her head in a stagnent pool of water looking for frogs, day after day. Now her eye is a...
Started by KUGELPLATZ. Last post: 2008-02-06I don't want my dog to die! 29
I know he's a dog, but can anyone see it in their heart to look at this??? We've spent what money we had on 3 different vets-1 was holistic and 2 are not. None of them c...
Remedies: Stannum Metallicum, Borax, Silicea, Argentum Metallicum, Origanum vulgare, Colostrum, Sulphur, Arsenicum Album, Carbo Vegetabilis, Sanicula Aqua, Nitricum Acidum, Nux Vomica, Ozone (Oxygenium), Pulsatilla Nigricans, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2007-12-30Itchy Foster Dog 3
Hello, I'm a foster mom for Cairn Terriers. One of my current fosters is about 9 years old. She lived in a kennel all her life until she was turned over to rescue. Now she...
Remedies: Echinacea Purpurea, Echinacea Angustifolia
Started by lovemycairns. Last post: 2007-12-11Pls help- holistic dog refusing food ! 3
Dog age: 6.5yrs breed: king shepherd sex: male-intact weight: usually 120lbs vaccines: only 1 puppy set medications: none ever supplements: c,msm,kelp etc raw fed holistic diet-no ...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Zincum Metallicum, Argentum Metallicum, Phosphorus, Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2007-11-30Help Rescue Dog with Seperation Anxiety 17
I rescued a female dog from the pound 2 years ago. She is a border collie/flat coat retriever. Very sweet and gentle. She sleeps all the time and sighs a lot. I wonder if she is de...
Remedies: Ignatia Amara, Juglans Regia
Started by norsksunshine. Last post: 2007-11-06Dog - diarrhea 4
Hello. I'm hoping someone can help my dog. I have a 5 year old dog. He is basically very sweet, but doesn't care anything else but me. He follows me everywhere, I mean ...
Remedies: Ignatia Amara
Started by Georgex2. Last post: 2007-10-25Anal sacculitis in dog 0
I have a large male dog with anal sacculitis. There is a heavy, dark brown, very smelly discharge. I have seen this problem appear in several of my dogs after spaying or neuteri...
Started by fredkiwi. Last post: 2007-10-22Dog with Hernia & Lack of Appetite 3
Can I please have some remedy recommendations: German Shepherd pup Thin, boney Suppressed appetite - likes chicken wings & necks but seems to have no appetite for anything else Ab...
Remedies: Alumina
Started by Angeleen. Last post: 2007-10-01Ick in Dogs Ear 9
Golden Retriever suffers from constant ear ick. Discharge is dark brown and smells. SHes had antibiotic drops for this in the past (2 years ago), but it never seems to go away. ...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Silicea, Bioplasma
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2007-09-21Dog with collapsed trachea & heart disease 1
Hello to all, I have a 13 yr old female Chihuahua (7lbs) who has been diagnosed with mitral valve insuffiency (grade 3 heart murmur) as well as a collapsed trachea (these are ofte...
Remedies: Spongia Tosta
Started by bluj3803. Last post: 2007-09-14Sand eating in dog 36
Hello. I have a very nervous Belgian Shepherd,male,age almost4,neutered. Every time I go for a walk with him,first thing he wil do is search for sand and eats it. His health is c...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Grindelia Robusta, Opium, Alumina, Passiflora Incarnata
Started by doglover. Last post: 2007-09-03Dog - surgery- vaccines-arnica pre & post? 16
Hello. We worked with a local homeopath who treated our dog with stramonium 200c last year for behaviour anger issues, tremoring, fear etc. with moderate to minimal success. It...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Sulphur, Hypericum Perforatum, Theridion
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2007-08-08Dog w/ possible Pyometra-please help 12
Hi! I have a 9 yr old, intact female dog that has sudden onset of what appears to be symptomatic of Pyometra.(I looked it up online) We are remote from a vet(from everything) and ...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Argentum Metallicum, Apis Mellifica, Carbo Vegetabilis
Started by elmvalleyranch. Last post: 2007-08-08My female dog has got reddish...... 1
i got a female dog which has got reddish ass which is quite visible to us.i mean reddish flesh from inside is visible which is covered by black skin on ass.so whats the reason for ...
Started by bharadwaj. Last post: 2007-08-08Aiha dogs 3
My youngest has the AutoImmune Anemia. Predinsone was a disaster. Now have him on Nat Mur; Cali And Ferr phos With Transfer Factor Plus. Any other suggestions? many thanks Margi...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by barks& meows. Last post: 2007-08-07Perianal fistula - Dog 1
Has anyone had success in treating canine perianal fisutas homeopathically? I have an 85 lb Irish Setter which I have been treating for almost a year with cystosporin (Atopica), ...
Started by dogzma. Last post: 2007-07-25Help with a dog - nasal tumour 3
I am treating a dog with the following: * nasal tumour, left side * bleeds from left nostril * blood pale, stringy, drips * no clots in blood or other * tumour very large in sinus ...
Remedies: Mercurius Iodatus Ruber, Mercurius Vivus
Started by Flower80. Last post: 2007-07-03Help for my 14-year-old dog whose head shakes 3
She is 14 years old and she is having some tremors of her head . It shakes up and down when she lying with her head raised and then she has to rest her head (lie on side) . It also...
Started by Miyuki. Last post: 2007-04-04Itchy dog - but no sign of skin irritation 0
My dog is a 10 year old spayed Lakeland terrier bitch, weighing about 8 kilos. She has had intermittent problems with itching all her life. The most recent episode involves biting ...
Started by hollyann. Last post: 2007-04-04Dog problems... 3
I have seen a couple of posts about pets and wondered if anyone has any ideas for my parent's dog.His name is Ruskin and he is a yellow labrador of about 8 years. He is abnorm...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by kairos. Last post: 2007-03-29Pyoderma in dogs 0
What human-grade homeopathic remedy can I use for my dog who has pyoderma? He seems to have little 'pimples' on his skin. On searching Google, I found this product called...
Started by kkhaw. Last post: 2007-03-10Dogs itching 5 MONTHS-nothing working-help 5
Uggg. I don't know what to do. In 5 months, I've been to 1 sort of holistic vet, a TRUE holistic vet, 2 homeopaths online tried to help- nothing is working! Our dogs have...
Remedies: Kola, Hydrocotyle Asiatica
Started by wendypape. Last post: 2007-03-09Dog afraid of fireworks 0
Hi, I just ordered som Pullsatilla Nigricons from ABC, does anyone know of the frequency that should be give for a Borzoi who is very afraid of fireworks. He hates 4th of July and ...
Started by mrcavecanem. Last post: 2007-03-07Dog eating inedible objects 2
I am treating a dog who eats rocks, stones and macademia nuts from the yard he is kept in. There have been three bowel obstructions due to this resulting in surgery. He has a histo...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Flower80. Last post: 2007-02-28HELP, need remedy, dog has a UTI! 3
Hi, I have a 130pound English Mastiff (DOG)she has a pretty bad bladder infection. I took her to the vet about 2 weeks ago and they ran tests on her only to find out that she ha...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Cantharis
Started by sswens. Last post: 2007-02-23Demodectic mange on a dog 6
Hi,What can i give a dog with demodectic mange . This is the mange which comes because of a failure in the immunity system and the dog is born with it .Thanks.regards...
Remedies: Silicea, Sulphur, Echinacea Purpurea, Glycerinum, Robinia Pseudacacia, Cacao
Started by Miyuki. Last post: 2007-02-09Dog afraid of walks? 2
Advice greatly appreciated on my lovely little dog! ; Teo, Chihuahua, 2years old, male neautered, slightly, only slightly overweight. He shows fear when I get ready to go out, ie p...
Started by Kirsten. Last post: 2007-01-27Dog riddled with infection 1
My German Shepherd has had chronic ear infections. They have gotten worse since he had bloat, emergency surgery and almost died. He has had so many antibiotics. Wwe thought it w...
Started by jedtee. Last post: 2007-01-16Dog with itchy ears, driving us all mad! 2
Our 2 year old white American Bulldog (large breed) suffers with terribly itchy ears which he scratched til they bleed. We think its a yeats infection, have tried drops from vet wi...
Started by dandilion. Last post: 2007-01-12Help!!!! dog - insomnia 4
Hi. I would greatly appreciate if anybody could help me. Our 10-year old spayed female dog has been suffering from insomnia for almost 2 weeks. It all happened 2 weeks ago when...
Remedies: Rhus Tox
Started by Georgex2. Last post: 2006-12-31Child's severe reaction to dog lick 4
I have posted several times about my son who recovered from really bad eczema though holistic means, including homeopathy. and have mentioned that we still have him on a restricte...
Remedies: Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Sulphur, Urtica Urens, Apis Mellifica, Lycopodium Clavatum, Bovista, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by john34. Last post: 2006-12-23Dogs eating grass 4
Is it healthy for dogs to eat grass?If it's not healthy, is there a remedy that helps with this?...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Citricum Acidum, Yucca, Kali Muriaticum, Zincum Metallicum, Cuprum Metallicum, Pyridoxine
Started by allergic. Last post: 2006-12-22Allergies in dog 3
Hello, I have a 4 year old German Shepherd that I got a quite a few months ago, and she has had some allergy problems when I got her. I have had her muscle tested and have found a ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Ledum Palustre, Thuja Occidentalis, Sepia
Started by hwatson. Last post: 2006-12-21Dogs skin problem 3
My dog, a German Sheper- two years old, is suffering from terrible skin problem for the past six months. I will list out its symptoms and would really appreciate any help that come...
Started by aruna. Last post: 2006-12-21Arthritis - dog 0
Hi. My German Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix is almost 10 years old, and she has arthritis. Her left front leg gets a little bit stiff when she gets up after a long rest. Although...
Started by Georgex2. Last post: 2006-12-11Dog snoring 0
My dog started snoring last year and now this summer started waking up with difficulty breathing, wheezing and coughing. On day when we were out in the yard she was walking towards...
Started by christyblackw. Last post: 2006-11-26Medication for pet dogs hip displacea 2
I would like to know whether homeopathy is effective on animals and if so, my 8month old labrador puppy has hip displacea which the doctor says is a hereditary defect which becomes...
Remedies: Bellis Perennis
Started by sharadbhalla. Last post: 2006-10-19Chronic constipation in my dog 2
Are the homeopathic human remedy suggestions here the same for a dog? When I tried to answer some of the questions all I can do is answer them subjectively as it is my dog that is ...
Started by lexie64. Last post: 2006-10-18Dog ...bladder control 0
My pug is getting older and has a palsy that her homeopathic doctor believes is due to the medicine she was given at an early age. Her back two legs sometimes seem almost paralyze...
Started by merlinberg. Last post: 2006-08-19Dog throwing up and eating grass 2
Hi, 14 year old male chow/cocker spanial mix has not eaten for the past few days. He will not even eat tuna his favorite. He eats grass and then throws up. He also is having lot...
Started by SahuKa. Last post: 2006-08-17Dog heart condition, please help 2
Please give some advice regarding this dog case Breed: Boxer Age: 6 y.o. (male) Weight: 60 pounds Symptoms: Heart enlargement (diagnosed), respiratory failure, tiredness, heart...
Started by zorro_-. Last post: 2006-07-29Need help with rear lameness in dog 124
Hi everyone,I hope someone here can help me...my four year old female Rottie started favouring her left rear leg last August ..almost 6.5 months ago...and I took her to the vet, wh...
Remedies: Sulphur, Ruta Graveolens, Bellis Perennis, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carbonica, Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana, Tilia Europoea, Bryonia, Ledum Palustre, Argentum Metallicum, Conium Maculatum, X-ray, Cannabis Sativa
Started by Ilovemypuppy. Last post: 2006-07-04Dog with Lyme disease 3
HI, my dog has just been diagnosed with Lyme. He is 4, I recently retired him from field work due to just not being with it, and at a muscle test appt she said he was positive for ...
Started by hwatson. Last post: 2006-07-04Need to calm dog 5
Hello all, I have an elderly dog, who has gotten contankerous. Noel is a mixed breed with Poodle hair. Thus, she has to have her hair trimmed regularly. I always did this, but lat...
Remedies: Argentum Metallicum
Started by problem_child. Last post: 2006-06-29Dog w/ Infection & Swollen Gland 2
I have a 10-year old dog with grade 2 mast cell cancer inside his mouth (on his upper lip). My husband and I wanted to avoid all the surgery, chemo and radiation options at first...
Started by gmudogs. Last post: 2006-06-20Dog Wont eat 0
I have a 2 yr old Jack Russell bitch that simply wont eat. In every way she is fit and healthy but eats just enough to keep herself alive. A mouthful every 3 or 4 days, I have trie...
Started by daftmare. Last post: 2006-06-02Muscle paralysis with fever ( dog ) 1
Hi, I have used homeopathics for the past 10 yrs. in acute cases with my pets Question: How would you address these symptoms from a homeopathic view point? need help on what reme...
Started by ibc_jem. Last post: 2006-05-21Dog that wont eat 0
I have a 2 yr old Jack Russell bitch that simply wont eat. In every way she is fit and healthy but eats just enough to keep herself alive. A mouthful every 3 or 4 days, I have trie...
Started by daftmare. Last post: 2006-05-20Need help calming dog for grooming 3
Hello, I have a Saint Bernard that really hates to be groomed. The brush is a toy and the nail clippers are the devil to her. She has dew claws that tend to grow very fast. Trim...
Remedies: Tilia Europoea, Arnica Montana, Sulphur
Started by drainmagik. Last post: 2006-05-11Aggressive dog 8
My neighbours dog is very aggressive.. he is a type of mongrel similar to the white dogs we see in a circus, but brown.. The problem is that we live in a house with independent fla...
Remedies: Tilia Europoea, Sulphur
Started by maya_hari. Last post: 2006-04-28Menstrual bleeding in my dog 1
I have a 12 yr old German Shepherd bitch.Her problems are:- 1. Heavy incessant menstrual bleeding for last one month.2.Occasional fluid discharge from her front right foot.3. She h...
Started by nupuroy. Last post: 2006-04-22Knee dislocation in dog 8
Hi,I have an 11 year old female Pomeranian named Abby. We took her to the vet to get her teeth and ears cleaned and she also got her shots. She was in seemingly perfect health up t...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by johnmack. Last post: 2006-04-21Anal gland problems in dogs 2
My 4 year old mixed breed dog was recently diagnosed with impacted anal glands which were expressed by the vet. She was then given a 7 day course of antibiotic. She is fine now. Bu...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by acappelli913. Last post: 2006-04-20Mammary Tumors in Dog 12
My saluki has developed six tiny bb sized mammary nodules following a heat season. I have read the recommendation in George MacLeod's book "Homeopathic Treatment of Dogs" to u...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Thuja Occidentalis, Glanderine, Kali Iodatum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Sulphur
Started by bahia salukis. Last post: 2006-03-03Cauliflower like growth under tongue of my dog 4
Hi EveryoneI have a 10 year old dobermanand right now he is having a cauliflower like growth under his tongue- towards the right side.Because of this his tongue falls to the left s...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Medorrhinum, Conium Maculatum
Started by kevmin. Last post: 2006-02-17Dog with Pyometra - Very Urgent 6
Here we go again ...History of dog is found here http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/45333/Dog was hospitalised on Friday and put on drip as she was not eating at all for 4 day...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Echinacea Angustifolia, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Sepia, Nux Vomica, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis, Pyrogenium, Sanicula Aqua
Started by mersing. Last post: 2006-02-145 year old dog with epilepsy 2
We have a 5 1/2 year old dog with epilepsy. we would love to get him off of medication. If he does not get even 1 dose he will have a siezure. We are looking for help from anyon...
Remedies: X-ray, Kali Phosphoricum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Calcarea Phosphorica
Started by JoanieG. Last post: 2006-02-13Anxiety of dog 2
We just got a dog from the pound. They vacinated him for five things before releasing him. He has a skin tag hanging from his belly approx. 3 in. x 1/2 in. He is very laid-back ...
Remedies: Juglans Regia
Started by rustyb. Last post: 2006-02-09Obese dog 5
I have a spayed 7 year old dog that is very overweight even though she eats raw food and does not overeat.In her past she was a puppy mill rescue and has been through a lot of grie...
Remedies: Apis Mellifica
Started by Namaste27. Last post: 2006-01-30Dog with Staph infection 2
Our retriever mix was diagnosed with a staff infection by our local vet. Her symptoms are round patchy red areas (ringworm has been ruled out) with hair coming out in tufts. There...
Remedies: Staphysagria
Started by SusanNC. Last post: 2006-01-28Dog alopecia 6
hi, i have a 3 yr old dachshund with the begginning of alopecia, stubble on the chest which is spreading under the arms etc- & whole belly. i need a remedie for him, have done the ...
Remedies: Opium, Phosphorus
Started by SAUSAGEDOG. Last post: 2006-01-24Dogs having allergy during raining season 3
It's been raining almost the whole day every day the last whole month. Now the sun is coming out in the morning and rain continues in the evening. As a result, a number of my ...
Remedies: Dulcamara
Started by mersing. Last post: 2006-01-21Hair Loss in dogs 2
I have three dashounds one two of which have had problems with balding hair loss along the sides of their bodies. One is femal the other male, both have been spayed/neutered. I fee...
Started by bourlon. Last post: 2006-01-20My dogs paw pads 1
I have a wheaten terrier...6 yrs old. He has had a problem with his feet ever since i have had him. the paw pads seem to just suddenly split open.. when this happens he begins t...
Remedies: Calendula Officinalis, Graphites, Sulphur
Started by teejay. Last post: 2006-01-18Dog with bladder infection 10
Hi everyoneMy dog has a bladder infection.She was given an antibiotic andthen became violently ill vomiting every hour.I gave her arsenicum and this stopped the vomiting and she is...
Remedies: Urtica Urens, Sepia, Aqua Marina, Echinacea Angustifolia
Started by Kathy1. Last post: 2006-01-11Was bladder infection now is cyst on tail of dog 0
Hi EveryoneMy sweet standard poodle has a cyst on her tail it is quite large and may have blood vessels.The Vet says it isn'tcancerous.What can I do naturally speaking to brin...
Started by Kathy1. Last post: 2006-01-11Dog suffering from Chronic Kidney Failure :( 7
Hi,My 8yr old cocker spaniel was diagonised with kidney failure 5days back........... i took her to a vet but he gave some medication with IV drops and admitted her in hospital for...
Remedies: Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Pepsi
Started by kamini_pemmaiah. Last post: 2006-01-03Neurotic dog (bichon friese) 0
Please help with a crazy little 2 yr old dog. He is fearful of water and gets VERY distressed when anyone goes into the swimming pool, or splashes in the bath. He will whimper and ...
Started by Jo Jo. Last post: 2005-12-29Dog with hysterical excitement/urination problem 7
Hi, this is my first post here but I have been a reader of the forums for some time.I am looking for some help with my 3.5yr old male (neutered) dog.The problem is one of excessive...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus
Started by dragonfly. Last post: 2005-11-25Dog is fear aggressive 7
My dog is 9 yrs old. Unfortunately he has been bitten 7-8 times and has become fear aggressive. Thus as soon as he sees a dog (small, big, puppy, female dog) he tries to show that ...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Sulphur, Graphites, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by jatan. Last post: 2005-11-23Dog - Fear of thunderstorm 7
I am fostering a dog that is very frightful of thunder and lightning. When the storm is approaching, she will sense it in the air and will start to get restlessness. During the sto...
Remedies: Gelsemium Sempervirens, Phosphorus, Graphites, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by mersing. Last post: 2005-11-12Panting in Dog 10
My dog has been excessively panting and has been sitting right at my side for about a week.Historyon thyroid meds (hypothyroid)when we got her last year, she is 7, dosage was cut b...
Remedies: Aconitum Napellus, Natrum Muriaticum, Staphysagria, Ignatia Amara, Phosphorus, Sanicula Aqua, Arsenicum Album, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Chininum Arsenicosum, Chininum Muriaticum, Chininum Sulphuricum, Sulphur, Mercurius Vivus, Petroselinum, Alfalfa
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2005-11-08"brave" dog problem 1
Hi,what is a possible remedy for a big dig that is a lion at home but a mouse outside. (around people and city noise).no problem when he's in nature.thanx...
Started by Eיוג. Last post: 2005-10-30Need help with my dog she has demodectic mange severe 0
Hello I have a dog with Demodectic mangr or Red mange I belong to a holostic yahoo group a person suggested getting a product called Sulph 200 can anyone here tell me which proguct...
Started by Judy Mayes. Last post: 2005-10-18Dog skin itching 5
Hi Joe, Hope it is Ok to talk about my dog on this site.He is suffering from itchy skin, scratches and causes the skin to break and become sore.He was brought from the UK to NZ 2 y...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by michele. Last post: 2005-10-04Dog with bleeding gums 3
My 11 month old Shetland Sheepdog has red, but not swollen, bleeding gums. The redness is much darker closer to the teeth and his breath is unpleasant. His tongue is normal, no coa...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Phosphorus, Mercurius Vivus, Calendula Officinalis, Hamamelis Virginica
Started by prunie8. Last post: 2005-09-18Dog - Homeopathic healing and skin eruptions 5
Thanks for reading this. About 2 months ago we went to see a homeopathic vet, after our little Maltese, Edelweiss, had a bad bout of diarrhea. Since then we have changed her over...
Remedies: Sulphur, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Natrum Muriaticum, Cortisone, Lycopodium Clavatum, Mercurius Vivus, Sanicula Aqua
Started by mmuelle. Last post: 2005-08-16Anxious Dog 3
In September, we adopted a starving street dog. He was neutered probably too young. He has been on a raw meat diet and has been quite healthy. We had to go overseas for five wee...
Remedies: Ignatia Amara, Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by Armando. Last post: 2005-08-04Dog obsessive compulsive disorder 1
My dog is a lab/sheppard who has a penchant for loud excitable screaming in the car when he is seemingly excited to go to the lake or park. Once there, he finds the biggest log he ...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by stillpoint. Last post: 2005-07-15Dog with severe puncture wounds/lacerations 52
My outside dog, was apparantly attacked last night either by a coyote or a pack of wild dogs.His injuries are all puncture wounds, the worse one is on his leg, about 12 wounds in a...
Remedies: Bellis Perennis, Calendula Officinalis, Ledum Palustre, Arnica Montana, Echinacea Angustifolia, Hypericum Perforatum, Apis Mellifica, Aconitum Napellus, Argentum Metallicum, Staphysagria, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Belladonna, Angelica Atropurpurea, Pyrogenium, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Ignatia Amara, Hydrangea Arborescens, Natrum Muriaticum, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Plantago Major, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Sulphur, Psorinum
Started by Namaste27. Last post: 2005-07-14Dog wound, fur and skin torn off, help for healing process 6
Hello - My dog got caught in a bolt and it tore a portion of her fur/ skin off, about the size of a silver dollar. My holistic vet told me to flush with iodine, apply neosporin / t...
Remedies: Bellis Perennis, Calendula Officinalis
Started by itserich. Last post: 2005-07-1221 month old golden retriever dog having surgery 12
Are homeopathic remedies made the same way for humans as for animals? Can you give dogs the sugar pills or do you have to dilute them? What is a good remedy to give after surgery?...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, X-ray, Staphysagria, Bellis Perennis, Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Kali Chlorosum, Calendula Officinalis, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by Suzy528. Last post: 2005-06-17Dog hyperventilating, fast heart, overexcited 3
Any ideas for a dog who is hyperventilating, pacing, whining, very fast heart, very excited, can't settle down?He would normally be a strammonium type dog, I think, but I don&...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Aconitum Napellus, Passiflora Incarnata, Arnica Montana
Started by Bodhitshe. Last post: 2005-06-09Dog with recurrent bad ears 2
Hi therewondered if anyone could advise me on a problem I have with one of my dogs a black labrador aged 11 years. For years he has suffered with recurrent bad ear infections aand ...
Remedies: Argentum Metallicum
Started by gerth. Last post: 2005-05-20Non-toxic dog dewormer study 1
We would be grateful if anyone would be interested in reviewing a nine page document resulting from clinical trials on dogs that we asked the Veterinary Science Department of St. P...
Started by lblakey. Last post: 2005-04-24Dog phobia - please help! 6
I am 24 years old, female. Growing up, I was never around animals. I can't take walks around the neighborhood because I'm fearful that there will be dogs. I don't ...
Remedies: Tuberculinum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by joan24. Last post: 2005-03-30Dog phobia 8
Can anyone recommend a remedy for my 6 yo. daughter? She is absolutely terrified of dogs. If one comes near her, she screams, cries, and if not picked up right away, will literal...
Started by jonesrk. Last post: 2005-01-02Child worse after dog wailing 3
Hi-- my son is doing a vaccine sequential therapy, and so some of what I am seeing could be related to that BUT things took a dramatic change after a new girl moved in to the neigh...
Remedies: Coca, Cola, Pepsi
Started by merrybees. Last post: 2004-08-07Hypothyroidism in DOg 1
We adopted a dog with hypothyroidism and she is on thyroxine, .6mg, 2x per day.Are there any other natural remedies, specifically homeopathy, that can help her....
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2004-05-31Senior Dog with HypoThyroidism 1
We just adopted a 6.5 year old golden retriever. She came on throid medicine for a hypothyroid. It is given 2x daily. I am hoping to wean her off the medicine, but, not knowing ...
Started by maltesemd. Last post: 2004-04-25Baby dog 3
hi everybody!we have this little baby dog. it's a girl, 7 weeks old now. She was the smallest in the litter, but very strong; like the smallest ones often are - a little fight...
Started by itsme. Last post: 2004-04-17Hair Loss on Dog after neutered 0
I have a Toy Poodle whose testicles never dropped. Since the Vet had a concern of cancer eventually developing, I had the testicles removed which were inside the body. Over the p...
Started by hlham. Last post: 2003-11-21
As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.
If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.